Who Should Sponsor:
- Lehigh ISE alumni
- Industry companies owned by Lehigh ISE alumni
- Industry companies where Lehigh ISE alumni hold leadership positions
- Members of the Lehigh ISE Community, including current students and their parents
- Industry companies or institutions interested in promoting Lehigh ISE
Benefits of Sponsorship:
- Build your name or brand awareness to 3,000+ Lehigh ISE alumni, all partnering companies of our Enterprise Systems Center, and all other ISE departments in the country
- Associate your name or brand with the Lehigh ISE 100 Celebration in perpetuity
- Explore great networking opportunities in your field
DIAMOND LEVEL $50,000.00 (single opportunity)
- Naming of the whole Lehigh ISE 100 Program
- Verbal/slide recognition at the opening session of all Events
- One-time email use to address the entire Lehigh ISE alumni community
- 125-word listing online
- Recognition on website, signage, and print of all events
- Recognition on website of the Lehigh ISE 100 Program (size proportional to sponsorship level)
- Name engraved on a plaque “Lehigh ISE 100” to be posted at Mohler 1st Floor Lounge (font size proportional to sponsorship level)
PLATINUM LEVEL $25,000.00 (single opportunity)
- Naming of the Mobile App Lehigh ISE 100 Program
- Naming of 3 Events and verbal/slide recognition at the opening session of the 3 Events
- 100-word listing online
- Recognition on website, signage, and print of 3 Events
- Recognition on website of the Lehigh ISE 100 Program (size proportional to sponsorship level)
- Name engraved on a plaque “Lehigh ISE 100” to be posted at Mohler 1st Floor Lounge (font size proportional to sponsorship level)
GOLD LEVEL $10,000.00
- Naming of one Event and verbal/slide recognition at the opening session of the Event
- Co-sponsorship of the Lehigh ISE social media platforms for 2 years (facebook, linkedln, twitter, instagram)
- 75-word listing online
- Recognition on website, signage, and print of the Event
- Recognition on website of the Lehigh ISE 100 Program (size proportional to sponsorship level)
- Name engraved on a plaque “Lehigh ISE 100” to be posted at Mohler 1st Floor Lounge (font size proportional to sponsorship level)
SILVER LEVEL $2,500.00
- 50-word listing online
- ISE Newsletter front cover co-sponsoring (3 numbers)
- Recognition on website of the Lehigh ISE 100 Program (size proportional to sponsorship level)
- Name engraved on a plaque “Lehigh ISE 100” to be posted at Mohler 1st Floor Lounge (font size proportional to sponsorship level)
BRONZE LEVEL $1,000.00
- ISE Newsletter back cover co-sponsoring (3 numbers)
- Recognition on website of the Lehigh ISE 100 Program (size proportional to sponsorship level)
- Name engraved on a plaque “Lehigh ISE 100” to be posted at Mohler 1st Floor Lounge (font size proportional to sponsorship level)