
Doctor of Philosophy, Industrial and Systems Engineering (August 2024)             Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA

  • Research Methods: Simulation Based Optimization, Distributionally Robust Optimization,  Supervised Machine Learning,

Master of Engineering, Industrial Engineering (January 2017)                                        Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA

  • Coursework: Advanced Topics in Business Analytics, Mining Large Datasets, Computational Methods in Optimization, Nonlinear Optimization, Applied Models in Operations Research

Master of Science, Industrial Engineering (September 2015)                                        Bilkent University, Turkey

  • Coursework: Mathematical Programming, Probabilistic Analysis, Linear Programming, Discrete Optimization, Network Flows, Machine Scheduling

Erasmus Student, Business and Management (June 2014)                    ICHEC Brussels Management School, Belgium

  • Coursework: Fundamentals of International Economics, Marketing: Consumer Behavior, Negotiation Techniques

Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering (June 2012)                                              Bilkent University, Turkey


  • PhD Student of the Year Award                                                                  Lehigh University
  • INFORMS Winter Simulation Conference – Travel Grant                    National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Teaching Assistant – College of Business and Economics                  Lehigh University
  • Rossin Doctoral Fellowship                                                                          Lehigh University
  • Dean’s Doctoral Assistantship                                                                     Lehigh University
  • Full grant from Erasmus Program Ministry for EU Affairs, Republic of Turkey
  • Master’s Study Research Funding from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
  • Merit-based Scholarship (tuition, housing, and monthly stipend)                  Bilkent University
  • High Honor / Honor List, 2008-2015                                                                        Bilkent University