How to?

How to become my student/postdoc/visiting scholar

Here is a list of frequently asked questions with answers. Please read carefully before contacting me.

    1. Q: What type of graduate students do you take?

A: To be my student, you must satisfy all the university requirements (like the minimum TOEFL, GRE and GPA requirements). You should have a Bachelor’s/Masters/Ph.D. degree in either Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics or Operations Research from a reputable school with high GPA. Moreover, basic knowledge of optimization methods is required. To have some research experience (e.g., journal publications, conference presentations) from reputable research institutes, or have won prestigious national/international awards are important plus.

A good transcript is mostly not sufficient! You have to be strong in mathematics: calculus, numerical analysis, linear algebra, discrete mathematics/graph theory, optimization theory, algorithms, complexity theory is desirable. You need to have excellent communication skills. A good TOEFL/GRE score is not sufficient!! I am looking for strongly motivated students dedicated to research excellence.

    1. Q: Can I be your student if I do not have an Industrial and Systems Engineering degree?

A: Qualified, excellent students with mathematics/operations research degree might be admitted as my student.

    1. Q: Can I come to see you and introduce myself?

A: I do interview prospective students whenever possible. During the interview I try to assess the applicant’s academic background, research curiosity technical and communication skills. Detailed questions will be asked. Overseas students might expect a telephone interview. However, applicants SHOULD NOT come to my office without prior invitation.

Interview will happen only after examining your application package and if it is pre-arranged.

    1. Q: How/when to apply?

A: If you believe you are qualified, you can formally apply at the Industrial and Systems Engineering WEB site . Your application will be screened and ranked first by a departmental Graduate Admissions Committee. All successfully screened applications will be made available to faculty members for possible admission. You should contact Joyce Lai Gabay, the graduate student coordinator for all application related questions.

    1. Q: Will I receive financial support? How much is it?

A: Currently all my students receive financial support through either teaching assistantship, or other university/government scholarships. Self-funding (e.g., foreign government scholarship) is welcome, but it does not increase your chance of being accepted. Exact amount of funding varies from student to student, but it will be enough for you to get a student visa and to support an average student life. Some students may receive sizeable extra research stipend in recognition of their outstanding academic performance.

    1. Q: How do I apply for a postdoctoral/visiting scholar position?

A: You should send me your resume electronically with a detailed list of publications, research/educational experience and sample publications, and suggest a few names of references who can comment on your research accomplishment and communication skills. If I find your background/record interesting, I will contact you for further details/interview. Applications for postdoc/visitor positions are accepted all year round. The exact level of financial support will depend on your research experience, academic accomplishment, and the availability of funds.

    1. Q: What do your students/postdocs do after finishing working with you?

A: Almost all of my former Ph.D. students got academic positions, some work in high-tech consulting companies. Most former M.Sc. students work at high tech companies or research labs.

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