Research Grants
- GOALI: Machine learning approaches for supply chain decision-making. NSF grant #CMMI-1663256. July 2017–June 2020. Co-PI. (PI: Martin Takáč (Lehigh ISE).)
- An interdisciplinary approach to integratable, composable and evolvable cybersecurity in energy delivery systems. DOE grant #DE-OE0000779. October 2015–September 2020. Co-PI. (PI: Alan Mantooth (U Arkansas). Lehigh PI: Rick Blum (ECE).)
- CRISP Type 2/Collaborative Research: Probabilistic resilience assessment of interdependent systems (PRAISys). NSF grant #CMMI-1541177. September 2015–August 2018. Co-PI. (PI: Paolo Bocchini (Lehigh CEE).)
- CyberSEES: Type 2: Ocean wave energy and the power grid: Optimization and integration. NSF grant #CCF-1442858. January 2015–December 2018. Co-PI. (PI: Shalinee Kishore (Lehigh ECE). Other Co-PIs: Arindam Banerjee (Lehigh MEM), Rick Blum (Lehigh ECE), Alberto Lamadrid (Lehigh Economics).)
- GOALI: Optimizing the design of ocean wave energy farms. NSF grant #CMMI-1400164. June 2014–May 2017. PI. (Co-PIs: Rick Blum (Lehigh ECE), Kathleen Edwards (Ocean Power Technologies), Shalinee Kishore (Lehigh ECE).)
- Purchasing and inventory management in disrupted supply chains: The reverse bullwhip effect. NSF grant #DMI-0726822. August 2007–July 2010. PI, with Zuo-Jun Max Shen (Berkeley IEOR).
- Modeling and mitigating supply chain vulnerabilities. NSF grant #DMI-0522725. September 2005–August 2008. Sole PI.
- Capacity planning for a gases supply chain with network disruptions and interruptible power. Air Products and Chemicals. September 2008-July 2010.
- Capacity planning for a gases supply chain with network disruptions and interruptible power. PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance). FY2009.
- Computational models and algorithms for enterprise-wide optimization of process industries. PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance). FY2009.
- Resiliency and robustness for the chemical and industrial gases industries. Air Products and Chemicals. August 2007–July 2008.
- Resiliency and robustness for the chemical and industrial gases industries. PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance). FY2008.
- Computational models and algorithms for enterprise-wide optimization of process industries. PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance). FY2008.
- Network optimization software and algorithms for a confectionary supply chain. Just Born, Inc. July 2007–June 2008.
- Network optimization software and algorithms for a confectionary supply chain. PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance). FY2008.
- Strategies for coping with supply chain disruptions. IBM Integrated Supply Chain. August 2005–July 2006. With George R. Wilson.
- Managing capacity and inventory in the high-tech manufacturing industry. Agere Systems. August 2005–July 2006.
- Managing capacity and inventory in the high-tech manufacturing industry. PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance). FY2006.
- Control Mechanisms for Electricity Supply and Demand in SmartGrids. Lehigh University Faculty Innovation Grant. June 2010-May 2011. With Shalinee Kishore (ECE Department).
- The reverse bullwhip in disrupted supply chains. Lehigh University Faculty Research Grant. FY2005-2006.
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