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ClpModel Class Reference

#include <ClpModel.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ClpModel:

ClpInterior ClpSimplex ClpPredictorCorrector ClpSimplexDual ClpSimplexPrimal ClpSimplexPrimalQuadratic List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructor
Note - copy methods copy ALL data so can chew up memory until other copy is freed

 ClpModel ()
 Default constructor.

 ClpModel (const ClpModel &)
 Copy constructor.

ClpModeloperator= (const ClpModel &rhs)
 Assignment operator. This copies the data.

 ClpModel (const ClpModel *wholeModel, int numberRows, const int *whichRows, int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns, bool dropNames=true, bool dropIntegers=true)
 ~ClpModel ()

Load model - loads some stuff and initializes others
void loadProblem (const ClpMatrixBase &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
void loadProblem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
void loadProblem (const int numcols, const int numrows, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index, const double *value, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
void loadProblem (const int numcols, const int numrows, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index, const double *value, const int *length, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
 This one is for after presolve to save memory.

void loadQuadraticObjective (const int numberColumns, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *column, const double *element)
void loadQuadraticObjective (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix)
void deleteQuadraticObjective ()
 Get rid of quadratic objective.

void setRowObjective (const double *rowObjective)
 This just loads up a row objective.

int readMps (const char *filename, bool keepNames=false, bool ignoreErrors=false)
 Read an mps file from the given filename.

void copyInIntegerInformation (const char *information)
 Copy in integer informations.

void deleteIntegerInformation ()
 Drop integer informations.

void resize (int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns)
 Resizes rim part of model.

void deleteRows (int number, const int *which)
 Deletes rows.

void addRows (int number, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const int *rowStarts, const int *columns, const double *elements)
 Add rows.

void addRows (int number, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const int *rowStarts, const int *rowLengths, const int *columns, const double *elements)
 Add rows.

void addRows (int number, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows)
void deleteColumns (int number, const int *which)
 Deletes columns.

void addColumns (int number, const double *columnLower, const double *columnUpper, const double *objective, const int *columnStarts, const int *rows, const double *elements)
 Add columns.

void addColumns (int number, const double *columnLower, const double *columnUpper, const double *objective, const int *columnStarts, const int *columnLengths, const int *rows, const double *elements)
void addColumns (int number, const double *columnLower, const double *columnUpper, const double *objective, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *columns)
void borrowModel (ClpModel &otherModel)
void returnModel (ClpModel &otherModel)
void createEmptyMatrix ()
 Create empty ClpPackedMatrix.

void dropNames ()
 Drops names - makes lengthnames 0 and names empty.

void copyNames (std::vector< std::string > &rowNames, std::vector< std::string > &columnNames)
 Copies in names.

gets and sets
int numberRows () const
 Number of rows.

int getNumRows () const
int getNumCols () const
 Number of columns.

int numberColumns () const
double primalTolerance () const
 Primal tolerance to use.

void setPrimalTolerance (double value)
double dualTolerance () const
 Dual tolerance to use.

void setDualTolerance (double value)
double dualObjectiveLimit () const
 Dual objective limit.

void setDualObjectiveLimit (double value)
double objectiveOffset () const
 Objective offset.

void setObjectiveOffset (double value)
std::string problemName () const
int numberIterations () const
 Number of iterations.

int getIterationCount () const
void setNumberIterations (int numberIterations)
int solveType () const
 Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface.

void setSolveType (int type)
int maximumIterations () const
 Maximum number of iterations.

void setMaximumIterations (int value)
double maximumSeconds () const
 Maximum time in seconds (from when set called).

void setMaximumSeconds (double value)
bool hitMaximumIterations () const
 Returns true if hit maximum iterations (or time).

int status () const
void setProblemStatus (int problemStatus)
 Set problem status.

int secondaryStatus () const
void setSecondaryStatus (int status)
bool isAbandoned () const
 Are there a numerical difficulties?

bool isProvenOptimal () const
 Is optimality proven?

bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible () const
 Is primal infeasiblity proven?

bool isProvenDualInfeasible () const
 Is dual infeasiblity proven?

bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the given primal objective limit reached?

bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the given dual objective limit reached?

bool isIterationLimitReached () const
 Iteration limit reached?

double optimizationDirection () const
 Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore.

double getObjSense () const
void setOptimizationDirection (double value)
double * primalRowSolution () const
 Primal row solution.

const double * getRowActivity () const
double * primalColumnSolution () const
 Primal column solution.

const double * getColSolution () const
void setColSolution (const double *input)
double * dualRowSolution () const
 Dual row solution.

const double * getRowPrice () const
double * dualColumnSolution () const
 Reduced costs.

const double * getReducedCost () const
double * rowLower () const
 Row lower.

const double * getRowLower () const
double * rowUpper () const
 Row upper.

const double * getRowUpper () const
double * objective () const

double * objective (const double *solution, double &offset, bool refresh=true) const
const double * getObjCoefficients () const
double * rowObjective () const
 Row Objective.

const double * getRowObjCoefficients () const
double * columnLower () const
 Column Lower.

const double * getColLower () const
double * columnUpper () const
 Column Upper.

const double * getColUpper () const
CoinPackedMatrix * matrix () const
 Matrix (if not ClpPackedmatrix be careful about memory leak.

int getNumElements () const
 Number of elements in matrix.

double getSmallElementValue () const
void setSmallElementValue (double value)
ClpMatrixBaserowCopy () const
 Row Matrix.

ClpMatrixBaseclpMatrix () const
 Clp Matrix.

void replaceMatrix (ClpMatrixBase *matrix)
double objectiveValue () const
 Objective value.

double getObjValue () const
char * integerInformation () const
 Integer information.

double * infeasibilityRay () const
double * unboundedRay () const
bool statusExists () const
 See if status array exists (partly for OsiClp).

unsigned char * statusArray () const
 Return address of status array (char[numberRows+numberColumns]).

unsigned char * statusCopy () const
void copyinStatus (const unsigned char *statusArray)
 Copy in status vector.

void setUserPointer (void *pointer)
 User pointer for whatever reason.

void * getUserPointer () const
Message handling
void passInMessageHandler (CoinMessageHandler *handler)
 Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end).

void newLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
 Set language.

void setLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
CoinMessageHandlermessageHandler () const
 Return handler.

CoinMessages messages () const
 Return messages.

CoinMessagesmessagesPointer ()
 Return pointer to messages.

void setLogLevel (int value)
int logLevel () const
int lengthNames () const
 length of names (0 means no names0

const std::vector< std::string > * rowNames () const
 Row names.

const std::string & rowName (int iRow) const
const std::vector< std::string > * columnNames () const
 Column names.

const std::string & columnName (int iColumn) const
ClpObjectiveobjectiveAsObject () const
 Objective methods.

void setObjective (ClpObjective *objective)
void setObjectivePointer (ClpObjective *objective)
Parameter set/get methods
The set methods return true if the parameter was set to the given value, false otherwise. There can be various reasons for failure: the given parameter is not applicable for the solver (e.g., refactorization frequency for the volume algorithm), the parameter is not yet implemented for the solver or simply the value of the parameter is out of the range the solver accepts. If a parameter setting call returns false check the details of your solver.

The get methods return true if the given parameter is applicable for the solver and is implemented. In this case the value of the parameter is returned in the second argument. Otherwise they return false.

once it has been decided where solver sits this may be redone

bool setIntParam (ClpIntParam key, int value)
 Set an integer parameter.

bool setDblParam (ClpDblParam key, double value)
 Set an double parameter.

bool setStrParam (ClpStrParam key, const std::string &value)
 Set an string parameter.

bool getIntParam (ClpIntParam key, int &value) const
bool getDblParam (ClpDblParam key, double &value) const
bool getStrParam (ClpStrParam key, std::string &value) const

Protected Member Functions

private or protected methods
void gutsOfDelete ()
 Does most of deletion.

void gutsOfCopy (const ClpModel &rhs, bool trueCopy=true)
void getRowBound (int iRow, double &lower, double &upper) const
 gets lower and upper bounds on rows

void gutsOfLoadModel (int numberRows, int numberColumns, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
 puts in format I like - 4 array matrix - may make row copy

Protected Attributes

double optimizationDirection_
 Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore.

double dblParam_ [ClpLastDblParam]
 Array of double parameters.

double objectiveValue_
 Objective value.

double smallElement_
 Small element value.

int numberRows_
 Number of rows.

int numberColumns_
 Number of columns.

double * rowActivity_
 Row activities.

double * columnActivity_
 Column activities.

double * dual_

double * reducedCost_
 Reduced costs.

double * rowLower_
 Row lower.

double * rowUpper_
 Row upper.


double * rowObjective_
 Row Objective (? sign) - may be NULL.

double * columnLower_
 Column Lower.

double * columnUpper_
 Column Upper.

 Packed matrix.

 Row copy if wanted.

double * ray_
 Infeasible/unbounded ray.

unsigned char * status_
char * integerType_
 Integer information.

void * userPointer_
 User pointer for whatever reason.

int intParam_ [ClpLastIntParam]
 Array of integer parameters.

int numberIterations_
 Number of iterations.

int solveType_
 Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface.

int problemStatus_
 Status of problem.

int secondaryStatus_
 Secondary status of problem.

int lengthNames_
 length of names (0 means no names)

 Message handler.

bool defaultHandler_
 Flag to say if default handler (so delete).

std::vector< std::string > rowNames_
 Row names.

std::vector< std::string > columnNames_
 Column names.

CoinMessages messages_

std::string strParam_ [ClpLastStrParam]
 Array of string parameters.

Detailed Description

This is the base class for Linear and quadratic Models This knows nothing about the algorithm, but it seems to have a reasonable amount of information

I would welcome suggestions for what should be in this and how it relates to OsiSolverInterface. Some methods look very similar.

Definition at line 32 of file ClpModel.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ClpModel::ClpModel const ClpModel wholeModel,
int  numberRows,
const int *  whichRows,
int  numberColumns,
const int *  whichColumns,
bool  dropNames = true,
bool  dropIntegers = true

Subproblem constructor. A subset of whole model is created from the row and column lists given. The new order is given by list order and duplicates are allowed. Name and integer information can be dropped

Definition at line 1283 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References columnActivity_, columnLower_, columnNames_, columnUpper_, dblParam_, defaultHandler_, deleteColumns(), deleteRows(), dual_, gutsOfCopy(), handler_, integerType_, intParam_, lengthNames_, matrix_, messages_, numberColumns(), numberColumns_, numberIterations_, numberRows(), numberRows_, objective_, objectiveValue_, optimizationDirection_, problemStatus_, ray_, reducedCost_, rowActivity_, rowCopy_, rowLower_, rowNames_, rowObjective_, rowUpper_, secondaryStatus_, smallElement_, solveType_, status_, strParam_, ClpMatrixBase::subsetClone(), ClpObjective::subsetClone(), and userPointer_.

01287 {
01288 #if 0
01289   // Could be recoded to be faster and take less memory
01290   // and to allow re-ordering and duplicates etc
01291   gutsOfCopy(*rhs,true);
01292   int numberRowsWhole = rhs->numberRows();
01293   int * delRow = new int[numberRowsWhole];
01294   memset(delRow,0,numberRowsWhole*sizeof(int));
01295   int i;
01296   for (i=0;i<numberRows;i++) {
01297     int iRow=whichRow[i];
01298     assert (iRow>=0&&iRow<numberRowsWhole);
01299     delRow[iRow]=1;
01300   }
01301   numberRows=0;
01302   for (i=0;i<numberRowsWhole;i++) {
01303     if (delRow[i]==0)
01304       delRow[numberRows++]=i;
01305   }
01306   deleteRows(numberRows,delRow);
01307   delete [] delRow;
01308   int numberColumnsWhole = rhs->numberColumns();
01309   int * delColumn = new int[numberColumnsWhole];
01310   memset(delColumn,0,numberColumnsWhole*sizeof(int));
01311   for (i=0;i<numberColumns;i++) {
01312     int iColumn=whichColumn[i];
01313     assert (iColumn>=0&&iColumn<numberColumnsWhole);
01314     delColumn[iColumn]=1;
01315   }
01316   numberColumns=0;
01317   for (i=0;i<numberColumnsWhole;i++) {
01318     if (delColumn[i]==0)
01319       delColumn[numberColumns++]=i;
01320   }
01321   deleteColumns(numberColumns,delColumn);
01322   delete [] delColumn;
01323 #else
01324   defaultHandler_ = rhs->defaultHandler_;
01325   if (defaultHandler_) 
01326     handler_ = new CoinMessageHandler(*rhs->handler_);
01327    else 
01328     handler_ = rhs->handler_;
01329   messages_ = rhs->messages_;
01330   intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration] = rhs->intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration];
01331   intParam_[ClpMaxNumIterationHotStart] = 
01332     rhs->intParam_[ClpMaxNumIterationHotStart];
01334   dblParam_[ClpDualObjectiveLimit] = rhs->dblParam_[ClpDualObjectiveLimit];
01335   dblParam_[ClpPrimalObjectiveLimit] = rhs->dblParam_[ClpPrimalObjectiveLimit];
01336   dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance] = rhs->dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance];
01337   dblParam_[ClpPrimalTolerance] = rhs->dblParam_[ClpPrimalTolerance];
01338   dblParam_[ClpObjOffset] = rhs->dblParam_[ClpObjOffset];
01339   dblParam_[ClpMaxSeconds] = rhs->dblParam_[ClpMaxSeconds];
01341   strParam_[ClpProbName] = rhs->strParam_[ClpProbName];
01343   optimizationDirection_ = rhs->optimizationDirection_;
01344   objectiveValue_=rhs->objectiveValue_;
01345   smallElement_ = rhs->smallElement_;
01346   numberIterations_ = rhs->numberIterations_;
01347   solveType_ = rhs->solveType_;
01348   problemStatus_ = rhs->problemStatus_;
01349   secondaryStatus_ = rhs->secondaryStatus_;
01350   // check valid lists
01351   int numberBad=0;
01352   int i;
01353   for (i=0;i<numberRows;i++)
01354     if (whichRow[i]<0||whichRow[i]>=rhs->numberRows_)
01355       numberBad++;
01356   if (numberBad)
01357     throw CoinError("bad row list", "subproblem constructor", "ClpModel");
01358   numberBad=0;
01359   for (i=0;i<numberColumns;i++)
01360     if (whichColumn[i]<0||whichColumn[i]>=rhs->numberColumns_)
01361       numberBad++;
01362   if (numberBad)
01363     throw CoinError("bad column list", "subproblem constructor", "ClpModel");
01364   numberRows_ = numberRows;
01365   numberColumns_ = numberColumns;
01366   userPointer_ = rhs->userPointer_;
01367   if (!dropNames) {
01368     unsigned int maxLength=0;
01369     int iRow;
01370     rowNames_ = std::vector<std::string> ();
01371     columnNames_ = std::vector<std::string> ();
01372     rowNames_.reserve(numberRows_);
01373     for (iRow=0;iRow<numberRows_;iRow++) {
01374       rowNames_[iRow] = rhs->rowNames_[whichRow[iRow]];
01375       maxLength = max(maxLength,(unsigned int) strlen(rowNames_[iRow].c_str()));
01376     }
01377     int iColumn;
01378     columnNames_.reserve(numberColumns_);
01379     for (iColumn=0;iColumn<numberColumns_;iColumn++) {
01380       columnNames_[iColumn] = rhs->columnNames_[whichColumn[iColumn]];
01381       maxLength = max(maxLength,(unsigned int) strlen(columnNames_[iColumn].c_str()));
01382     }
01383     lengthNames_=(int) maxLength;
01384   } else {
01385     lengthNames_ = 0;
01386     rowNames_ = std::vector<std::string> ();
01387     columnNames_ = std::vector<std::string> ();
01388   }
01389   if (rhs->integerType_&&!dropIntegers) {
01390     integerType_ = whichChar(rhs->integerType_,numberColumns,whichColumn);
01391   } else {
01392     integerType_ = NULL;
01393   }
01394   if (rhs->rowActivity_) {
01395     rowActivity_=whichDouble(rhs->rowActivity_,numberRows,whichRow);
01396     dual_=whichDouble(rhs->dual_,numberRows,whichRow);
01397     columnActivity_=whichDouble(rhs->columnActivity_,numberColumns,
01398                                 whichColumn);
01399     reducedCost_=whichDouble(rhs->reducedCost_,numberColumns,
01400                                 whichColumn);
01401   } else {
01402     rowActivity_=NULL;
01403     columnActivity_=NULL;
01404     dual_=NULL;
01405     reducedCost_=NULL;
01406   }
01407   rowLower_=whichDouble(rhs->rowLower_,numberRows,whichRow);
01408   rowUpper_=whichDouble(rhs->rowUpper_,numberRows,whichRow);
01409   columnLower_=whichDouble(rhs->columnLower_,numberColumns,whichColumn);
01410   columnUpper_=whichDouble(rhs->columnUpper_,numberColumns,whichColumn);
01411   if (rhs->objective_)
01412     objective_  = rhs->objective_->subsetClone(numberColumns,whichColumn);
01413   else
01414     objective_ = NULL;
01415   rowObjective_=whichDouble(rhs->rowObjective_,numberRows,whichRow);
01416   // status has to be done in two stages
01417   status_ = new unsigned char[numberColumns_+numberRows_];
01418   unsigned char * rowStatus = whichUnsignedChar(rhs->status_+rhs->numberColumns_,
01419                                                 numberRows_,whichRow);
01420   unsigned char * columnStatus = whichUnsignedChar(rhs->status_,
01421                                                 numberColumns_,whichColumn);
01422   memcpy(status_+numberColumns_,rowStatus,numberRows_);
01423   delete [] rowStatus;
01424   memcpy(status_,columnStatus,numberColumns_);
01425   delete [] columnStatus;
01426   ray_ = NULL;
01427   if (problemStatus_==1&&!secondaryStatus_)
01428     ray_ = whichDouble (rhs->ray_,numberRows,whichRow);
01429   else if (problemStatus_==2)
01430     ray_ = whichDouble (rhs->ray_,numberColumns,whichColumn);
01431   if (rhs->rowCopy_) {
01432     rowCopy_ = rhs->rowCopy_->subsetClone(numberRows,whichRow,
01433                                           numberColumns,whichColumn);
01434   } else {
01435     rowCopy_=NULL;
01436   }
01437   matrix_=NULL;
01438   if (rhs->matrix_) {
01439     matrix_ = rhs->matrix_->subsetClone(numberRows,whichRow,
01440                                         numberColumns,whichColumn);
01441   }
01442 #endif
01443 }

Member Function Documentation

void ClpModel::borrowModel ClpModel otherModel  ) 

Borrow model. This is so we don't have to copy large amounts of data around. It assumes a derived class wants to overwrite an empty model with a real one - while it does an algorithm

Reimplemented in ClpSimplex.

Definition at line 406 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References defaultHandler_, gutsOfCopy(), gutsOfDelete(), handler_, numberColumns_, numberRows_, optimizationDirection_, and ray_.

Referenced by ClpSimplex::borrowModel().

00407 {
00408   if (defaultHandler_) {
00409     delete handler_;
00410     handler_ = NULL;
00411   }
00412   gutsOfDelete();
00413   optimizationDirection_ = rhs.optimizationDirection_;
00414   numberRows_ = rhs.numberRows_;
00415   numberColumns_ = rhs.numberColumns_;
00416   delete [] rhs.ray_;
00417   rhs.ray_=NULL;
00418   gutsOfCopy(rhs,false);
00419 }

double ClpModel::getSmallElementValue  )  const [inline]

Small element value - elements less than this set to zero, default is 1.0e-20

Definition at line 331 of file ClpModel.hpp.

References smallElement_.

00332   { return smallElement_;}; 

void ClpModel::gutsOfCopy const ClpModel rhs,
bool  trueCopy = true

Does most of copying If trueCopy false then just points to arrays

Definition at line 297 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References ClpMatrixBase::clone(), ClpObjective::clone(), columnActivity_, columnLower_, columnNames_, columnUpper_, dblParam_, defaultHandler_, dual_, handler_, integerType_, intParam_, lengthNames_, matrix_, messages_, numberColumns_, numberIterations_, numberRows_, objective_, objectiveValue_, optimizationDirection_, problemStatus_, ray_, reducedCost_, rowActivity_, rowCopy_, rowLower_, rowNames_, rowObjective_, rowUpper_, secondaryStatus_, smallElement_, solveType_, status_, strParam_, and userPointer_.

Referenced by borrowModel(), ClpModel(), and operator=().

00298 {
00299   defaultHandler_ = rhs.defaultHandler_;
00300   if (defaultHandler_) 
00301     handler_ = new CoinMessageHandler(*rhs.handler_);
00302    else 
00303     handler_ = rhs.handler_;
00304   messages_ = rhs.messages_;
00305   intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration] = rhs.intParam_[ClpMaxNumIteration];
00306   intParam_[ClpMaxNumIterationHotStart] = 
00307     rhs.intParam_[ClpMaxNumIterationHotStart];
00309   dblParam_[ClpDualObjectiveLimit] = rhs.dblParam_[ClpDualObjectiveLimit];
00310   dblParam_[ClpPrimalObjectiveLimit] = rhs.dblParam_[ClpPrimalObjectiveLimit];
00311   dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance] = rhs.dblParam_[ClpDualTolerance];
00312   dblParam_[ClpPrimalTolerance] = rhs.dblParam_[ClpPrimalTolerance];
00313   dblParam_[ClpObjOffset] = rhs.dblParam_[ClpObjOffset];
00314   dblParam_[ClpMaxSeconds] = rhs.dblParam_[ClpMaxSeconds];
00316   strParam_[ClpProbName] = rhs.strParam_[ClpProbName];
00318   optimizationDirection_ = rhs.optimizationDirection_;
00319   objectiveValue_=rhs.objectiveValue_;
00320   smallElement_ = rhs.smallElement_;
00321   numberIterations_ = rhs.numberIterations_;
00322   solveType_ = rhs.solveType_;
00323   problemStatus_ = rhs.problemStatus_;
00324   secondaryStatus_ = rhs.secondaryStatus_;
00325   numberRows_ = rhs.numberRows_;
00326   numberColumns_ = rhs.numberColumns_;
00327   userPointer_ = rhs.userPointer_;
00328   if (trueCopy) {
00329     lengthNames_ = rhs.lengthNames_;
00330     rowNames_ = rhs.rowNames_;
00331     columnNames_ = rhs.columnNames_;
00332     if (rhs.integerType_) {
00333       integerType_ = new char[numberColumns_];
00334       memcpy(integerType_,rhs.integerType_,numberColumns_*sizeof(char));
00335     } else {
00336       integerType_ = NULL;
00337     }
00338     if (rhs.rowActivity_) {
00339       rowActivity_=new double[numberRows_];
00340       columnActivity_=new double[numberColumns_];
00341       dual_=new double[numberRows_];
00342       reducedCost_=new double[numberColumns_];
00343       ClpDisjointCopyN ( rhs.rowActivity_, numberRows_ ,
00344                           rowActivity_);
00345       ClpDisjointCopyN ( rhs.columnActivity_, numberColumns_ ,
00346                           columnActivity_);
00347       ClpDisjointCopyN ( rhs.dual_, numberRows_ , 
00348                           dual_);
00349       ClpDisjointCopyN ( rhs.reducedCost_, numberColumns_ ,
00350                           reducedCost_);
00351     } else {
00352       rowActivity_=NULL;
00353       columnActivity_=NULL;
00354       dual_=NULL;
00355       reducedCost_=NULL;
00356     }
00357     rowLower_ = ClpCopyOfArray ( rhs.rowLower_, numberRows_ );
00358     rowUpper_ = ClpCopyOfArray ( rhs.rowUpper_, numberRows_ );
00359     columnLower_ = ClpCopyOfArray ( rhs.columnLower_, numberColumns_ );
00360     columnUpper_ = ClpCopyOfArray ( rhs.columnUpper_, numberColumns_ );
00361     if (rhs.objective_)
00362       objective_  = rhs.objective_->clone();
00363     else
00364       objective_ = NULL;
00365     rowObjective_ = ClpCopyOfArray ( rhs.rowObjective_, numberRows_ );
00366     status_ = ClpCopyOfArray( rhs.status_,numberColumns_+numberRows_);
00367     ray_ = NULL;
00368     if (problemStatus_==1&&!secondaryStatus_)
00369       ray_ = ClpCopyOfArray (rhs.ray_,numberRows_);
00370     else if (problemStatus_==2)
00371       ray_ = ClpCopyOfArray (rhs.ray_,numberColumns_);
00372     if (rhs.rowCopy_) {
00373       rowCopy_ = rhs.rowCopy_->clone();
00374     } else {
00375       rowCopy_=NULL;
00376     }
00377     matrix_=NULL;
00378     if (rhs.matrix_) {
00379       matrix_ = rhs.matrix_->clone();
00380     }
00381   } else {
00382     rowActivity_ = rhs.rowActivity_;
00383     columnActivity_ = rhs.columnActivity_;
00384     dual_ = rhs.dual_;
00385     reducedCost_ = rhs.reducedCost_;
00386     rowLower_ = rhs.rowLower_;
00387     rowUpper_ = rhs.rowUpper_;
00388     objective_ = rhs.objective_;
00389     rowObjective_ = rhs.rowObjective_;
00390     columnLower_ = rhs.columnLower_;
00391     columnUpper_ = rhs.columnUpper_;
00392     matrix_ = rhs.matrix_;
00393     rowCopy_ = NULL;
00394     ray_ = rhs.ray_;
00395     lengthNames_ = 0;
00396     rowNames_ = std::vector<std::string> ();
00397     columnNames_ = std::vector<std::string> ();
00398     integerType_ = NULL;
00399     status_ = rhs.status_;
00400   }
00401 }

double * ClpModel::infeasibilityRay  )  const

Infeasibility/unbounded ray (NULL returned if none/wrong) Up to user to use delete [] on these arrays.

Definition at line 981 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References numberRows_, problemStatus_, ray_, and secondaryStatus_.

00982 {
00983   double * array = NULL;
00984   if (problemStatus_==1&&!secondaryStatus_) 
00985     array = ClpCopyOfArray(ray_,numberRows_);
00986   return array;
00987 }

void ClpModel::loadProblem const int  numcols,
const int  numrows,
const CoinBigIndex *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL

Just like the other loadProblem() method except that the matrix is given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps).

Reimplemented in ClpInterior, and ClpSimplex.

Definition at line 223 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References gutsOfLoadModel(), matrix(), and matrix_.

00231 {
00232   gutsOfLoadModel(numrows, numcols,
00233                   collb, colub, obj, rowlb, rowub, rowObjective);
00234   CoinPackedMatrix matrix(true,numrows,numcols,start[numcols],
00235                               value,index,start,NULL);
00236   matrix_ = new ClpPackedMatrix(matrix);
00237 }

void ClpModel::loadProblem const ClpMatrixBase matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL

Loads a problem (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds). If a pointer is 0 then the following values are the default:

  • colub: all columns have upper bound infinity
  • collb: all columns have lower bound 0
  • rowub: all rows have upper bound infinity
  • rowlb: all rows have lower bound -infinity
  • obj: all variables have 0 objective coefficient

Reimplemented in ClpInterior, and ClpSimplex.

Definition at line 187 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References ClpMatrixBase::clone(), ClpMatrixBase::getNumCols(), ClpMatrixBase::getNumRows(), ClpMatrixBase::getPackedMatrix(), gutsOfLoadModel(), ClpMatrixBase::isColOrdered(), matrix_, and ClpMatrixBase::releasePackedMatrix().

Referenced by ClpSimplex::loadProblem(), ClpInterior::loadProblem(), and readMps().

00192 {
00193   gutsOfLoadModel(matrix.getNumRows(),matrix.getNumCols(),
00194                   collb, colub, obj, rowlb, rowub, rowObjective);
00195   if (matrix.isColOrdered()) {
00196     matrix_=matrix.clone();
00197   } else {
00198     // later may want to keep as unknown class
00199     CoinPackedMatrix matrix2;
00200     matrix2.reverseOrderedCopyOf(*matrix.getPackedMatrix());
00201     matrix.releasePackedMatrix();
00202     matrix_=new ClpPackedMatrix(matrix2);
00203   }    
00204 }

void ClpModel::loadQuadraticObjective const int  numberColumns,
const CoinBigIndex *  start,
const int *  column,
const double *  element

Load up quadratic objective. This is stored as a CoinPackedMatrix

Definition at line 1202 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References ClpObjective::gradient(), numberColumns_, and objective_.

01204 {
01205   assert (numberColumns==numberColumns_);
01206   assert ((dynamic_cast< ClpLinearObjective*>(objective_)));
01207   double offset;
01208   ClpObjective * obj = new ClpQuadraticObjective(objective_->gradient(NULL,offset,false),numberColumns,
01209                                              start,column,element);
01210   delete objective_;
01211   objective_ = obj;
01213 }

void ClpModel::replaceMatrix ClpMatrixBase matrix  ) 

Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted and new is used) So up to user to delete one

Definition at line 1278 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References matrix_.

01279 {
01280   matrix_=matrix;
01281 }

void ClpModel::returnModel ClpModel otherModel  ) 

Return model - nulls all arrays so can be deleted safely also updates any scalars

Definition at line 422 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References columnActivity_, columnLower_, columnUpper_, defaultHandler_, dual_, handler_, matrix_, numberIterations_, objective_, objectiveValue_, problemStatus_, ray_, reducedCost_, rowActivity_, rowCopy_, rowLower_, rowObjective_, rowUpper_, secondaryStatus_, and status_.

Referenced by ClpSimplex::returnModel().

00423 {
00424   otherModel.objectiveValue_=objectiveValue_;
00425   otherModel.numberIterations_ = numberIterations_;
00426   otherModel.problemStatus_ = problemStatus_;
00427   otherModel.secondaryStatus_ = secondaryStatus_;
00428   rowActivity_ = NULL;
00429   columnActivity_ = NULL;
00430   dual_ = NULL;
00431   reducedCost_ = NULL;
00432   rowLower_ = NULL;
00433   rowUpper_ = NULL;
00434   objective_ = NULL;
00435   rowObjective_ = NULL;
00436   columnLower_ = NULL;
00437   columnUpper_ = NULL;
00438   matrix_ = NULL;
00439   rowCopy_ = NULL;
00440   delete [] otherModel.ray_;
00441   otherModel.ray_ = ray_;
00442   ray_ = NULL;
00443   // do status
00444   if (otherModel.status_!=status_) {
00445     delete [] otherModel.status_;
00446     otherModel.status_ = status_;
00447   }
00448   status_ = NULL;
00449   if (defaultHandler_) {
00450     delete handler_;
00451     handler_ = NULL;
00452   }
00453 }

int ClpModel::secondaryStatus  )  const [inline]

Secondary status of problem - may get extended 0 - none 1 - primal infeasible because dual limit reached 2 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal infeasibilities 3 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has dual infeasibilities 4 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal and dual infeasibilities

Definition at line 239 of file ClpModel.hpp.

References secondaryStatus_.

00239 { return secondaryStatus_; }

void ClpModel::setLogLevel int  value  )  [inline]

Amount of print out: 0 - none 1 - just final 2 - just factorizations 3 - as 2 plus a bit more 4 - verbose above that 8,16,32 etc just for selective debug

Definition at line 395 of file ClpModel.hpp.

References handler_, and CoinMessageHandler::setLogLevel().

Referenced by ClpSimplex::initialSolve(), ClpSimplexPrimalQuadratic::makeQuadratic(), ClpSimplexPrimalQuadratic::primalSLP(), and ClpItem::setIntParameter().

00395 { handler_->setLogLevel(value); }

int ClpModel::status  )  const [inline]

Status of problem: 0 - optimal 1 - primal infeasible 2 - dual infeasible 3 - stopped on iterations etc 4 - stopped due to errors

Definition at line 228 of file ClpModel.hpp.

References problemStatus_.

Referenced by ClpSimplex::initialSolve(), ClpSimplexPrimalQuadratic::primalSLP(), and readMps().

00228 { return problemStatus_; }

unsigned char * ClpModel::statusCopy  )  const

Return copy of status array (char[numberRows+numberColumns]), use delete []

Definition at line 1183 of file ClpModel.cpp.

References numberColumns_, numberRows_, and status_.

01184 {
01185   return ClpCopyOfArray(status_,numberRows_+numberColumns_);
01186 }

Member Data Documentation

unsigned char* ClpModel::status_ [protected]

Status Region. I know that not all algorithms need a status array, but it made sense for things like crossover and put all permanent stuff in one place. No assumption is made about what is in status array (although it might be good to reserve bottom 3 bits (i.e. 0-7 numeric) for classic status). This is number of columns + number of rows long (in that order).

Definition at line 544 of file ClpModel.hpp.

Referenced by ClpModel(), ClpSimplex::ClpSimplex(), copyinStatus(), deleteColumns(), deleteRows(), gutsOfCopy(), gutsOfDelete(), ClpSimplex::originalModel(), resize(), returnModel(), statusArray(), statusCopy(), and statusExists().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:37:39 2003 for CLP by doxygen 1.3.5