Postdoc Position
Fields of Interest
- Quantum Computing Optimization
- Service System Optimization;
- Interior Point Methods for linear and nonlinear optimization, Semidefinite Optimization, engineering applications;
- Linear optimization, pivot methods, network flows, applications;
- Sensitivity analysis, quadratic optimization, linear complementarity problems;
- Nonlinear optimization, geometrical programming, lp programming, cutting plane and decomposition methods;
- Applications of OR and optimization methods, especially in production, engineering, structural design, water management, optimizing nuclear reactors.
- Integer and combinatorial optimization;
- Oriented matroid programming;
Research Projects
- The Quantum Computing Revolution and Optimization: Challanges and Opportunities, DARPA #W911NF2010022
- Proton Therapy Treatment Optimization (2021-2024)
- Sponsorship generated for the 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia
- SAS – Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Optimization (2015-2017)
- AFOSR – Optimal Composite Material Wing Design Via Disjunctive Conic Cuts (2015-2018), leading co-PI, interdisciplinary and multi-institutional collaboration, co-PI Luis Zuluaga, ISE Lehigh and Joaquim J. Martins, Aerospace Engineering. University of Michigan
- Department of Correction, Pennsylvania – Multiobjective Integer Linear Optimization (MILO) Models for Inmates Institutional Assignment (2014-2018), Project leader
- NSF – High-performance numerical methods supporting radiation therapy treatment planning (2014)
- Mitsubishi Research Labs, Boston, MA – Dynamical Systems and Optimization (2014)
- TAMOP Project – Simulation and Optimization in Engineering Applications (2012-2014), sub-project leader, Szechenyi University, Gyor, Hungary. Funded by the European Union.
- TAMOP Project – Simulation and Optimization in Engineering Applications (2009-2011), sub-project leader, Szechenyi University, Gyor, Hungary. Funded by the European Union
- Lehigh University Start-up Research Grant – Optimization Methods and Applications (2008-2013)
- MITACS – Princes Margaret Hospital: 2D Fluoroscopic Image Registration for Target Localization and Patient Monitoring in Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (2007)
- NSERC-RTI: High Performance Computational Optimization (2006)
- MITACS – Princes Margaret Hospital: Robust IMRT Optimization (2006)
- MITACS Project: High Performance Optimization and Engineering Applications (2006-2008)
- NSERC Canada: High Performance Optimization (2004-2009)
- MITACS project: New Interior Point Methods and Software for Convex Conic-Linear Optimization and Their Application to Solve VLSI Circuit Layout Problems(2002)
- IBM Faculty Partnership Award: New Interior Point Algorithms and Software (2000-2001)
- CFI-OIT Canada: Advanced Optimization Laboratory (2000-2001)
- NSERC Canada: High Performance Optimization (2000-2004)
- NWO-project: High Performance Methods of Mathematical Optimization. (Ph.D. project, J. Peng) 1997-2001.
- Reactor Core optimization (Ph.D.-project Arie Quist). In cooperation with the TU. Delft Interfaculty Reactor Institute (Dr. Ir. Hoogenboom) 1995-1999.
- NWO-project 613-302-216/004: High Performance parallel algorithms for frequency assignment problem. (postdoc project, D. Pasechnik) 1997-1999.
- NWO-project 613-304-044: Semidefinite optimization and system control (Ph.D. project). In cooperation with Control Theory groups of Electrotechnic (Prof. Ir. H.B. Verbruggen) and Mechanical
- Engineering (Prof. Ir. O.H. Bosgra) 1997-2001.
- STW-project DPR66.4056: Design and Implementation of Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming Algorithms (Ph.D. project G.J. Kloosterman). In cooperation with Paragon Decision
- Technology B.V., Haarlem (Prof. Dr. J. Bischop) 1997-1998.
- STW-project: Integral Lineair LF Vermogensversterkers (Ph.D. project Reza Mahmoudi). In cooperation with Philips and the Faculty of Electrotechniek (DIMES, Prof. Dr. Ir. J.W. Slotboom,
- Prof. Dr. C.I.M. Beenakker, J.L.Tauritz, M.Sc) 1996-1999.
- Ph.D. program: Optimization of Batch Processes in cooperation with Interduct (Prof. Dr. Ir. M.P.C. Weijnen) 1996-2000.
- SHELL-project on sensitivity analysis, with Prof. Dr. H. Greenberg (University of Colorado at Denver, USA) 1997.
- AQARIUS-project. Research contract with the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Management (Prof. Ir. W.A. van Segeren, Dr. A. Lobbrecht) en Dr. Cs. Mészáros (Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 1995-1997.
- Guest professorschip for Prof. Dr. A. Nemirovski (TECHNION), 1998 en Prof. Dr. R. Freund (MIT) 1999.
- Marie Curie fellowship (post-doc project by EU) 1998-2000: Dr. E. Andersen (Odense University, Denmark).
- Research-fellow (post-doc project) 1997-1998: Prof. J.E. Mitchell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY).
- Research-fellow (post-doc project) 1996-1997: Dr. Tibor Illés (Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary).
- Host and supervisor for “Perigrinato” fellowship for Dr. T. Illés (1994) and M. Ujvári (1999), both Eötvös University Budapest.
- Host and supervisor in 1999 for Belgian scientific research fellowship of F. Glineur, Polytechnique de Mons.
- Participant of the NATO CALMA project “Radio Link Frequency Assignment”. Delft. (1994–1995)
- Participant of the project “Interior Point Methods”. NWO (National Science Foundation), Delft. (1991–1995)
- Leader of the project “Interior Point Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Programming”. Hungarian National Sciences Foundation, No. OTKA 2116. (1990–94)
- Leader of the project “Pivot Methods and Oriented Matroid Programming”. Hungarian National Sciences Foundation, No. OTKA 2115. (1990–94)
- Participant of the project “Interior Point Methods”. KoninklijkeShell–Laboratorium, Amsterdam. (1989–1993)
- Leader and participant of several theoretical and applied research projects in Hungary. (Hungarian National Science Foundation (OTKA), Hungarian Airlines (MALÉV), Hungarian Oil and Gas Industry.)
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