Data Sets for “Stochastic p-Robust Location Problems”


The algorithms described in this paper were tested on several data sets, as described in Section 7 of the paper. The non-random data sets are each contained in the Excel files below. Three of the data sets (49, 88, and 150 nodes) are adapted from Daskin (1995); the fourth is adapted from Swain (1971).

In each data set, the first row indicates the number of customers and the number of scenarios. The second row lists the probabilities for each scenario. Each successive row contains data for one scenario/node pair, including: scenario index, node index, demand, fixed cost, latitude, and longitude.

Additional information can be found in the Excel files themselves and in Section 7.1 of the paper.


You may download the data sets using the links below.  I would appreciate your filling out and submitting the following form before downloading; however, if you wish to download the software anonymously, simply skip the form and click the download links below.

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    Click a file below to download it, or click here to download a zip file that contains all four data sets.

    • data49pSLoc.xls: 49-node great-circle data set (48 continental U.S. state capitals plus Washington, DC; 1990 census data)
    • data88pSLoc.xls: 88-node great-circle data set (49-node set plus 50 largest U.S. cities minus duplicates; 1990 census data)
    • data150pSLoc.xls: 150-node great-circle data set (150 largest U.S. cities; 1990 census data)
    • dataSwain_pSLoc.xls: 55-node data set from Swain (1971))

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