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SbbRounding Class Reference

#include <SbbHeuristic.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SbbRounding:

SbbHeuristic List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SbbRounding (SbbModel &model)
 SbbRounding (const SbbRounding &)
virtual SbbHeuristicclone () const

virtual void setModel (SbbModel *model)
 update model (This is needed if cliques update matrix etc)

virtual int solution (double &objectiveValue, double *newSolution)
void setSeed (int value)
 Set seed.

Protected Attributes

CoinPackedMatrix matrix_
CoinPackedMatrix matrixByRow_
int seed_

Private Member Functions

SbbRoundingoperator= (const SbbRounding &rhs)
 Illegal Assignment operator.

Detailed Description

Rounding class

Definition at line 67 of file SbbHeuristic.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

int SbbRounding::solution double &  objectiveValue,
double *  newSolution

returns 0 if no solution, 1 if valid solution with better objective value than one passed in Sets solution values if good, sets objective value (only if good) This is called after cuts have been added - so can not add cuts

Implements SbbHeuristic.

Definition at line 86 of file SbbHeuristic.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::getColLower(), OsiSolverInterface::getColSolution(), OsiSolverInterface::getColUpper(), OsiSolverInterface::getDblParam(), SbbModel::getDblParam(), OsiSolverInterface::getNumCols(), OsiSolverInterface::getObjCoefficients(), OsiSolverInterface::getObjSense(), OsiSolverInterface::getObjValue(), OsiSolverInterface::getRowLower(), OsiSolverInterface::getRowUpper(), SbbModel::integerVariable(), OsiSolverInterface::isInteger(), SbbModel::numberIntegers(), solution(), and SbbModel::solver().

Referenced by solution().

00088 {
00090   OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver();
00091   const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
00092   const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
00093   const double * rowLower = solver->getRowLower();
00094   const double * rowUpper = solver->getRowUpper();
00095   const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();
00096   const double * objective = solver->getObjCoefficients();
00097   double integerTolerance = model_->getDblParam(SbbModel::SbbIntegerTolerance);
00098   double primalTolerance;
00099   solver->getDblParam(OsiPrimalTolerance,primalTolerance);
00101   int numberRows = matrix_.getNumRows();
00103   int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
00104   const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();
00105   int i;
00106   double direction = solver->getObjSense();
00107   double newSolutionValue = direction*solver->getObjValue();
00108   int returnCode = 0;
00110   // Column copy
00111   const double * element = matrix_.getElements();
00112   const int * row = matrix_.getIndices();
00113   const int * columnStart = matrix_.getVectorStarts();
00114   const int * columnLength = matrix_.getVectorLengths();
00115   // Row copy
00116   const double * elementByRow = matrixByRow_.getElements();
00117   const int * column = matrixByRow_.getIndices();
00118   const int * rowStart = matrixByRow_.getVectorStarts();
00119   const int * rowLength = matrixByRow_.getVectorLengths();
00121   // Get solution array for heuristic solution
00122   int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
00123   double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
00124   memcpy(newSolution,solution,numberColumns*sizeof(double));
00126   double * rowActivity = new double[numberRows];
00127   memset(rowActivity,0,numberRows*sizeof(double));
00128   for (i=0;i<numberColumns;i++) {
00129     int j;
00130     double value = newSolution[i];
00131     if (value) {
00132       for (j=columnStart[i];
00133            j<columnStart[i]+columnLength[i];j++) {
00134         int iRow=row[j];
00135         rowActivity[iRow] += value*element[j];
00136       }
00137     }
00138   }
00139   // check was feasible - if not adjust (cleaning may move)
00140   for (i=0;i<numberRows;i++) {
00141     if(rowActivity[i]<rowLower[i]) {
00142       //assert (rowActivity[i]>rowLower[i]-1000.0*primalTolerance);
00143       rowActivity[i]=rowLower[i];
00144     } else if(rowActivity[i]>rowUpper[i]) {
00145       //assert (rowActivity[i]<rowUpper[i]+1000.0*primalTolerance);
00146       rowActivity[i]=rowUpper[i];
00147     }
00148   }
00149   for (i=0;i<numberIntegers;i++) {
00150     int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
00151     double value=newSolution[iColumn];
00152     if (fabs(floor(value+0.5)-value)>integerTolerance) {
00153       double below = floor(value);
00154       double newValue=newSolution[iColumn];
00155       double cost = direction * objective[iColumn];
00156       double move;
00157       if (cost>0.0) {
00158         // try up
00159         move = 1.0 -(value-below);
00160       } else if (cost<0.0) {
00161         // try down
00162         move = below-value;
00163       } else {
00164         // won't be able to move unless we can grab another variable
00165         // just for now go down
00166         move = below-value;
00167       }
00168       newValue += move;
00169       newSolution[iColumn] = newValue;
00170       newSolutionValue += move*cost;
00171       int j;
00172       for (j=columnStart[iColumn];
00173            j<columnStart[iColumn]+columnLength[iColumn];j++) {
00174         int iRow = row[j];
00175         rowActivity[iRow] += move*element[j];
00176       }
00177     }
00178   }
00180   double penalty=0.0;
00182   // see if feasible
00183   for (i=0;i<numberRows;i++) {
00184     double value = rowActivity[i];
00185     double thisInfeasibility=0.0;
00186     if (value<rowLower[i]-primalTolerance)
00187       thisInfeasibility = value-rowLower[i];
00188     else if (value>rowUpper[i]+primalTolerance)
00189       thisInfeasibility = value-rowUpper[i];
00190     if (thisInfeasibility) {
00191       // See if there are any slacks I can use to fix up
00192       // maybe put in coding for multiple slacks?
00193       double bestCost = 1.0e50;
00194       int k;
00195       int iBest=-1;
00196       double addCost=0.0;
00197       double newValue=0.0;
00198       double changeRowActivity=0.0;
00199       double absInfeasibility = fabs(thisInfeasibility);
00200       for (k=rowStart[i];k<rowStart[i]+rowLength[i];k++) {
00201         int iColumn = column[k];
00202         if (columnLength[iColumn]==1) {
00203           double currentValue = newSolution[iColumn];
00204           double elementValue = elementByRow[k];
00205           double lowerValue = lower[iColumn];
00206           double upperValue = upper[iColumn];
00207           double gap = rowUpper[i]-rowLower[i];
00208           double absElement=fabs(elementValue);
00209           if (thisInfeasibility*elementValue>0.0) {
00210             // we want to reduce
00211             if ((currentValue-lowerValue)*absElement>=absInfeasibility) {
00212               // possible - check if integer
00213               double distance = absInfeasibility/absElement;
00214               double thisCost = -direction*objective[iColumn]*distance;
00215               if (solver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
00216                 distance = ceil(distance-primalTolerance);
00217                 assert (currentValue-distance>=lowerValue-primalTolerance);
00218                 if (absInfeasibility-distance*absElement< -gap-primalTolerance)
00219                   thisCost=1.0e100; // no good
00220                 else
00221                   thisCost = -direction*objective[iColumn]*distance;
00222               }
00223               if (thisCost<bestCost) {
00224                 bestCost=thisCost;
00225                 iBest=iColumn;
00226                 addCost = thisCost;
00227                 newValue = currentValue-distance;
00228                 changeRowActivity = -distance*elementValue;
00229               }
00230             }
00231           } else {
00232             // we want to increase
00233             if ((upperValue-currentValue)*absElement>=absInfeasibility) {
00234               // possible - check if integer
00235               double distance = absInfeasibility/absElement;
00236               double thisCost = direction*objective[iColumn]*distance;
00237               if (solver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
00238                 distance = ceil(distance-1.0e-7);
00239                 assert (currentValue-distance<=upperValue+primalTolerance);
00240                 if (absInfeasibility-distance*absElement< -gap-primalTolerance)
00241                   thisCost=1.0e100; // no good
00242                 else
00243                   thisCost = direction*objective[iColumn]*distance;
00244               }
00245               if (thisCost<bestCost) {
00246                 bestCost=thisCost;
00247                 iBest=iColumn;
00248                 addCost = thisCost;
00249                 newValue = currentValue+distance;
00250                 changeRowActivity = distance*elementValue;
00251               }
00252             }
00253           }
00254         }
00255       }
00256       if (iBest>=0) {
00257         /*printf("Infeasibility of %g on row %d cost %g\n",
00258           thisInfeasibility,i,addCost);*/
00259         newSolution[iBest]=newValue;
00260         thisInfeasibility=0.0;
00261         newSolutionValue += addCost;
00262         rowActivity[i] += changeRowActivity;
00263       }
00264       penalty += fabs(thisInfeasibility);
00265     }
00266   }
00268   // Could also set SOS (using random) and repeat
00269   if (!penalty) {
00270     // See if we can do better
00271     //seed_++;
00272     //CoinSeedRandom(seed_);
00273     // Random number between 0 and 1.
00274     double randomNumber = CoinDrand48();
00275     int iPass;
00276     int start[2];
00277     int end[2];
00278     int iRandom = (int) (randomNumber*((double) numberIntegers));
00279     start[0]=iRandom;
00280     end[0]=numberIntegers;
00281     start[1]=0;
00282     end[1]=iRandom;
00283     for (iPass=0;iPass<2;iPass++) {
00284       int i;
00285       for (i=start[iPass];i<end[iPass];i++) {
00286         int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
00287         double value=newSolution[iColumn];
00288         assert (fabs(floor(value+0.5)-value)<integerTolerance);
00289         double cost = direction * objective[iColumn];
00290         double move=0.0;
00291         if (cost>0.0)
00292           move = -1.0;
00293         else if (cost<0.0)
00294           move=1.0;
00295         while (move) {
00296           bool good=true;
00297           double newValue=newSolution[iColumn]+move;
00298           if (newValue<lower[iColumn]-primalTolerance||
00299               newValue>upper[iColumn]+primalTolerance) {
00300             move=0.0;
00301           } else {
00302             // see if we can move
00303             int j;
00304             for (j=columnStart[iColumn];
00305                  j<columnStart[iColumn]+columnLength[iColumn];j++) {
00306               int iRow = row[j];
00307               double newActivity = rowActivity[iRow] + move*element[j];
00308               if (newActivity<rowLower[iRow]-primalTolerance||
00309                   newActivity>rowUpper[iRow]+primalTolerance) {
00310                 good=false;
00311                 break;
00312               }
00313             }
00314             if (good) {
00315               newSolution[iColumn] = newValue;
00316               newSolutionValue += move*cost;
00317               int j;
00318               for (j=columnStart[iColumn];
00319                    j<columnStart[iColumn]+columnLength[iColumn];j++) {
00320                 int iRow = row[j];
00321                 rowActivity[iRow] += move*element[j];
00322               }
00323             } else {
00324               move=0.0;
00325             }
00326           }
00327         }
00328       }
00329     }
00330     if (newSolutionValue<solutionValue) {
00331       // paranoid check
00332       memset(rowActivity,0,numberRows*sizeof(double));
00333       for (i=0;i<numberColumns;i++) {
00334         int j;
00335         double value = newSolution[i];
00336         if (value) {
00337           for (j=columnStart[i];
00338                j<columnStart[i]+columnLength[i];j++) {
00339             int iRow=row[j];
00340             rowActivity[iRow] += value*element[j];
00341           }
00342         }
00343       }
00344       // check was approximately feasible
00345       bool feasible=true;
00346       for (i=0;i<numberRows;i++) {
00347         if(rowActivity[i]<rowLower[i]) {
00348           if (rowActivity[i]<rowLower[i]-1000.0*primalTolerance)
00349             feasible = false;
00350         } else if(rowActivity[i]>rowUpper[i]) {
00351           if (rowActivity[i]>rowUpper[i]+1000.0*primalTolerance)
00352             feasible = false;
00353         }
00354       }
00355       if (feasible) {
00356         // new solution
00357         memcpy(betterSolution,newSolution,numberColumns*sizeof(double));
00358         solutionValue = newSolutionValue;
00359         //printf("** Solution of %g found by rounding\n",newSolutionValue);
00360         returnCode=1;
00361       } else {
00362         // Can easily happen
00363         //printf("Debug SbbRounding giving bad solution\n");
00364       }
00365     }
00366   }
00367   delete [] newSolution;
00368   delete [] rowActivity;
00369   return returnCode;
00370 }

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