
I have taught the following courses at Lehigh:
(click link for recent syllabus)

  • ISE 220, Introduction to Deterministic Models in Operations Research (most recent: Spring 2016
  • ISE 251, Production and Inventory Control (most recent: Fall 2004)
  • ISE/WGSS 296, Algorithms and Social Justice (to be offered Spring 2022)
  • ISE 320/420, Service Systems Engineering (most recent: Fall 2019)
  • ISE 362, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (most recent: Fall 2021)
  • ISE 402, Applied Models in Operations Research (most recent: Spring 2021)
  • ISE 412, Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management (most recent: Fall 2018)
  • ISE 425, Advanced Inventory Theory (most recent: Spring 2014)
  • Engr 5, Introduction to Engineering Practice (most recent: Fall 2014)

New Class: ISE/WGSS 296, Algorithms and Social Justice

Professors Suzanne Edwards (WGSS and English) and Larry Snyder (ISE and I-DISC)
Fall 2022
4 credits, SS designation

This course explores how algorithms—from Internet search engines to predictive policing software to resume screening systems—reflect and magnify social inequality. Students will read and discuss scholarship on the history of science and technology, feminist/critical race theory, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). The course also has a computing component, with hands-on experiments and projects. Course topics include race, gender, sexuality, and class in the context of criminal justice and policing, search engines and social media, ranking and rating, and optimization.

This elective course is open to all students from CAS or RCEAS and is designed to encourage peer-to-peer learning across the humanities, social sciences, and engineering. There are no prerequisites and no prior computer programming experience is required. A key goal of the course will be to instill in students from technical fields an awareness of how social structures are a part of their work, so that their design choices are informed, from the ground up, by humanistic inquiry. Conversely, the course will provide humanists with deeper awareness of how technical tools shape—and are shaped by—humanistic thought.  

Space in the course is limited to 24 students, with a maximum of 12 from CAS and 12 from RCEAS.

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