Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications
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  • Abstract submission

    Important Dates:

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    • You will be redirected to our Abstract submission page by selecting the link below.
    • The Abstract submission page requires that you create an account.
    • Once the account is created and you have verified the email, you will be able to log in and complete the Abstract submission process.

    MOPTA 2024 Abstract and Poster Submission

    • Abstracts for contributed talks, invited talks, and poster presentations are now being accepted.
    • Authors are allowed to submit more than one Abstract and give more than one talk. The maximum allowed limit of words for each Abstract is 250.
    • When submitting an Abstract, authors can include the name, email, and affiliation of co-authors in the Author Information box. Authors should write their own name and email in the Presenter Information box. Authors should specify the type of Abstract they are submitting (whether Contributed Talk, Invited Talk, MOPTA Poster, or iMOPTA Poster) in the Submission Type field within the Presenter Information box.

    • Attendees who wish to organize one or more sessions should fill out the form available at the link below and ask each speaker in their sessions to submit their Abstracts as invited talks. MOPTA conference sessions consist of three 25-minute presentations, including Q&A.

    MOPTA 2024 Session Submission

    MOPTA and iMOPTA Poster Sessions

    • For the MOPTA Poster Session, we invite submissions that address significant research problems in both theoretical and applied aspects of continuous and discrete optimization.
    • For the iMOPTA Poster Session, we welcome industry-oriented research and student projects that focus on industrial innovation and discuss the research behind it.
    • To present a poster and participate in a poster session, presenters must submit an abstract for poster presentation here by the Abstract submission deadline.
    • A presenter needs to bring a hard copy of the poster, which should not exceed 36″ x 48″ in size.
    • All poster presenters must be registered for the MOPTA 2024 conference.
    • All poster presenters are allowed to give other talks at the conference if they wish to do so.

    MOPTA and iMOPTA Poster Competitions

    • All posters presented in the MOPTA Poster Session will enter the MOPTA Poster Competition automatically.
    • The winner of the MOPTA Poster Competition will be selected by a panel of judges and announced at the conference banquet.
    • All posters presented in the iMOPTA Poster Session will receive an honorable mention at the conference banquet.

    OPTE Special Issue:

    "Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) 2024"

    Submission Due Date: October 30, 2024


    This special issue aims to attract high-quality papers that showcase the interactions between optimization and engineering, and so it focuses on modeling and optimization theory and includes high-impact engineering applications. Submitted papers may address important problems ranging from data science and machine learning to quantum computing and applied operations research. The goal is to present exciting developments on theoretical or practical aspects of continuous, discrete, and stochastic optimization. The call is open to all types of papers, including theoretical, applied, algorithmic, or computational focus, as well as those that combine these features. We are interested in applications of optimization in many different areas, including, but not limited to, machine learning, quantum computing, healthcare, supply chain management, energy, engineering design, and finance.

    The call encourages submissions from speakers at the MOPTA 2024 conference and their collaborators, but the special issue is open to high-quality submissions from any interested authors.

    Submission Procedure

    Please submit to the Optimization and Engineering (OPTE) journal at and select the special issue "SI: MOPTA 2024". All submissions must be original and may not be under review at any other journal or proceedings. Interested authors should consult the journal’s "Instructions for Authors" guide, at All submitted papers will be reviewed on a peer-review basis as standard for OPTE.

    Guest Editors:
    • Tommaso Giovannelli,  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University  ()
    • Tamás Terlaky,  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University  ()
    • Xiu Yang,  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University  ()

    All inquiries should be directed to the attention of

    Tommaso Giovannelli, Guest Editor
    Optimization and Engineering (OPTE) Journal