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OsiClpSolverInterface Class Reference

#include <OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for OsiClpSolverInterface:

OsiSolverInterface OsiSimplexInterface List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void setObjSense (double s)
 Set objective function sense (1 for min (default), -1 for max,).

virtual void setColSolution (const double *colsol)
virtual void setRowPrice (const double *rowprice)
Solve methods
virtual void initialSolve ()
 Solve initial LP relaxation.

virtual void resolve ()
 Resolve an LP relaxation after problem modification.

virtual void branchAndBound ()
 Invoke solver's built-in enumeration algorithm.

OsiSimplexInterface methods
virtual void enableSimplexInterface (bool doingPrimal)
virtual void disableSimplexInterface ()
 Undo whatever setting changes the above method had to make.

virtual bool basisIsAvailable ()
 Returns true if a basis is available.

virtual void getBasisStatus (int *cstat, int *rstat)
virtual int setBasisStatus (const int *cstat, const int *rstat)
virtual int pivot (int colIn, int colOut, int outStatus)
virtual int primalPivotResult (int colIn, int sign, int &colOut, int &outStatus, double &t, CoinPackedVector *dx)
virtual int dualPivotResult (int &colIn, int &sign, int colOut, int outStatus, double &t, CoinPackedVector *dx)
virtual void getReducedGradient (double *columnReducedCosts, double *duals, const double *c)
 Get the reduced gradient for the cost vector c.

virtual void setObjectiveAndRefresh (double *c)
virtual void getBInvARow (int row, double *z)
 Get a row of the tableau.

virtual void getBInvRow (int row, double *z)
 Get a row of the basis inverse.

virtual void getBInvACol (int col, double *vec)
 Get a column of the tableau.

virtual void getBInvCol (int col, double *vec)
 Get a column of the basis inverse.

virtual void getBasics (int *index)
Parameter set/get methods
The set methods return true if the parameter was set to the given value, false otherwise. There can be various reasons for failure: the given parameter is not applicable for the solver (e.g., refactorization frequency for the clp algorithm), the parameter is not yet implemented for the solver or simply the value of the parameter is out of the range the solver accepts. If a parameter setting call returns false check the details of your solver.

The get methods return true if the given parameter is applicable for the solver and is implemented. In this case the value of the parameter is returned in the second argument. Otherwise they return false.

bool setIntParam (OsiIntParam key, int value)
bool setDblParam (OsiDblParam key, double value)
bool setStrParam (OsiStrParam key, const std::string &value)
bool getIntParam (OsiIntParam key, int &value) const
bool getDblParam (OsiDblParam key, double &value) const
bool getStrParam (OsiStrParam key, std::string &value) const
Methods returning info on how the solution process terminated
virtual bool isAbandoned () const
 Are there a numerical difficulties?

virtual bool isProvenOptimal () const
 Is optimality proven?

virtual bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible () const
 Is primal infeasiblity proven?

virtual bool isProvenDualInfeasible () const
 Is dual infeasiblity proven?

virtual bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the given primal objective limit reached?

virtual bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the given dual objective limit reached?

virtual bool isIterationLimitReached () const
 Iteration limit reached?

WarmStart related methods
virtual CoinWarmStartgetEmptyWarmStart () const
 Get an empty warm start object.

virtual CoinWarmStartgetWarmStart () const
 Get warmstarting information.

virtual bool setWarmStart (const CoinWarmStart *warmstart)
Hotstart related methods (primarily used in strong branching). <br>
The user can create a hotstart (a snapshot) of the optimization process then reoptimize over and over again always starting from there.
NOTE: between hotstarted optimizations only bound changes are allowed.

virtual void markHotStart ()
 Create a hotstart point of the optimization process.

virtual void solveFromHotStart ()
 Optimize starting from the hotstart.

virtual void unmarkHotStart ()
 Delete the snapshot.

Methods related to querying the input data
virtual int getNumCols () const
 Get number of columns.

virtual int getNumRows () const
 Get number of rows.

virtual int getNumElements () const
 Get number of nonzero elements.

virtual const double * getColLower () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column lower bounds.

virtual const double * getColUpper () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of column upper bounds.

virtual const char * getRowSense () const
virtual const double * getRightHandSide () const
virtual const double * getRowRange () const
virtual const double * getRowLower () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row lower bounds.

virtual const double * getRowUpper () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row upper bounds.

virtual const double * getObjCoefficients () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of objective function coefficients.

virtual double getObjSense () const
 Get objective function sense (1 for min (default), -1 for max).

virtual bool isContinuous (int colNumber) const
 Return true if column is continuous.

virtual const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByRow () const
 Get pointer to row-wise copy of matrix.

virtual const CoinPackedMatrix * getMatrixByCol () const
 Get pointer to column-wise copy of matrix.

virtual double getInfinity () const
 Get solver's value for infinity.

Methods related to querying the solution
virtual const double * getColSolution () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumCols()] of primal solution vector.

virtual const double * getRowPrice () const
 Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of dual prices.

virtual const double * getReducedCost () const
 Get a pointer to array[getNumCols()] of reduced costs.

virtual const double * getRowActivity () const
virtual double getObjValue () const
 Get objective function value.

virtual int getIterationCount () const
virtual std::vector< double * > getDualRays (int maxNumRays) const
virtual std::vector< double * > getPrimalRays (int maxNumRays) const
Changing bounds on variables and constraints
virtual void setObjCoeff (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
virtual void setColLower (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
virtual void setColUpper (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
virtual void setColBounds (int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
virtual void setColSetBounds (const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
virtual void setRowLower (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
virtual void setRowUpper (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
virtual void setRowBounds (int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
virtual void setRowType (int index, char sense, double rightHandSide, double range)
virtual void setRowSetBounds (const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
virtual void setRowSetTypes (const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const char *senseList, const double *rhsList, const double *rangeList)
Integrality related changing methods
virtual void setContinuous (int index)
virtual void setInteger (int index)
virtual void setContinuous (const int *indices, int len)
virtual void setInteger (const int *indices, int len)
Methods to expand a problem.<br>
Note that if a column is added then by default it will correspond to a continuous variable.

virtual void addCol (const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec, const double collb, const double colub, const double obj)
virtual void addCols (const int numcols, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *cols, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj)
virtual void deleteCols (const int num, const int *colIndices)
virtual void addRow (const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec, const double rowlb, const double rowub)
virtual void addRow (const CoinPackedVectorBase &vec, const char rowsen, const double rowrhs, const double rowrng)
virtual void addRows (const int numrows, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
virtual void addRows (const int numrows, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows, const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs, const double *rowrng)
virtual void deleteRows (const int num, const int *rowIndices)
virtual void applyRowCuts (int numberCuts, const OsiRowCut *cuts)
Methods to input a problem
virtual void loadProblem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
virtual void assignProblem (CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix, double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj, double *&rowlb, double *&rowub)
virtual void loadProblem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs, const double *rowrng)
virtual void assignProblem (CoinPackedMatrix *&matrix, double *&collb, double *&colub, double *&obj, char *&rowsen, double *&rowrhs, double *&rowrng)
virtual void loadProblem (const int numcols, const int numrows, const int *start, const int *index, const double *value, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub)
virtual void loadProblem (const int numcols, const int numrows, const int *start, const int *index, const double *value, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const char *rowsen, const double *rowrhs, const double *rowrng)
virtual int readMps (const char *filename, const char *extension="mps")
virtual void writeMps (const char *filename, const char *extension="mps", double objSense=0.0) const
virtual int writeMpsNative (const char *filename, const char **rowNames, const char **columnNames, int formatType=0, int numberAcross=2, double objSense=0.0) const
Message handling (extra for Clp messages).
Normally I presume you would want the same language. If not then you could use underlying model pointer

void newLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
 Set language.

void setLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
Clp specific public interfaces
ClpSimplex * getModelPtr () const
 Get pointer to Clp model.

Constructors and destructors
 OsiClpSolverInterface ()
 Default Constructor.

virtual OsiSolverInterfaceclone (bool copyData=true) const

 OsiClpSolverInterface (const OsiClpSolverInterface &)
 Copy constructor.

 OsiClpSolverInterface (ClpSimplex *)
 Borrow constructor - only delete one copy.

void releaseClp ()
 Releases so won't error.

OsiClpSolverInterfaceoperator= (const OsiClpSolverInterface &rhs)
 Assignment operator.

virtual ~OsiClpSolverInterface ()

virtual void reset ()
 Resets as if default constructor.

Protected Member Functions

Protected methods
virtual void applyRowCut (const OsiRowCut &rc)
virtual void applyColCut (const OsiColCut &cc)

Private Member Functions

Private methods
void gutsOfDestructor ()
 The real work of a copy constructor (used by copy and assignment).

void freeCachedResults () const
 Deletes all mutable stuff.

void extractSenseRhsRange () const
 A method that fills up the rowsense_, rhs_ and rowrange_ arrays.

void fillParamMaps ()
CoinWarmStartBasis getBasis (ClpSimplex *model) const
 Warm start.

void setBasis (const CoinWarmStartBasis &basis, ClpSimplex *model)
 Sets up working basis as a copy of input.

Private Attributes

Private member data
ClpSimplex * modelPtr_
 Clp model represented by this class instance.

double * linearObjective_
 Linear objective - just points to ClpModel.

Cached information derived from the OSL model
char * rowsense_
 Pointer to dense vector of row sense indicators.

double * rhs_
 Pointer to dense vector of row right-hand side values.

double * rowrange_
double * rowActivity_
double * columnActivity_
CoinWarmStartBasis basis_
int itlimOrig_
int lastAlgorithm_
 Last algorithm used.

bool notOwned_
 To say if destructor should delete underlying model.

CoinPackedMatrix * matrixByRow_
 Pointer to row-wise copy of problem matrix coefficients.

char * integerInformation_
 Pointer to integer information.

std::map< OsiIntParam, ClpIntParam > intParamMap_
std::map< OsiDblParam, ClpDblParam > dblParamMap_
std::map< OsiStrParam, ClpStrParam > strParamMap_
ClpDataSave saveData_
 To save data in OsiSimplex stuff.


void OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest (const std::string &mpsDir, const std::string &netlibDir)

Detailed Description

Clp Solver Interface

Instantiation of OsiClpSolverInterface for the Model Algorithm.

It has a trivial branch and bound code for completeness. It would be an interesting project to expand it and move it to base class.

Definition at line 35 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void OsiClpSolverInterface::addCol const CoinPackedVectorBase vec,
const double  collb,
const double  colub,
const double  obj

Add a column (primal variable) to the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 844 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, freeCachedResults(), integerInformation_, linearObjective_, modelPtr_, CoinWarmStartBasis::resize(), setColBounds(), and setObjCoeff().

00847 {
00848   int numberColumns = modelPtr_->numberColumns();
00849   modelPtr_->resize(modelPtr_->numberRows(),numberColumns+1);
00850   linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
00851   basis_.resize(modelPtr_->numberRows(),numberColumns+1);
00852   setColBounds(numberColumns,collb,colub);
00853   setObjCoeff(numberColumns,obj);
00854   if (!modelPtr_->clpMatrix())
00855     modelPtr_->createEmptyMatrix();
00856   modelPtr_->matrix()->appendCol(vec);
00857   if (integerInformation_) {
00858     char * temp = new char[numberColumns+1];
00859     memcpy(temp,integerInformation_,numberColumns*sizeof(char));
00860     delete [] integerInformation_;
00861     integerInformation_ = temp;
00862     integerInformation_[numberColumns]=0;
00863   }
00864   freeCachedResults();
00865 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::addCols const int  numcols,
const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *  cols,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj

Add a set of columns (primal variables) to the problem.

The default implementation simply makes repeated calls to addCol().

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 868 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, OsiSolverInterface::forceIntoRange(), freeCachedResults(), integerInformation_, linearObjective_, modelPtr_, and CoinWarmStartBasis::resize().

00872 {
00873   int numberColumns = modelPtr_->numberColumns();
00874   modelPtr_->resize(modelPtr_->numberRows(),numberColumns+numcols);
00875   linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
00876   basis_.resize(modelPtr_->numberRows(),numberColumns+numcols);
00877   double * lower = modelPtr_->columnLower()+numberColumns;
00878   double * upper = modelPtr_->columnUpper()+numberColumns;
00879   double * objective = modelPtr_->objective()+numberColumns;
00880   int iCol;
00881   for (iCol = 0; iCol < numcols; iCol++) {
00882     lower[iCol]= forceIntoRange(collb[iCol], -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00883     upper[iCol]= forceIntoRange(colub[iCol], -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00884     objective[iCol] = obj[iCol];
00885   }
00886   if (!modelPtr_->clpMatrix())
00887     modelPtr_->createEmptyMatrix();
00888   modelPtr_->matrix()->appendCols(numcols,cols);
00889   if (integerInformation_) {
00890     char * temp = new char[numberColumns+numcols];
00891     memcpy(temp,integerInformation_,numberColumns*sizeof(char));
00892     delete [] integerInformation_;
00893     integerInformation_ = temp;
00894     for (iCol = 0; iCol < numcols; iCol++) 
00895       integerInformation_[numberColumns+iCol]=0;
00896   }
00897   freeCachedResults();
00898 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::addRow const CoinPackedVectorBase vec,
const double  rowlb,
const double  rowub

Add a row (constraint) to the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 910 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, freeCachedResults(), modelPtr_, CoinWarmStartBasis::resize(), and setRowBounds().

Referenced by applyRowCut().

00912 {
00913   int numberRows = modelPtr_->numberRows();
00914   modelPtr_->resize(numberRows+1,modelPtr_->numberColumns());
00915   basis_.resize(numberRows+1,modelPtr_->numberColumns());
00916   setRowBounds(numberRows,rowlb,rowub);
00917   if (!modelPtr_->clpMatrix())
00918     modelPtr_->createEmptyMatrix();
00919   modelPtr_->matrix()->appendRow(vec);
00920   freeCachedResults();
00921 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::addRows const int  numrows,
const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *  rows,
const char *  rowsen,
const double *  rowrhs,
const double *  rowrng

Add a set of rows (constraints) to the problem.

The default implementation simply makes repeated calls to addRow().

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 962 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, OsiSolverInterface::convertSenseToBound(), OsiSolverInterface::forceIntoRange(), freeCachedResults(), modelPtr_, and CoinWarmStartBasis::resize().

00966 {
00967   int numberRows = modelPtr_->numberRows();
00968   modelPtr_->resize(numberRows+numrows,modelPtr_->numberColumns());
00969   basis_.resize(numberRows+numrows,modelPtr_->numberColumns());
00970   double * lower = modelPtr_->rowLower()+numberRows;
00971   double * upper = modelPtr_->rowUpper()+numberRows;
00972   int iRow;
00973   for (iRow = 0; iRow < numrows; iRow++) {
00974     double rowlb, rowub;
00975     convertSenseToBound(rowsen[iRow], rowrhs[iRow], rowrng[iRow], 
00976                         rowlb, rowub);
00977     lower[iRow]= forceIntoRange(rowlb, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00978     upper[iRow]= forceIntoRange(rowub, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00979   }
00980   if (!modelPtr_->clpMatrix())
00981     modelPtr_->createEmptyMatrix();
00982   modelPtr_->matrix()->appendRows(numrows,rows);
00983   freeCachedResults();
00984 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::addRows const int  numrows,
const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *  rows,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub

Add a set of rows (constraints) to the problem.

The default implementation simply makes repeated calls to addRow().

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 941 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, OsiSolverInterface::forceIntoRange(), freeCachedResults(), modelPtr_, and CoinWarmStartBasis::resize().

Referenced by applyRowCuts().

00944 {
00945   int numberRows = modelPtr_->numberRows();
00946   modelPtr_->resize(numberRows+numrows,modelPtr_->numberColumns());
00947   basis_.resize(numberRows+numrows,modelPtr_->numberColumns());
00948   double * lower = modelPtr_->rowLower()+numberRows;
00949   double * upper = modelPtr_->rowUpper()+numberRows;
00950   int iRow;
00951   for (iRow = 0; iRow < numrows; iRow++) {
00952     lower[iRow]= forceIntoRange(rowlb[iRow], -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00953     upper[iRow]= forceIntoRange(rowub[iRow], -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00954   }
00955   if (!modelPtr_->clpMatrix())
00956     modelPtr_->createEmptyMatrix();
00957   modelPtr_->matrix()->appendRows(numrows,rows);
00958   freeCachedResults();
00959 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::applyColCut const OsiColCut cc  )  [protected, virtual]

Apply a column cut (adjust one or more bounds).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1365 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References CoinPackedVector::getElements(), CoinPackedVector::getIndices(), CoinPackedVector::getNumElements(), OsiColCut::lbs(), modelPtr_, and OsiColCut::ubs().

01366 {
01367   double * lower = modelPtr_->columnLower();
01368   double * upper = modelPtr_->columnUpper();
01369   const CoinPackedVector & lbs = cc.lbs();
01370   const CoinPackedVector & ubs =;
01371   int i;
01373   for ( i=0; i<lbs.getNumElements(); i++ ) {
01374     int iCol = lbs.getIndices()[i];
01375     double value = lbs.getElements()[i];
01376     if ( value > lower[iCol] )
01377       lower[iCol]= value;
01378   }
01379   for ( i=0; i<ubs.getNumElements(); i++ ) {
01380     int iCol = ubs.getIndices()[i];
01381     double value = ubs.getElements()[i];
01382     if ( value < upper[iCol] )
01383       upper[iCol]= value;
01384   }
01385 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::applyRowCut const OsiRowCut rc  )  [protected, virtual]

Apply a row cut (append to constraint matrix).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1328 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References addRow(), OsiRowCut::lb(), OsiRowCut::row(), and OsiRowCut::ub().

01329 {
01330   const CoinPackedVector & row=rowCut.row();
01331   addRow(row ,,rowCut.ub());
01332 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::applyRowCuts int  numberCuts,
const OsiRowCut cuts

Apply a collection of row cuts which are all effective. applyCuts seems to do one at a time which seems inefficient.

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1337 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References addRows(), getNumElements(), CoinPackedVectorBase::getNumElements(), getNumRows(), and OsiRowCut::lb().

01338 {
01339   int i;
01340   if (!numberCuts)
01341     return;
01343   const CoinPackedVectorBase * * rows
01344     =     new const CoinPackedVectorBase * [numberCuts];
01345   double * rowlb = new double [numberCuts];
01346   double * rowub = new double [numberCuts];
01347   for (i=0;i<numberCuts;i++) {
01348     rowlb[i] = cuts[i].lb();
01349     rowub[i] = cuts[i].ub();
01350     rows[i] = &cuts[i].row();
01351 #ifdef TAKEOUT
01352     if (rows[i]->getNumElements()==10||rows[i]->getNumElements()==15)
01353       printf("ApplyCuts %d size %d\n",getNumRows()+i,rows[i]->getNumElements());
01354 #endif
01355   }
01356   addRows(numberCuts,rows,rowlb,rowub);
01357   delete [] rows;
01358   delete [] rowlb;
01359   delete [] rowub;
01361 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::assignProblem CoinPackedMatrix *&  matrix,
double *&  collb,
double *&  colub,
double *&  obj,
char *&  rowsen,
double *&  rowrhs,
double *&  rowrng

Load in an problem by assuming ownership of the arguments (the constraints on the rows are given by sense/rhs/range triplets). For default values see the previous method.
WARNING: The arguments passed to this method will be freed using the C++ delete and delete[] functions.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1057 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References linearObjective_, loadProblem(), and modelPtr_.

01062 {
01063    loadProblem(*matrix, collb, colub, obj, rowsen, rowrhs, rowrng);
01064    linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
01065    delete matrix;   matrix = NULL;
01066    delete[] collb;  collb = NULL;
01067    delete[] colub;  colub = NULL;
01068    delete[] obj;    obj = NULL;
01069    delete[] rowsen; rowsen = NULL;
01070    delete[] rowrhs; rowrhs = NULL;
01071    delete[] rowrng; rowrng = NULL;
01072 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::assignProblem CoinPackedMatrix *&  matrix,
double *&  collb,
double *&  colub,
double *&  obj,
double *&  rowlb,
double *&  rowub

Load in an problem by assuming ownership of the arguments (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds). For default values see the previous method.
WARNING: The arguments passed to this method will be freed using the C++ delete and delete[] functions.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1013 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References freeCachedResults(), linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

01017 {
01018    modelPtr_->loadProblem(*matrix, collb, colub, obj, rowlb, rowub);
01019    linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
01021    freeCachedResults();
01022    delete matrix;   matrix = NULL;
01023    delete[] collb;  collb = NULL;
01024    delete[] colub;  colub = NULL;
01025    delete[] obj;    obj = NULL;
01026    delete[] rowlb;  rowlb = NULL;
01027    delete[] rowub;  rowub = NULL;
01028 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::deleteCols const int  num,
const int *  colIndices

Remove a set of columns (primal variables) from the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 901 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, CoinWarmStartBasis::deleteColumns(), freeCachedResults(), linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

00902 {
00903   modelPtr_->deleteColumns(num,columnIndices);
00904   basis_.deleteColumns(num,columnIndices);
00905   linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
00906   freeCachedResults();
00907 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::deleteRows const int  num,
const int *  rowIndices

Delete a set of rows (constraints) from the problem.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 987 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_, CoinWarmStartBasis::deleteRows(), freeCachedResults(), and modelPtr_.

00988 {
00989   modelPtr_->deleteRows(num,rowIndices);
00990   basis_.deleteRows(num,rowIndices);
00991   freeCachedResults();
00992 }

int OsiClpSolverInterface::dualPivotResult int &  colIn,
int &  sign,
int  colOut,
int  outStatus,
double &  t,
CoinPackedVector dx

Obtain a result of the dual pivot (similar to the previous method) Differences: entering variable and a sign of its change are now the outputs, the leaving variable and its statuts -- the inputs If dx!=NULL, then *dx contains dual ray Return code: same

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1883 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01886 {
01887   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
01888   abort();
01889   return 0;
01890 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::enableSimplexInterface bool  doingPrimal  )  [virtual]

Enables normal operation of subsequent functions. This method is supposed to ensure that all typical things (like reduced costs, etc.) are updated when individual pivots are executed and can be queried by other methods

Reimplemented from OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1646 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_, and saveData_.

01647 {
01648   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==1);
01649   modelPtr_->setSolveType(2);
01650   if (doingPrimal)
01651     modelPtr_->setAlgorithm(1);
01652   else
01653     modelPtr_->setAlgorithm(-1);
01654   modelPtr_->scaling(0);
01655   // Do initialization
01656   saveData_ = modelPtr_->saveData();
01657   // set infeasibility cost up
01658   modelPtr_->setInfeasibilityCost(1.0e12);
01659   // probably should save and restore?
01660   ClpDualRowDantzig dantzig;
01661   modelPtr_->setDualRowPivotAlgorithm(dantzig);
01662   ClpPrimalColumnDantzig dantzigP;
01663   modelPtr_->setPrimalColumnPivotAlgorithm(dantzigP);
01664   assert (!modelPtr_->startup(0));
01665 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::getBasics int *  index  )  [virtual]

Get basic indices (order of indices corresponds to the order of elements in a vector retured by getBInvACol() and getBInvCol()).

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 2013 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

02014 {
02015   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
02016   assert (index);
02017   memcpy(index,modelPtr_->pivotVariable(),
02018          modelPtr_->numberRows()*sizeof(int));
02019 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::getBasisStatus int *  cstat,
int *  rstat

The following two methods may be replaced by the methods of OsiSolverInterface using OsiWarmStartBasis if: 1. OsiWarmStartBasis resize operation is implemented more efficiently and 2. It is ensured that effects on the solver are the same

Returns a basis status of the structural/artificial variables At present as warm start i.e 0 free, 1 basic, 2 upper, 3 lower

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1688 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01689 {
01690   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
01691   int i, n;
01692   n=modelPtr_->numberRows();
01693   int lookup[]={0,1,2,3,0,3};
01694   for (i=0;i<n;i++) 
01695     rstat[i] = lookup[modelPtr_->getRowStatus(i)];
01696   n=modelPtr_->numberColumns();
01697   for (i=0;i<n;i++)
01698     cstat[i] = lookup[modelPtr_->getColumnStatus(i)];
01699 }

std::vector< double * > OsiClpSolverInterface::getDualRays int  maxNumRays  )  const [virtual]

Get as many dual rays as the solver can provide. (In case of proven primal infeasibility there should be at least one.)

NOTE for implementers of solver interfaces:
The double pointers in the vector should point to arrays of length getNumRows() and they should be allocated via new[].

NOTE for users of solver interfaces:
It is the user's responsibility to free the double pointers in the vector using delete[].

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 669 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

00670 {
00671   return std::vector<double*>(1, modelPtr_->infeasibilityRay());
00672 }

CoinWarmStart * OsiClpSolverInterface::getEmptyWarmStart  )  const [virtual]

Get an empty warm start object.

This routine returns an empty CoinWarmStartBasis object. Its purpose is to provide a way to give a client a warm start basis object of the appropriate type, which can resized and modified as desired.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 528 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

00529   { return (dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStart *>(new CoinWarmStartBasis())) ; }

virtual int OsiClpSolverInterface::getIterationCount  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get how many iterations it took to solve the problem (whatever "iteration" mean to the solver.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 351 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

References modelPtr_.

00352        { return modelPtr_->numberIterations(); }

std::vector< double * > OsiClpSolverInterface::getPrimalRays int  maxNumRays  )  const [virtual]

Get as many primal rays as the solver can provide. (In case of proven dual infeasibility there should be at least one.)

NOTE for implementers of solver interfaces:
The double pointers in the vector should point to arrays of length getNumCols() and they should be allocated via new[].

NOTE for users of solver interfaces:
It is the user's responsibility to free the double pointers in the vector using delete[].

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 674 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

00675 {
00676   return std::vector<double*>(1, modelPtr_->unboundedRay());
00677 }

const double * OsiClpSolverInterface::getRightHandSide  )  const [virtual]

Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of rows right-hand sides

  • if rowsense()[i] == 'L' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
  • if rowsense()[i] == 'G' then rhs()[i] == rowlower()[i]
  • if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then rhs()[i] == rowupper()[i]
  • if rowsense()[i] == 'N' then rhs()[i] == 0.0

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 621 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References extractSenseRhsRange(), and rhs_.

00622 {
00623   extractSenseRhsRange();
00624   return rhs_;
00625 }

const double * OsiClpSolverInterface::getRowActivity  )  const [virtual]

Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row activity levels (constraint matrix times the solution vector

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1583 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01584 { 
01585   if (modelPtr_->solveType()!=2) {
01586     return modelPtr_->primalRowSolution();
01587   } else {
01588     // simplex interface
01589     return modelPtr_->solutionRegion(0);
01590   }
01591 }

const double * OsiClpSolverInterface::getRowRange  )  const [virtual]

Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row ranges.

  • if rowsense()[i] == 'R' then rowrange()[i] == rowupper()[i] - rowlower()[i]
  • if rowsense()[i] != 'R' then rowrange()[i] is undefined

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 627 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References extractSenseRhsRange(), and rowrange_.

00628 {
00629   extractSenseRhsRange();
00630   return rowrange_;
00631 }

const char * OsiClpSolverInterface::getRowSense  )  const [virtual]

Get pointer to array[getNumRows()] of row constraint senses.

  • 'L' <= constraint
  • 'E' = constraint
  • 'G' >= constraint
  • 'R' ranged constraint
  • 'N' free constraint

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 615 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References extractSenseRhsRange(), and rowsense_.

00616 {
00617   extractSenseRhsRange();
00618   return rowsense_;
00619 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::loadProblem const int  numcols,
const int  numrows,
const int *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const char *  rowsen,
const double *  rowrhs,
const double *  rowrng

Just like the other loadProblem() methods except that the matrix is given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1093 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::convertSenseToBound(), freeCachedResults(), linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

01100 {
01101    assert( rowsen != NULL );
01102    assert( rowrhs != NULL );
01103    double * rowlb = new double[numrows];
01104    double * rowub = new double[numrows];
01105    for (int i = numrows-1; i >= 0; --i) {   
01106       convertSenseToBound(rowsen[i],rowrhs[i],rowrng[i],rowlb[i],rowub[i]);
01107    }
01108    modelPtr_->loadProblem(numcols, numrows, start,  index,
01109              value, collb, colub, obj,
01110              rowlb,  rowub);
01111    linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
01112    freeCachedResults();
01113    delete[] rowlb;
01114    delete[] rowub;
01115 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::loadProblem const int  numcols,
const int  numrows,
const int *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub

Just like the other loadProblem() methods except that the matrix is given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps).

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1077 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References freeCachedResults(), linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

01083 {
01084   modelPtr_->loadProblem(numcols, numrows, start,  index,
01085             value, collb, colub, obj,
01086             rowlb,  rowub);
01087   linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
01088   freeCachedResults();
01089 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::loadProblem const CoinPackedMatrix &  matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const char *  rowsen,
const double *  rowrhs,
const double *  rowrng

Load in an problem by copying the arguments (the constraints on the rows are given by sense/rhs/range triplets). If a pointer is 0 then the following values are the default:

  • colub: all columns have upper bound infinity
  • collb: all columns have lower bound 0
  • obj: all variables have 0 objective coefficient
  • rowsen: all rows are >=
  • rowrhs: all right hand sides are 0
  • rowrng: 0 for the ranged rows

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1033 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::convertSenseToBound(), freeCachedResults(), linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

01038 {
01039    assert( rowsen != NULL );
01040    assert( rowrhs != NULL );
01041    int numrows = matrix.getNumRows();
01042    double * rowlb = new double[numrows];
01043    double * rowub = new double[numrows];
01044    for (int i = numrows-1; i >= 0; --i) {   
01045       convertSenseToBound(rowsen[i],rowrhs[i],rowrng[i],rowlb[i],rowub[i]);
01046    }
01047    modelPtr_->loadProblem(matrix, collb, colub, obj, rowlb, rowub);
01048    linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
01049    freeCachedResults();
01050    delete [] rowlb;
01051    delete [] rowub;
01052 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::loadProblem const CoinPackedMatrix &  matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub

Load in an problem by copying the arguments (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds). If a pointer is 0 then the following values are the default:

  • colub: all columns have upper bound infinity
  • collb: all columns have lower bound 0
  • rowub: all rows have upper bound infinity
  • rowlb: all rows have lower bound -infinity
  • obj: all variables have 0 objective coefficient

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 999 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References freeCachedResults(), linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

Referenced by assignProblem().

01003 {
01004   modelPtr_->loadProblem(matrix, collb, colub, obj, rowlb, rowub);
01005   linearObjective_ = modelPtr_->objective();
01006   freeCachedResults();
01008 }

int OsiClpSolverInterface::pivot int  colIn,
int  colOut,
int  outStatus

Perform a pivot by substituting a colIn for colOut in the basis. The status of the leaving variable is given in statOut. Where 1 is to upper bound, -1 to lower bound

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1816 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01817 {
01818   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
01819   // convert to Clp style (what about flips?)
01820   if (colIn<0) 
01821     colIn = modelPtr_->numberColumns()+(-1-colIn);
01822   if (colOut<0) 
01823     colOut = modelPtr_->numberColumns()+(-1-colOut);
01824   // in clp direction of out is reversed
01825   outStatus = - outStatus;
01826   // set in clp
01827   modelPtr_->setDirectionOut(outStatus);
01828   modelPtr_->setSequenceIn(colIn);
01829   modelPtr_->setSequenceOut(colOut);
01830   // do pivot
01831   modelPtr_->pivot();
01832   return 0;
01833 }

int OsiClpSolverInterface::primalPivotResult int  colIn,
int  sign,
int &  colOut,
int &  outStatus,
double &  t,
CoinPackedVector dx

Obtain a result of the primal pivot Outputs: colOut -- leaving column, outStatus -- its status, t -- step size, and, if dx!=NULL, *dx -- primal ray direction. Inputs: colIn -- entering column, sign -- direction of its change (+/-1). Both for colIn and colOut, artificial variables are index by the negative of the row index minus 1. Return code (for now): 0 -- leaving variable found, -1 -- everything else? Clearly, more informative set of return values is required

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1846 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_, and CoinPackedVector::setFullNonZero().

01849 {
01850   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
01851   // convert to Clp style
01852   if (colIn<0) 
01853     colIn = modelPtr_->numberColumns()+(-1-colIn);
01854   // set in clp
01855   modelPtr_->setDirectionIn(sign);
01856   modelPtr_->setSequenceIn(colIn);
01857   modelPtr_->setSequenceOut(-1);
01858   int returnCode = modelPtr_->primalPivotResult();
01859   t = modelPtr_->theta();
01860   int numberColumns = modelPtr_->numberColumns();
01861   if (dx) {
01862     double * ray = modelPtr_->unboundedRay();
01863     if  (ray)
01864       dx->setFullNonZero(numberColumns,ray);
01865     else
01866       printf("No ray?\n");
01867     delete [] ray;
01868   }
01869   outStatus = - modelPtr_->directionOut();
01870   colOut = modelPtr_->sequenceOut();
01871   if (colOut>= numberColumns) 
01872     colOut = -1-(colOut - numberColumns);
01873   return returnCode;
01874 }

int OsiClpSolverInterface::readMps const char *  filename,
const char *  extension = "mps"

Read an mps file from the given filename (defaults to Osi reader) - returns number of errors (see OsiMpsReader class)

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1517 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References integerInformation_, OsiSolverInterface::isInteger(), modelPtr_, and OsiSolverInterface::readMps().

01519 {
01520   // Get rid of integer stuff
01521   delete [] integerInformation_;
01522   integerInformation_=NULL;
01524   int numberErrors = OsiSolverInterface::readMps(filename,extension);
01525   // move across integer information
01526   int numberColumns = modelPtr_->numberColumns();
01527   int i;
01528   char * info = new char [numberColumns];
01529   int numberIntegers=0;
01530   for (i=0;i<numberColumns;i++) {
01531     if (isInteger(i)) {
01532       info[i]=1;
01533       numberIntegers++;
01534     } else {
01535       info[i]=0;
01536     }
01537   }
01538   if (numberIntegers)
01539     modelPtr_->copyInIntegerInformation(info);
01540   delete [] info;
01541   return numberErrors;
01542 }

int OsiClpSolverInterface::setBasisStatus const int *  cstat,
const int *  rstat

Set the status of structural/artificial variables and factorize, update solution etc

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1703 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01704 {
01705   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
01706   modelPtr_->createStatus();
01707   int i, n;
01708   double * lower, * upper, * solution;
01709   n=modelPtr_->numberRows();
01710   lower = modelPtr_->rowLower();
01711   upper = modelPtr_->rowUpper();
01712   solution = modelPtr_->primalRowSolution();
01713   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
01714     int status = rstat[i];
01715     if (status<0||status>3)
01716       status = 3;
01717     if (lower[i]<-1.0e50&&upper[i]>1.0e50&&status!=1)
01718       status = 0; // set free if should be
01719     else if (lower[i]<-1.0e50&&status==3)
01720       status = 2; // can't be at lower bound
01721     else if (upper[i]>1.0e50&&status==2)
01722       status = 3; // can't be at upper bound
01723     switch (status) {
01724       // free or superbasic
01725     case 0:
01726       if (lower[i]<-1.0e50&&upper[i]>1.0e50) {
01727         modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::isFree);
01728         if (fabs(solution[i])>1.0e20)
01729           solution[i]=0.0;
01730       } else {
01731         modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::superBasic);
01732         if (fabs(solution[i])>1.0e20)
01733           solution[i]=0.0;
01734       }
01735       break;
01736     case 1:
01737       // basic
01738       modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::basic);
01739       break;
01740     case 2:
01741       // at upper bound
01742       solution[i]=upper[i];
01743       if (upper[i]>lower[i])
01744         modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::atUpperBound);
01745       else
01746         modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::isFixed);
01747       break;
01748     case 3:
01749       // at lower bound
01750       solution[i]=lower[i];
01751       if (upper[i]>lower[i])
01752         modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::atLowerBound);
01753       else
01754         modelPtr_->setRowStatus(i,ClpSimplex::isFixed);
01755       break;
01756     }
01757   }
01758   n=modelPtr_->numberColumns();
01759   lower = modelPtr_->columnLower();
01760   upper = modelPtr_->columnUpper();
01761   solution = modelPtr_->primalColumnSolution();
01762   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
01763     int status = cstat[i];
01764     if (status<0||status>3)
01765       status = 3;
01766     if (lower[i]<-1.0e50&&upper[i]>1.0e50&&status!=1)
01767       status = 0; // set free if should be
01768     else if (lower[i]<-1.0e50&&status==3)
01769       status = 2; // can't be at lower bound
01770     else if (upper[i]>1.0e50&&status==2)
01771       status = 3; // can't be at upper bound
01772     switch (status) {
01773       // free or superbasic
01774     case 0:
01775       if (lower[i]<-1.0e50&&upper[i]>1.0e50) {
01776         modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::isFree);
01777         if (fabs(solution[i])>1.0e20)
01778           solution[i]=0.0;
01779       } else {
01780         modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::superBasic);
01781         if (fabs(solution[i])>1.0e20)
01782           solution[i]=0.0;
01783       }
01784       break;
01785     case 1:
01786       // basic
01787       modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::basic);
01788       break;
01789     case 2:
01790       // at upper bound
01791       solution[i]=upper[i];
01792       if (upper[i]>lower[i])
01793         modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::atUpperBound);
01794       else
01795         modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::isFixed);
01796       break;
01797     case 3:
01798       // at lower bound
01799       solution[i]=lower[i];
01800       if (upper[i]>lower[i])
01801         modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::atLowerBound);
01802       else
01803         modelPtr_->setColumnStatus(i,ClpSimplex::isFixed);
01804       break;
01805     }
01806   }
01807   modelPtr_->statusOfProblem();
01808   return 0;
01809 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setColBounds int  elementIndex,
double  lower,
double  upper

Set a single column lower and upper bound

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1629 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

Referenced by addCol().

01631 {
01632   modelPtr_->columnLower()[elementIndex] = lower;
01633   modelPtr_->columnUpper()[elementIndex] = upper;
01634   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
01635     // simplex interface
01636     modelPtr_->lowerRegion(1)[elementIndex] = lower;
01637     modelPtr_->upperRegion(1)[elementIndex] = upper;
01638   }
01639 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setColLower int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue

Set a single column lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1606 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01607 {
01608   modelPtr_->columnLower()[elementIndex] = elementValue;
01609   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
01610     // simplex interface
01611     modelPtr_->lowerRegion(1)[elementIndex] = elementValue;
01612   }
01613 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setColSetBounds const int *  indexFirst,
const int *  indexLast,
const double *  boundList

Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously
The default implementation just invokes setColLower() and setColUpper() over and over again.

indexFirst,indexLast pointers to the beginning and after the end of the array of the indices of the variables whose either bound changes
boundList the new lower/upper bound pairs for the variables

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 681 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::forceIntoRange(), and modelPtr_.

00684 {
00685   double * lower = modelPtr_->columnLower();
00686   double * upper = modelPtr_->columnUpper();
00687   while (indexFirst != indexLast) {
00688     const int iCol=*indexFirst++;
00689     lower[iCol]= forceIntoRange(*boundList++, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00690     upper[iCol]= forceIntoRange(*boundList++, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00691   }
00692   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
00693     // directly into code as well
00694     double * lower = modelPtr_->lowerRegion(1);
00695     double * upper = modelPtr_->upperRegion(1);
00696     while (indexFirst != indexLast) {
00697       const int iCol=*indexFirst++;
00698       lower[iCol]= forceIntoRange(*boundList++, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00699       upper[iCol]= forceIntoRange(*boundList++, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00700     }
00702   }
00703 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setColSolution const double *  colsol  )  [virtual]

Set the primal solution column values

colsol[numcols()] is an array of values of the problem column variables. These values are copied to memory owned by the solver object or the solver. They will be returned as the result of colsol() until changed by another call to setColsol() or by a call to any solver routine. Whether the solver makes use of the solution in any way is solver-dependent.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 818 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

00819 {
00820   CoinDisjointCopyN(cs,modelPtr_->numberColumns(),
00821                     modelPtr_->primalColumnSolution());
00822   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
00823     // directly into code as well
00824     CoinDisjointCopyN(cs,modelPtr_->numberColumns(),
00825                       modelPtr_->solutionRegion(1));
00826   }
00827 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setColUpper int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue

Set a single column upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1618 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01619 {
01620   modelPtr_->columnUpper()[elementIndex] = elementValue;
01621   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
01622     // simplex interface
01623     modelPtr_->upperRegion(1)[elementIndex] = elementValue;
01624   }
01625 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setContinuous const int *  indices,
int  len

Set the variables listed in indices (which is of length len) to be continuous variables

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 795 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References integerInformation_.

00796 {
00797   if (integerInformation_) {
00798     int i;
00799     for (i=0; i<len;i++) {
00800       integerInformation_[i]=0;
00801     }
00802   }
00803 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setContinuous int  index  )  [virtual]

Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 776 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References integerInformation_.

00777 {
00779   if (integerInformation_) {
00780     integerInformation_[index]=0;
00781   }
00782 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setInteger const int *  indices,
int  len

Set the variables listed in indices (which is of length len) to be integer variables

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 806 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References integerInformation_, and modelPtr_.

00807 {
00808   if (!integerInformation_) {
00809     integerInformation_ = new char[modelPtr_->numberColumns()];
00810     CoinFillN ( integerInformation_, modelPtr_->numberColumns(),(char) 0);
00811   }
00812   int i;
00813   for (i=0; i<len;i++) {
00814     integerInformation_[indices[i]]=1;
00815   }
00816 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setInteger int  index  )  [virtual]

Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 785 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References integerInformation_, and modelPtr_.

00786 {
00787   if (!integerInformation_) {
00788     integerInformation_ = new char[modelPtr_->numberColumns()];
00789     CoinFillN ( integerInformation_, modelPtr_->numberColumns(),(char) 0);
00790   }
00791   integerInformation_[index]=1;
00792 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setObjCoeff int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue

Set an objective function coefficient

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1594 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References linearObjective_, and modelPtr_.

Referenced by addCol().

01595 {
01596   linearObjective_[elementIndex] = elementValue;
01597   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
01598     // simplex interface
01599     modelPtr_->costRegion(1)[elementIndex] = elementValue;
01600   }
01601 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setObjectiveAndRefresh double *  c  )  [virtual]

Set a new objective and apply the old basis so that the reduced costs are properly updated

Implements OsiSimplexInterface.

Definition at line 1917 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

01918 {
01919   assert (modelPtr_->solveType()==2);
01920   int numberColumns = modelPtr_->numberColumns();
01921   memcpy(modelPtr_->objective(),c,numberColumns*sizeof(double));
01922   memcpy(modelPtr_->costRegion(),c,numberColumns*sizeof(double));
01923   modelPtr_->computeDuals(NULL);
01924 }

virtual void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowBounds int  elementIndex,
double  lower,
double  upper
[inline, virtual]

Set a single row lower and upper bound

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 429 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

References modelPtr_.

Referenced by addRow(), and setRowType().

00430                                                               {
00431         modelPtr_->rowLower()[elementIndex] = lower;
00432         modelPtr_->rowUpper()[elementIndex] = upper;
00433       }

virtual void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowLower int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue
[inline, virtual]

Set a single row lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 418 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

References modelPtr_.

00418                                                                         {
00419         modelPtr_->rowLower()[elementIndex] = elementValue;
00420       }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowPrice const double *  rowprice  )  [virtual]

Set dual solution vector

rowprice[numrows()] is an array of values of the problem row dual variables. These values are copied to memory owned by the solver object or the solver. They will be returned as the result of rowprice() until changed by another call to setRowprice() or by a call to any solver routine. Whether the solver makes use of the solution in any way is solver-dependent.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 829 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References modelPtr_.

00830 {
00831   CoinDisjointCopyN(rs,modelPtr_->numberRows(),
00832                     modelPtr_->dualRowSolution());
00833   if (modelPtr_->solveType()==2) {
00834     // directly into code as well (? sign )
00835     CoinDisjointCopyN(rs,modelPtr_->numberRows(),
00836                       modelPtr_->djRegion(0));
00837   }
00838 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowSetBounds const int *  indexFirst,
const int *  indexLast,
const double *  boundList

Set the bounds on a number of rows simultaneously
The default implementation just invokes setRowLower() and setRowUpper() over and over again.

indexFirst,indexLast pointers to the beginning and after the end of the array of the indices of the constraints whose either bound changes
boundList the new lower/upper bound pairs for the constraints

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 715 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::convertBoundToSense(), OsiSolverInterface::forceIntoRange(), modelPtr_, rhs_, rowrange_, and rowsense_.

00718 {
00719   double * lower = modelPtr_->rowLower();
00720   double * upper = modelPtr_->rowUpper();
00721   const int len = indexLast - indexFirst;
00722   while (indexFirst != indexLast) {
00723     const int iRow=*indexFirst++;
00724     lower[iRow]= forceIntoRange(*boundList++, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00725     upper[iRow]= forceIntoRange(*boundList++, -OsiClpInfinity, OsiClpInfinity);
00726   }
00727   if (rowsense_ != NULL) {
00728     assert ((rhs_ != NULL) && (rowrange_ != NULL));
00729     indexFirst -= len;
00730     while (indexFirst != indexLast) {
00731       const int iRow=*indexFirst++;
00732       convertBoundToSense(lower[iRow], upper[iRow],
00733                           rowsense_[iRow], rhs_[iRow], rowrange_[iRow]);
00734     }
00735   }
00736 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowSetTypes const int *  indexFirst,
const int *  indexLast,
const char *  senseList,
const double *  rhsList,
const double *  rangeList

Set the type of a number of rows simultaneously
The default implementation just invokes setRowType() over and over again.

indexFirst,indexLast pointers to the beginning and after the end of the array of the indices of the constraints whose any characteristics changes
senseList the new senses
rhsList the new right hand sides
rangeList the new ranges

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 739 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::convertSenseToBound(), modelPtr_, rhs_, rowrange_, and rowsense_.

00744 {
00745   double * lower = modelPtr_->rowLower();
00746   double * upper = modelPtr_->rowUpper();
00747   const int len = indexLast - indexFirst;
00748   while (indexFirst != indexLast) {
00749     const int iRow= *indexFirst++;
00750       if (rangeList){
00751         convertSenseToBound(*senseList++, *rhsList++, *rangeList++,
00752                             lower[iRow], upper[iRow]);
00753       } else {
00754         convertSenseToBound(*senseList++, *rhsList++, 0,
00755                             lower[iRow], upper[iRow]);
00756       }
00757   }
00758   if (rowsense_ != NULL) {
00759     assert ((rhs_ != NULL) && (rowrange_ != NULL));
00760     indexFirst -= len;
00761     senseList -= len;
00762     rhsList -= len;
00763     if (rangeList)
00764        rangeList -= len;
00765     while (indexFirst != indexLast) {
00766       const int iRow=*indexFirst++;
00767       rowsense_[iRow] = *senseList++;
00768       rhs_[iRow] = *rhsList++;
00769       if (rangeList)
00770          rowrange_[iRow] = *rangeList++;
00771     }
00772   }
00773 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowType int  index,
char  sense,
double  rightHandSide,
double  range

Set the type of a single row

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 706 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::convertSenseToBound(), and setRowBounds().

00708 {
00709   // *TEST*
00710   double lower, upper;
00711   convertSenseToBound(sense, rightHandSide, range, lower, upper);
00712   setRowBounds(i, lower, upper);
00713 }

virtual void OsiClpSolverInterface::setRowUpper int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue
[inline, virtual]

Set a single row upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 424 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

References modelPtr_.

00424                                                                         {
00425         modelPtr_->rowUpper()[elementIndex] = elementValue;
00426       }

bool OsiClpSolverInterface::setWarmStart const CoinWarmStart warmstart  )  [virtual]

Set warmstarting information. Return true/false depending on whether the warmstart information was accepted or not.

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 539 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References basis_.

Referenced by solveFromHotStart().

00540 {
00542   const CoinWarmStartBasis* ws =
00543     dynamic_cast<const CoinWarmStartBasis*>(warmstart);
00545   if (! ws)
00546     return false;
00547   basis_ = CoinWarmStartBasis(*ws);
00548   return true;
00550 }

void OsiClpSolverInterface::writeMps const char *  filename,
const char *  extension = "mps",
double  objSense = 0.0
const [virtual]

Write the problem into an mps file of the given filename. If objSense is non zero then -1.0 forces the code to write a maximization objective and +1.0 to write a minimization one. If 0.0 then solver can do what it wants

Implements OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1121 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::writeMpsNative().

01124 {
01125   std::string f(filename);
01126   std::string e(extension);
01127   std::string fullname;
01128   if (e!="") {
01129     fullname = f + "." + e;
01130   } else {
01131     // no extension so no trailing period
01132     fullname = f;
01133   }
01134   // Fall back on Osi version - without names
01135   OsiSolverInterface::writeMpsNative(fullname.c_str(), 
01136                                      NULL, NULL,0,2,objSense);
01137 }

int OsiClpSolverInterface::writeMpsNative const char *  filename,
const char **  rowNames,
const char **  columnNames,
int  formatType = 0,
int  numberAcross = 2,
double  objSense = 0.0
const [virtual]

Write the problem into an mps file of the given filename, names may be null. formatType is 0 - normal 1 - extra accuracy 2 - IEEE hex (later)

Returns non-zero on I/O error

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 1140 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp.

References OsiSolverInterface::writeMpsNative().

01143 {
01144   return OsiSolverInterface::writeMpsNative(filename, rowNames, columnNames,
01145                                formatType, numberAcross,objSense);
01146 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

void OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest const std::string &  mpsDir,
const std::string &  netlibDir

A function that tests the methods in the OsiClpSolverInterface class. The only reason for it not to be a member method is that this way it doesn't have to be compiled into the library. And that's a gain, because the library should be compiled with optimization on, but this method should be compiled with debugging. Also, if this method is compiled with optimization, the compilation takes 10-15 minutes and the machine pages (has 256M core memory!)...

Definition at line 51 of file OsiClpSolverInterfaceTest.cpp.

00052 {
00054   // Test default constructor
00055   {
00056     OsiClpSolverInterface m;
00057     assert( m.rowsense_==NULL );
00058     assert( m.rhs_==NULL );
00059     assert( m.rowrange_==NULL );
00060     assert( m.matrixByRow_==NULL );
00061     assert( m.ws_==NULL);
00062     assert( m.itlimOrig_==9999999);
00063     assert( m.lastAlgorithm_==0);
00064     assert( m.integerInformation_==NULL);
00065   }
00068   {    
00069     CoinRelFltEq eq;
00070     OsiClpSolverInterface m;
00071     std::string fn = mpsDir+"exmip1";
00072     m.readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00074     {
00075       OsiClpSolverInterface im;    
00077       assert( im.getNumCols() == 0 ); 
00079       assert( im.getModelPtr()!=NULL );
00080       // Test reset
00081       im.reset();
00082       assert( im.rowsense_==NULL );
00083       assert( im.rhs_==NULL );
00084       assert( im.rowrange_==NULL );
00085       assert( im.matrixByRow_==NULL );
00086       assert( im.ws_==NULL);
00087       assert( im.itlimOrig_==9999999);
00088       assert( im.lastAlgorithm_==0);
00089       assert( im.integerInformation_==NULL);
00090     }
00092     // Test copy constructor and assignment operator
00093     {
00094       OsiClpSolverInterface lhs;
00095       {      
00096         OsiClpSolverInterface im(m);        
00098         OsiClpSolverInterface imC1(im);
00099         assert( imC1.getModelPtr()!=im.getModelPtr() );
00100         assert( imC1.getNumCols() == im.getNumCols() );
00101         assert( imC1.getNumRows() == im.getNumRows() );   
00103         OsiClpSolverInterface imC2(im);
00104         assert( imC2.getModelPtr()!=im.getModelPtr() );
00105         assert( imC2.getNumCols() == im.getNumCols() );
00106         assert( imC2.getNumRows() == im.getNumRows() );  
00108         assert( imC2.getModelPtr()!=imC1.getModelPtr() );
00110         lhs=imC2;
00111       }
00112       // Test that lhs has correct values even though rhs has gone out of scope
00114       assert( lhs.getModelPtr() != m.getModelPtr() );
00115       assert( lhs.getNumCols() == m.getNumCols() );
00116       assert( lhs.getNumRows() == m.getNumRows() );      
00117     }
00118     // Test clone
00119     {
00120       OsiClpSolverInterface oslSi(m);
00121       OsiSolverInterface * siPtr = &oslSi;
00122       OsiSolverInterface * siClone = siPtr->clone();
00123       OsiClpSolverInterface * oslClone = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface*>(siClone);
00124       assert( oslClone != NULL );
00125       assert( oslClone->getModelPtr() != oslSi.getModelPtr() );
00126       assert( oslClone->getNumRows() == oslSi.getNumRows() );
00127       assert( oslClone->getNumCols() == m.getNumCols() );
00129       delete siClone;
00130     }
00132     // test infinity
00133     {
00134       OsiClpSolverInterface si;
00135       assert( eq(si.getInfinity(),OsiClpInfinity));
00136     }     
00138     // Test setting solution
00139     {
00140       OsiClpSolverInterface m1(m);
00141       int i;
00143       double * cs = new double[m1.getNumCols()];
00144       for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumCols();  i++ ) 
00145         cs[i] = i + .5;
00146       m1.setColSolution(cs);
00147       for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumCols();  i++ ) 
00148         assert(m1.getColSolution()[i] == i + .5);
00150       double * rs = new double[m1.getNumRows()];
00151       for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumRows();  i++ ) 
00152         rs[i] = i - .5;
00153       m1.setRowPrice(rs);
00154       for ( i = 0;  i < m1.getNumRows();  i++ ) 
00155         assert(m1.getRowPrice()[i] == i - .5);
00157       delete [] cs;
00158       delete [] rs;
00159     }
00162     // Test fraction Indices
00163     {
00164       OsiClpSolverInterface fim;
00165       std::string fn = mpsDir+"exmip1";
00166       fim.readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00167       // exmip1.mps has 2 integer variables with index 2 & 3
00168       assert(  fim.isContinuous(0) );
00169       assert(  fim.isContinuous(1) );
00170       assert( !fim.isContinuous(2) );
00171       assert( !fim.isContinuous(3) );
00172       assert(  fim.isContinuous(4) );
00174       assert( !fim.isInteger(0) );
00175       assert( !fim.isInteger(1) );
00176       assert(  fim.isInteger(2) );
00177       assert(  fim.isInteger(3) );
00178       assert( !fim.isInteger(4) );
00180       assert( !fim.isBinary(0) );
00181       assert( !fim.isBinary(1) );
00182       assert(  fim.isBinary(2) );
00183       assert(  fim.isBinary(3) );
00184       assert( !fim.isBinary(4) );
00186       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(0) );
00187       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(1) );
00188       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(2) );
00189       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(3) );
00190       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(4) );
00192       // Test fractionalIndices
00193       {
00194         double sol[]={2.9,3.0};
00195         memcpy(fim.modelPtr_->primalColumnSolution()+2,sol,2*sizeof(double));
00196         OsiVectorInt fi = fim.getFractionalIndices(1e-5);
00197         assert( fi.size() == 1 );
00198         assert( fi[0]==2 );
00200         // Set integer variables very close to integer values
00201         sol[0]=5 + .00001/2.;
00202         sol[1]=8 - .00001/2.;
00203         memcpy(fim.modelPtr_->primalColumnSolution()+2,sol,2*sizeof(double));
00204         fi = fim.getFractionalIndices(1e-5);
00205         assert( fi.size() == 0 );
00207         // Set integer variables close, but beyond tolerances
00208         sol[0]=5 + .00001*2.;
00209         sol[1]=8 - .00001*2.;
00210         memcpy(fim.modelPtr_->primalColumnSolution()+2,sol,2*sizeof(double));
00211         fi = fim.getFractionalIndices(1e-5);
00212         assert( fi.size() == 2 );
00213         assert( fi[0]==2 );
00214         assert( fi[1]==3 );
00215       }
00219       // Change date so column 2 & 3 are integerNonBinary
00220       double ub[]={5.0,6.0};
00221       memcpy(fim.modelPtr_->columnUpper()+2,ub,2*sizeof(double));
00222       assert( !fim.isBinary(0) );
00223       assert( !fim.isBinary(1) );
00224       assert( !fim.isBinary(2) );
00225       assert( !fim.isBinary(3) );
00226       assert( !fim.isBinary(4) );
00228       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(0) );
00229       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(1) );
00230       assert(  fim.isIntegerNonBinary(2) );
00231       assert(  fim.isIntegerNonBinary(3) );
00232       assert( !fim.isIntegerNonBinary(4) );
00233     }
00235     // Test apply cuts method
00236     {      
00237       OsiClpSolverInterface im(m);
00238       OsiCuts cuts;
00240       // Generate some cuts 
00241       {
00242         // Get number of rows and columns in model
00243         int nr=im.getNumRows();
00244         int nc=im.getNumCols();
00245         assert( nr == 5 );
00246         assert( nc == 8 );
00248         // Generate a valid row cut from thin air
00249         int c;
00250         {
00251           int *inx = new int[nc];
00252           for (c=0;c<nc;c++) inx[c]=c;
00253           double *el = new double[nc];
00254           for (c=0;c<nc;c++) el[c]=((double)c)*((double)c);
00256           OsiRowCut rc;
00257           rc.setRow(nc,inx,el);
00258           rc.setLb(-100.);
00259           rc.setUb(100.);
00260           rc.setEffectiveness(22);
00262           cuts.insert(rc);
00263           delete[]el;
00264           delete[]inx;
00265         }
00267         // Generate valid col cut from thin air
00268         {
00269           const double * oslColLB = im.getColLower();
00270           const double * oslColUB = im.getColUpper();
00271           int *inx = new int[nc];
00272           for (c=0;c<nc;c++) inx[c]=c;
00273           double *lb = new double[nc];
00274           double *ub = new double[nc];
00275           for (c=0;c<nc;c++) lb[c]=oslColLB[c]+0.001;
00276           for (c=0;c<nc;c++) ub[c]=oslColUB[c]-0.001;
00278           OsiColCut cc;
00279           cc.setLbs(nc,inx,lb);
00280           cc.setUbs(nc,inx,ub);
00282           cuts.insert(cc);
00283           delete [] ub;
00284           delete [] lb;
00285           delete [] inx;
00286         }
00288         {
00289           // Generate a row and column cut which are ineffective
00290           OsiRowCut * rcP= new OsiRowCut;
00291           rcP->setEffectiveness(-1.);
00292           cuts.insert(rcP);
00293           assert(rcP==NULL);
00295           OsiColCut * ccP= new OsiColCut;
00296           ccP->setEffectiveness(-12.);
00297           cuts.insert(ccP);
00298           assert(ccP==NULL);
00299         }
00300         {
00301           //Generate inconsistent Row cut
00302           OsiRowCut rc;
00303           const int ne=1;
00304           int inx[ne]={-10};
00305           double el[ne]={2.5};
00306           rc.setRow(ne,inx,el);
00307           rc.setLb(3.);
00308           rc.setUb(4.);
00309           assert(!rc.consistent());
00310           cuts.insert(rc);
00311         }
00312         {
00313           //Generate inconsistent col cut
00314           OsiColCut cc;
00315           const int ne=1;
00316           int inx[ne]={-10};
00317           double el[ne]={2.5};
00318           cc.setUbs(ne,inx,el);
00319           assert(!cc.consistent());
00320           cuts.insert(cc);
00321         }
00322         {
00323           // Generate row cut which is inconsistent for model m
00324           OsiRowCut rc;
00325           const int ne=1;
00326           int inx[ne]={10};
00327           double el[ne]={2.5};
00328           rc.setRow(ne,inx,el);
00329           assert(rc.consistent());
00330           assert(!rc.consistent(im));
00331           cuts.insert(rc);
00332         }
00333         {
00334           // Generate col cut which is inconsistent for model m
00335           OsiColCut cc;
00336           const int ne=1;
00337           int inx[ne]={30};
00338           double el[ne]={2.0};
00339           cc.setLbs(ne,inx,el);
00340           assert(cc.consistent());
00341           assert(!cc.consistent(im));
00342           cuts.insert(cc);
00343         }
00344         {
00345           // Generate col cut which is infeasible
00346           OsiColCut cc;
00347           const int ne=1;
00348           int inx[ne]={0};
00349           double el[ne]={2.0};
00350           cc.setUbs(ne,inx,el);
00351           cc.setEffectiveness(1000.);
00352           assert(cc.consistent());
00353           assert(cc.consistent(im));
00354           assert(cc.infeasible(im));
00355           cuts.insert(cc);
00356         }
00357       }
00358       assert(cuts.sizeRowCuts()==4);
00359       assert(cuts.sizeColCuts()==5);
00361       OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = im.applyCuts(cuts);
00362       assert( rc.getNumIneffective() == 2 );
00363       assert( rc.getNumApplied() == 2 );
00364       assert( rc.getNumInfeasible() == 1 );
00365       assert( rc.getNumInconsistentWrtIntegerModel() == 2 );
00366       assert( rc.getNumInconsistent() == 2 );
00367       assert( cuts.sizeCuts() == rc.getNumIneffective() +
00368         rc.getNumApplied() +
00369         rc.getNumInfeasible() +
00370         rc.getNumInconsistentWrtIntegerModel() +
00371         rc.getNumInconsistent() );
00372     }
00374     {    
00375       OsiClpSolverInterface oslSi(m);
00376       int nc = oslSi.getNumCols();
00377       int nr = oslSi.getNumRows();
00378       const double * cl = oslSi.getColLower();
00379       const double * cu = oslSi.getColUpper();
00380       const double * rl = oslSi.getRowLower();
00381       const double * ru = oslSi.getRowUpper();
00382       assert( nc == 8 );
00383       assert( nr == 5 );
00384       assert( eq(cl[0],2.5) );
00385       assert( eq(cl[1],0.0) );
00386       assert( eq(cu[1],4.1) );
00387       assert( eq(cu[2],1.0) );
00388       assert( eq(rl[0],2.5) );
00389       assert( eq(rl[4],3.0) );
00390       assert( eq(ru[1],2.1) );
00391       assert( eq(ru[4],15.0) );
00393       const double * cs = oslSi.getColSolution();
00394       assert( eq(cs[0],2.5) );
00395       assert( eq(cs[7],0.0) );
00397       assert( !eq(cl[3],1.2345) );
00398       oslSi.setColLower( 3, 1.2345 );
00399       assert( eq(oslSi.getColLower()[3],1.2345) );
00401       assert( !eq(cu[4],10.2345) );
00402       oslSi.setColUpper( 4, 10.2345 );
00403       assert( eq(oslSi.getColUpper()[4],10.2345) );
00405       double objValue = oslSi.getObjValue();
00406       assert( eq(objValue,3.5) );
00408       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[0],  1.0) );
00409       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[1],  0.0) );
00410       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[2],  0.0) );
00411       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[3],  0.0) );
00412       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[4],  2.0) );
00413       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[5],  0.0) );
00414       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[6],  0.0) );
00415       assert( eq( oslSi.getObjCoefficients()[7], -1.0) );
00416     }
00418     // Test matrixByRow method
00419     { 
00420       const OsiClpSolverInterface si(m);
00421       const CoinPackedMatrix * smP = si.getMatrixByRow();
00422       // LL:      const OsiClpPackedMatrix * osmP = dynamic_cast<const OsiClpPackedMatrix*>(smP);
00423       // LL: assert( osmP!=NULL );
00425       CoinRelFltEq eq;
00426       const double * ev = smP->getElements();
00427       assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
00428       assert( eq(ev[1],   1.0) );
00429       assert( eq(ev[2],  -2.0) );
00430       assert( eq(ev[3],  -1.0) );
00431       assert( eq(ev[4],  -1.0) );
00432       assert( eq(ev[5],   2.0) );
00433       assert( eq(ev[6],   1.1) );
00434       assert( eq(ev[7],   1.0) );
00435       assert( eq(ev[8],   1.0) );
00436       assert( eq(ev[9],   2.8) );
00437       assert( eq(ev[10], -1.2) );
00438       assert( eq(ev[11],  5.6) );
00439       assert( eq(ev[12],  1.0) );
00440       assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
00442       const int * mi = smP->getVectorStarts();
00443       assert( mi[0]==0 );
00444       assert( mi[1]==5 );
00445       assert( mi[2]==7 );
00446       assert( mi[3]==9 );
00447       assert( mi[4]==11 );
00448       assert( mi[5]==14 );
00450       const int * ei = smP->getIndices();
00451       assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
00452       assert( ei[1]  ==  1 );
00453       assert( ei[2]  ==  3 );
00454       assert( ei[3]  ==  4 );
00455       assert( ei[4]  ==  7 );
00456       assert( ei[5]  ==  1 );
00457       assert( ei[6]  ==  2 );
00458       assert( ei[7]  ==  2 );
00459       assert( ei[8]  ==  5 );
00460       assert( ei[9]  ==  3 );
00461       assert( ei[10] ==  6 );
00462       assert( ei[11] ==  0 );
00463       assert( ei[12] ==  4 );
00464       assert( ei[13] ==  7 );    
00466       assert( smP->getMajorDim() == 5 ); 
00467       assert( smP->getNumElements() == 14 );
00469     }
00470     // Test adding several cuts
00471     {
00472       OsiClpSolverInterface fim;
00473       std::string fn = mpsDir+"exmip1";
00474       fim.readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00475       // exmip1.mps has 2 integer variables with index 2 & 3
00476       fim.initialSolve();
00477       OsiRowCut cuts[3];
00480       // Generate one ineffective cut plus two trivial cuts
00481       int c;
00482       int nc = fim.getNumCols();
00483       int *inx = new int[nc];
00484       for (c=0;c<nc;c++) inx[c]=c;
00485       double *el = new double[nc];
00486       for (c=0;c<nc;c++) el[c]=1.0e-50+((double)c)*((double)c);
00488       cuts[0].setRow(nc,inx,el);
00489       cuts[0].setLb(-100.);
00490       cuts[0].setUb(500.);
00491       cuts[0].setEffectiveness(22);
00492       el[4]=0.0; // to get inf later
00494       for (c=2;c<4;c++) {
00495         el[0]=1.0;
00496         inx[0]=c;
00497         cuts[c-1].setRow(1,inx,el);
00498         cuts[c-1].setLb(1.);
00499         cuts[c-1].setUb(100.);
00500         cuts[c-1].setEffectiveness(c);
00501       }
00502       fim.writeMps("x1.mps");
00503       fim.applyRowCuts(3,cuts);
00504       fim.writeMps("x2.mps");
00505       // resolve - should get message about zero elements
00506       fim.resolve();
00507       fim.writeMps("x3.mps");
00508       // check integer solution
00509       const double * cs = fim.getColSolution();
00510       CoinRelFltEq eq;
00511       assert( eq(cs[2],   1.0) );
00512       assert( eq(cs[3],   1.0) );
00513       // check will find invalid matrix
00514       el[0]=1.0/el[4];
00515       inx[0]=0;
00516       cuts[0].setRow(nc,inx,el);
00517       cuts[0].setLb(-100.);
00518       cuts[0].setUb(500.);
00519       cuts[0].setEffectiveness(22);
00520       fim.applyRowCut(cuts[0]);
00521       // resolve - should get message about zero elements
00522       fim.resolve();
00523       assert (fim.isAbandoned());
00524       delete[]el;
00525       delete[]inx;
00526     }
00527         // Test matrixByCol method
00528     {
00530       const OsiClpSolverInterface si(m);
00531       const CoinPackedMatrix * smP = si.getMatrixByCol();
00532       // LL:      const OsiClpPackedMatrix * osmP = dynamic_cast<const OsiClpPackedMatrix*>(smP);
00533       // LL: assert( osmP!=NULL );
00535       CoinRelFltEq eq;
00536       const double * ev = smP->getElements();
00537       assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
00538       assert( eq(ev[1],   5.6) );
00539       assert( eq(ev[2],   1.0) );
00540       assert( eq(ev[3],   2.0) );
00541       assert( eq(ev[4],   1.1) );
00542       assert( eq(ev[5],   1.0) );
00543       assert( eq(ev[6],  -2.0) );
00544       assert( eq(ev[7],   2.8) );
00545       assert( eq(ev[8],  -1.0) );
00546       assert( eq(ev[9],   1.0) );
00547       assert( eq(ev[10],  1.0) );
00548       assert( eq(ev[11], -1.2) );
00549       assert( eq(ev[12], -1.0) );
00550       assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
00552       const int * mi = smP->getVectorStarts();
00553       assert( mi[0]==0 );
00554       assert( mi[1]==2 );
00555       assert( mi[2]==4 );
00556       assert( mi[3]==6 );
00557       assert( mi[4]==8 );
00558       assert( mi[5]==10 );
00559       assert( mi[6]==11 );
00560       assert( mi[7]==12 );
00561       assert( mi[8]==14 );
00563       const int * ei = smP->getIndices();
00564       assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
00565       assert( ei[1]  ==  4 );
00566       assert( ei[2]  ==  0 );
00567       assert( ei[3]  ==  1 );
00568       assert( ei[4]  ==  1 );
00569       assert( ei[5]  ==  2 );
00570       assert( ei[6]  ==  0 );
00571       assert( ei[7]  ==  3 );
00572       assert( ei[8]  ==  0 );
00573       assert( ei[9]  ==  4 );
00574       assert( ei[10] ==  2 );
00575       assert( ei[11] ==  3 );
00576       assert( ei[12] ==  0 );
00577       assert( ei[13] ==  4 );    
00579       assert( smP->getMajorDim() == 8 ); 
00580       assert( smP->getNumElements() == 14 );
00582       assert( smP->getSizeVectorStarts()==9 );
00583       assert( smP->getMinorDim() == 5 );
00585     }
00586     //--------------
00587     // Test rowsense, rhs, rowrange, matrixByRow
00588     {
00589       OsiClpSolverInterface lhs;
00590       {      
00591         assert( m.rowrange_==NULL );
00592         assert( m.rowsense_==NULL );
00593         assert( m.rhs_==NULL );
00594         assert( m.matrixByRow_==NULL );
00596         OsiClpSolverInterface siC1(m);     
00597         assert( siC1.rowrange_==NULL );
00598         assert( siC1.rowsense_==NULL );
00599         assert( siC1.rhs_==NULL );
00600         assert( siC1.matrixByRow_==NULL );
00602         const char   * siC1rs  = siC1.getRowSense();
00603         assert( siC1rs[0]=='G' );
00604         assert( siC1rs[1]=='L' );
00605         assert( siC1rs[2]=='E' );
00606         assert( siC1rs[3]=='R' );
00607         assert( siC1rs[4]=='R' );
00609         const double * siC1rhs = siC1.getRightHandSide();
00610         assert( eq(siC1rhs[0],2.5) );
00611         assert( eq(siC1rhs[1],2.1) );
00612         assert( eq(siC1rhs[2],4.0) );
00613         assert( eq(siC1rhs[3],5.0) );
00614         assert( eq(siC1rhs[4],15.) ); 
00616         const double * siC1rr  = siC1.getRowRange();
00617         assert( eq(siC1rr[0],0.0) );
00618         assert( eq(siC1rr[1],0.0) );
00619         assert( eq(siC1rr[2],0.0) );
00620         assert( eq(siC1rr[3],5.0-1.8) );
00621         assert( eq(siC1rr[4],15.0-3.0) );
00623         const CoinPackedMatrix * siC1mbr = siC1.getMatrixByRow();
00624         assert( siC1mbr != NULL );
00626         const double * ev = siC1mbr->getElements();
00627         assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
00628         assert( eq(ev[1],   1.0) );
00629         assert( eq(ev[2],  -2.0) );
00630         assert( eq(ev[3],  -1.0) );
00631         assert( eq(ev[4],  -1.0) );
00632         assert( eq(ev[5],   2.0) );
00633         assert( eq(ev[6],   1.1) );
00634         assert( eq(ev[7],   1.0) );
00635         assert( eq(ev[8],   1.0) );
00636         assert( eq(ev[9],   2.8) );
00637         assert( eq(ev[10], -1.2) );
00638         assert( eq(ev[11],  5.6) );
00639         assert( eq(ev[12],  1.0) );
00640         assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
00642         const int * mi = siC1mbr->getVectorStarts();
00643         assert( mi[0]==0 );
00644         assert( mi[1]==5 );
00645         assert( mi[2]==7 );
00646         assert( mi[3]==9 );
00647         assert( mi[4]==11 );
00648         assert( mi[5]==14 );
00650         const int * ei = siC1mbr->getIndices();
00651         assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
00652         assert( ei[1]  ==  1 );
00653         assert( ei[2]  ==  3 );
00654         assert( ei[3]  ==  4 );
00655         assert( ei[4]  ==  7 );
00656         assert( ei[5]  ==  1 );
00657         assert( ei[6]  ==  2 );
00658         assert( ei[7]  ==  2 );
00659         assert( ei[8]  ==  5 );
00660         assert( ei[9]  ==  3 );
00661         assert( ei[10] ==  6 );
00662         assert( ei[11] ==  0 );
00663         assert( ei[12] ==  4 );
00664         assert( ei[13] ==  7 );    
00666         assert( siC1mbr->getMajorDim() == 5 ); 
00667         assert( siC1mbr->getNumElements() == 14 );
00670         assert( siC1rs  == siC1.getRowSense() );
00671         assert( siC1rhs == siC1.getRightHandSide() );
00672         assert( siC1rr  == siC1.getRowRange() );
00674         // Change OSL Model by adding free row
00675         OsiRowCut rc;
00676         rc.setLb(-DBL_MAX);
00677         rc.setUb( DBL_MAX);
00678         OsiCuts cuts;
00679         cuts.insert(rc);
00680         siC1.applyCuts(cuts);
00682         // Since model was changed, test that cached
00683         // data is now freed.
00684         assert( siC1.rowrange_==NULL );
00685         assert( siC1.rowsense_==NULL );
00686         assert( siC1.rhs_==NULL );
00687         assert( siC1.matrixByRow_==NULL );
00689         siC1rs  = siC1.getRowSense();
00690         assert( siC1rs[0]=='G' );
00691         assert( siC1rs[1]=='L' );
00692         assert( siC1rs[2]=='E' );
00693         assert( siC1rs[3]=='R' );
00694         assert( siC1rs[4]=='R' );
00695         assert( siC1rs[5]=='N' );
00697         siC1rhs = siC1.getRightHandSide();
00698         assert( eq(siC1rhs[0],2.5) );
00699         assert( eq(siC1rhs[1],2.1) );
00700         assert( eq(siC1rhs[2],4.0) );
00701         assert( eq(siC1rhs[3],5.0) );
00702         assert( eq(siC1rhs[4],15.) ); 
00703         assert( eq(siC1rhs[5],0.0 ) ); 
00705         siC1rr  = siC1.getRowRange();
00706         assert( eq(siC1rr[0],0.0) );
00707         assert( eq(siC1rr[1],0.0) );
00708         assert( eq(siC1rr[2],0.0) );
00709         assert( eq(siC1rr[3],5.0-1.8) );
00710         assert( eq(siC1rr[4],15.0-3.0) );
00711         assert( eq(siC1rr[5],0.0) );
00713         lhs=siC1;
00714       }
00715       // Test that lhs has correct values even though siC1 has gone out of scope    
00716       assert( lhs.rowrange_==NULL );
00717       assert( lhs.rowsense_==NULL );
00718       assert( lhs.rhs_==NULL ); 
00719       assert( lhs.matrixByRow_==NULL ); 
00721       const char * lhsrs  = lhs.getRowSense();
00722       assert( lhsrs[0]=='G' );
00723       assert( lhsrs[1]=='L' );
00724       assert( lhsrs[2]=='E' );
00725       assert( lhsrs[3]=='R' );
00726       assert( lhsrs[4]=='R' );
00727       assert( lhsrs[5]=='N' );
00729       const double * lhsrhs = lhs.getRightHandSide();
00730       assert( eq(lhsrhs[0],2.5) );
00731       assert( eq(lhsrhs[1],2.1) );
00732       assert( eq(lhsrhs[2],4.0) );
00733       assert( eq(lhsrhs[3],5.0) );
00734       assert( eq(lhsrhs[4],15.) ); 
00735       assert( eq(lhsrhs[5],0.0) ); 
00737       const double *lhsrr  = lhs.getRowRange();
00738       assert( eq(lhsrr[0],0.0) );
00739       assert( eq(lhsrr[1],0.0) );
00740       assert( eq(lhsrr[2],0.0) );
00741       assert( eq(lhsrr[3],5.0-1.8) );
00742       assert( eq(lhsrr[4],15.0-3.0) );
00743       assert( eq(lhsrr[5],0.0) );      
00745       const CoinPackedMatrix * lhsmbr = lhs.getMatrixByRow();
00746       assert( lhsmbr != NULL );       
00747       const double * ev = lhsmbr->getElements();
00748       assert( eq(ev[0],   3.0) );
00749       assert( eq(ev[1],   1.0) );
00750       assert( eq(ev[2],  -2.0) );
00751       assert( eq(ev[3],  -1.0) );
00752       assert( eq(ev[4],  -1.0) );
00753       assert( eq(ev[5],   2.0) );
00754       assert( eq(ev[6],   1.1) );
00755       assert( eq(ev[7],   1.0) );
00756       assert( eq(ev[8],   1.0) );
00757       assert( eq(ev[9],   2.8) );
00758       assert( eq(ev[10], -1.2) );
00759       assert( eq(ev[11],  5.6) );
00760       assert( eq(ev[12],  1.0) );
00761       assert( eq(ev[13],  1.9) );
00763       const int * mi = lhsmbr->getVectorStarts();
00764       assert( mi[0]==0 );
00765       assert( mi[1]==5 );
00766       assert( mi[2]==7 );
00767       assert( mi[3]==9 );
00768       assert( mi[4]==11 );
00769       assert( mi[5]==14 );
00771       const int * ei = lhsmbr->getIndices();
00772       assert( ei[0]  ==  0 );
00773       assert( ei[1]  ==  1 );
00774       assert( ei[2]  ==  3 );
00775       assert( ei[3]  ==  4 );
00776       assert( ei[4]  ==  7 );
00777       assert( ei[5]  ==  1 );
00778       assert( ei[6]  ==  2 );
00779       assert( ei[7]  ==  2 );
00780       assert( ei[8]  ==  5 );
00781       assert( ei[9]  ==  3 );
00782       assert( ei[10] ==  6 );
00783       assert( ei[11] ==  0 );
00784       assert( ei[12] ==  4 );
00785       assert( ei[13] ==  7 );    
00787       int md = lhsmbr->getMajorDim();
00788       assert(  md == 6 ); 
00789       assert( lhsmbr->getNumElements() == 14 );
00790     }
00792   }
00794   // Test add/delete columns
00795   {    
00796     OsiClpSolverInterface m;
00797     std::string fn = mpsDir+"p0033";
00798     m.readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00799     double inf = m.getInfinity();
00801     CoinPackedVector c0;
00802     c0.insert(0, 4);
00803     c0.insert(1, 1);
00804     m.addCol(c0, 0, inf, 3);
00805     m.initialSolve();
00806     double objValue = m.getObjValue();
00807     CoinRelFltEq eq(1.0e-2);
00808     assert( eq(objValue,2520.57) );
00809     // Try deleting first column
00810     int * d = new int[1];
00811     d[0]=0;
00812     m.deleteCols(1,d);
00813     delete [] d;
00814     d=NULL;
00815     m.resolve();
00816     objValue = m.getObjValue();
00817     assert( eq(objValue,2520.57) );
00818     // Try deleting column we added
00819     int iCol = m.getNumCols()-1;
00820     m.deleteCols(1,&iCol);
00821     m.resolve();
00822     objValue = m.getObjValue();
00823     assert( eq(objValue,2520.57) );
00825   }
00826   // Test matt
00827   if (fopen("../Clp/matt.mps","r")) {    
00828     OsiClpSolverInterface m;
00829     m.readMps("../Clp/matt","mps");
00830     m.setHintParam(OsiDoPresolveInResolve, true, OsiHintDo);
00831     m.resolve();
00833     std::vector<double *> rays = m.getDualRays(1);
00834     std::cout << "Dual Ray: " << std::endl;
00835     for(int i = 0; i < m.getNumRows(); i++){
00836       if(fabs(rays[0][i]) > 0.00001)
00837         std::cout << i << " : " << rays[0][i] << std::endl;
00838     }
00840     std::cout << "isProvenOptimal = " << m.isProvenOptimal() << std::endl;
00841     std::cout << "isProvenPrimalInfeasible = " << m.isProvenPrimalInfeasible()
00842          << std::endl;
00844     delete [] rays[0];
00846   }
00848   // Solve an lp by hand
00849   {    
00850     OsiClpSolverInterface m;
00851     std::string fn = mpsDir+"p0033";
00852     m.readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00853     m.setObjSense(-1.0);
00854     m.getModelPtr()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(4);
00855     m.initialSolve();
00856     m.getModelPtr()->factorization()->maximumPivots(5);
00857     m.setObjSense(1.0);
00858     // enable special mode
00859     m.enableSimplexInterface(true);
00860     // we happen to know that variables are 0-1 and rows are L
00861     int numberIterations=0;
00862     int numberColumns = m.getNumCols();
00863     int numberRows = m.getNumRows();
00864     double * fakeCost = new double[numberColumns];
00865     double * duals = new double [numberRows];
00866     double * djs = new double [numberColumns];
00867     const double * solution = m.getColSolution();
00868     memcpy(fakeCost,m.getObjCoefficients(),numberColumns*sizeof(double));
00869     while (1) {
00870       const double * dj;
00871       const double * dual;
00872       if ((numberIterations&1)==0) {
00873         // use given ones
00874         dj = m.getReducedCost();
00875         dual = m.getRowPrice();
00876       } else {
00877         // create
00878         dj = djs;
00879         dual = duals;
00880         m.getReducedGradient(djs,duals,fakeCost);
00881       }
00882       int i;
00883       int colIn=9999;
00884       int direction=1;
00885       double best=1.0e-6;
00886       // find most negative reduced cost
00887       // Should check basic - but should be okay on this problem
00888       for (i=0;i<numberRows;i++) {
00889         double value=dual[i];
00890         if (value>best) {
00891           direction=-1;
00892           best=value;
00893           colIn=-i-1;
00894         }
00895       }
00896       for (i=0;i<numberColumns;i++) {
00897         double value=dj[i];
00898         if (value<-best&&solution[i]<1.0e-6) {
00899           direction=1;
00900           best=-value;
00901           colIn=i;
00902         } else if (value>best&&solution[i]>1.0-1.0e-6) {
00903           direction=-1;
00904           best=value;
00905           colIn=i;
00906         }
00907       }
00908       if (colIn==9999)
00909         break; // should be optimal
00910       int colOut;
00911       int outStatus;
00912       double theta;
00913       assert(!m.primalPivotResult(colIn,direction,colOut,outStatus,theta,NULL));
00914       printf("out %d, direction %d theta %g\n",
00915              colOut,outStatus,theta);
00916       numberIterations++;
00917     }
00918     delete [] fakeCost;
00919     delete [] duals;
00920     delete [] djs;
00921     // exit special mode
00922     m.disableSimplexInterface();
00923     m.getModelPtr()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(4);
00924     m.resolve();
00925     assert (!m.getIterationCount());
00926     m.setObjSense(-1.0);
00927     m.initialSolve();
00928   }
00929   // Do common solverInterface testing 
00930   {
00931     OsiClpSolverInterface m;
00932     OsiSolverInterfaceCommonUnitTest(&m, mpsDir,netlibDir);
00933   }
00934 }

Member Data Documentation

CoinWarmStartBasis OsiClpSolverInterface::basis_ [private]

Warmstart information to be used in resolves.

Definition at line 770 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

Referenced by addCol(), addCols(), addRow(), addRows(), deleteCols(), deleteRows(), disableSimplexInterface(), getWarmStart(), initialSolve(), operator=(), OsiClpSolverInterface(), reset(), resolve(), and setWarmStart().

int OsiClpSolverInterface::itlimOrig_ [private]

The original iteration limit before hotstarts started.

Definition at line 772 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

Referenced by reset(), and solveFromHotStart().

double* OsiClpSolverInterface::rowActivity_ [mutable, private]

also save row and column information for hot starts only used in hotstarts so can be casual

Definition at line 767 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

Referenced by markHotStart(), operator=(), reset(), solveFromHotStart(), unmarkHotStart(), and ~OsiClpSolverInterface().

double* OsiClpSolverInterface::rowrange_ [mutable, private]

Pointer to dense vector of slack upper bounds for range constraints (undefined for non-range rows)

Definition at line 760 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

Referenced by extractSenseRhsRange(), freeCachedResults(), getRowRange(), setRowSetBounds(), and setRowSetTypes().

CoinWarmStartBasis* OsiClpSolverInterface::ws_ [mutable, private]

A pointer to the warmstart information to be used in the hotstarts. This is NOT efficient and more thought should be given to it...

Reimplemented from OsiSolverInterface.

Definition at line 764 of file OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp.

Referenced by freeCachedResults(), markHotStart(), operator=(), OsiClpSolverInterface(), reset(), solveFromHotStart(), unmarkHotStart(), and ~OsiClpSolverInterface().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:35:39 2003 for Osi by doxygen 1.3.5