
Teach Courses

At Lehigh University
  • Conic Optimization 2024 – present
  • Special Topics
  • Introduction to Mathematical Optimization – Fall 2013 to 2022
  • Optimization Methods and Software – Spring 2010 to Present
  • Introduction to Mathematical Programming – Fall 2009 to Fall 2012
  • Interior Point Methods – Spring 2009
At McMaster University
At Delft University of Technology
  • a184 – Algorithms for unconstrained nonlinear programming
  • a188 – Nonlinear programming: Theory and algorithms
  • a195 – Discrete dynamic programming
  • a87CT – Introduction to operations research for civile engineering
  • Wi187 (a87I) – Introduction to operations research
  • Wi387 – Nonlinear optimization
  • IHE/TREND(a87I) – Engineering mathematics
  • Ph.D. Course – M2 Convex Optimization
At Other Place
  • Mathematical Programming
  • Linear Programming
  • Extensions of Linear Programming
  • Nonlinear Programming
  • Unconstrained Optimization
  • Network Flows
  • Introduction to Operations Research
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Oriented Matroids
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Calculus
  • Structured Optimization
  • Convex Optimization in Engineering

  • Interior Point Methods
  • Introduction to Linear Optimization
  • Network Models and Algorithms

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