Archive for the ‘Sabbatical’ Category.


We stayed the night in Naples and had dinner at a famous pizzeria, whose name is escaping me at the moment.


We stayed the night at a beautiful, rustic B&B located within a vineyard near Montepulciano. In the morning, although it was raining, we walked around the town, visited a cafe, did some wine tasting, and then had pannini for lunch before heading towards Naples. Because of the rain, I didn’t take very many pictures, but here are a few.


For dinner, we stopped in Siena and ate at this wonderful little family-run restaurant specializing in fresh pasta. No pictures this time, but here are some from my last visit.


We drove through the Chianti region and stopped in Castellina for a little wine-tasting. We were planning to have dinner there, but not much was open.



For lunch, we stopped in the picturesque Tuscan town of Volterra. It’s a cute little medieval town on top of a hill overlooking beautiful countryside. I didn’t actually take many pictures of it, but here are a few.



This morning, we stopped by Pisa so we could get the obligatory pictures of the leaning tower.

Cinque Terre

Today, we left on our whirlwind tour of Italy. The first stop was Cinque Terre, a beautiful region on the coast of Italy consisting of five small towns connected by a walking path by the sea. Here are some pictures.

Geek Humor

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says “You guys are idiots,” and pours two beers.


Today, I went to Milan for a few days to visit my friend Edoardo Amaldi and give a talk at Politecnico di Milano. I spent the day walking around Milan, but unfortunately, I somehow deleted all my pictures except for the ones I took after dark. Oh well! Here are the ones I took at night.

Bologna to Ferrara

I was planning to cycle to Ferrara to complete trips to the four cities to the North, South, East, and West of Bologna, but unfortunately, I left too late to make it all the way to Ferrara. I did make it to within about 15 kilometers or so, though, before being forced to turn around to make it back before dark. I was riding like a madman to get as far as possible in the time I had and the route was honestly not all that remarkable, so no pictures today! But you can click here for the route map.