Archive for the ‘Sabbatical’ Category.

Another Earthquake!

Wow, another earthquake in Melbourne. This one about 4.5 on the Richter scale.

Ride to the Dandenongs

Today, I braved the rain again and I took a ride out east of Melbourne to the Dandenongs, the closest mountains to Melbourne. Here is the route map.

Tour of Melbourne

Today, I braved the rain and took a ride around Melbourne, starting with bike path along the Yarra, continuing through the central business district, then out by the port, over through the zoo area and then back by way of University of Melbourne. Here is the route map.

Ride Around the East Bay

I just took my first longish ride in Melbourne after buying a bike (it was too expensive to bring mine from the U.S.). My first long ride was around the east coast of the bay. I didn’t stop for many pictures, but you can take a look at the route and a few snapshots here.


Hey, we had an earthquake here in Melbourne tonight. Never felt one before. This was about 4.5 on the Richter scale. Not enough to do damage, but I definitely felt it!

Arrived in Melbourne

Today, I arrived in Melbourne. Seems like a great city so far!

Christchurch and University of Canterbury

The final stop for my New Zealand tour.

Lake Tekapo

A beautiful man-made lake near Mount Cook used for generating hydro power. The pictures of Lake Tekapo are at the end of the Mount Cook album below.

Mount Cook National Park

Dunedin and Otago Peninsula

The southern city of Dunedin famous for the Otago Peninsula and as the home of Cadbury Chocolate. Who knew?! (more pictures coming soon)