====== Homepage ======
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===== Welcome to ISE / COR@L Lab Wiki! =====
Lehigh ISE/COR@L Wiki is a collection of information about Operations Research and computational resources in [[coral_lab|ISE COR@L lab]]. This wiki is created by [[https://coral.ise.lehigh.edu/~informs/|Lehigh University INFORMS Student Chapter]] in 2014 and since maintained by the chapter officers and COR@L admins.
Please feel free to register and improve existing resources on this website.
===== How to start? =====
If you want to contribute to the wiki, register by following [[https://coral.ise.lehigh.edu/wiki/doku.php/start?do=register|this link]].
**Note that** your membership should be approved by one of the [[about#support|wiki admins]]. You will get an e-mail when your membership is approved.
Some initial resources to start:
* [[about|About Lehigh ISE / COR@L Lab Wiki]]
* [[http://courses.web2teach.com/tutorial/what_is_a_wiki|DokuWiki Tutorial]]
* [[wiki:syntax|Syntax]]
* [[tutorial:torque|Torque]]
* [[info:coral|COR@L and COR@L Resources]]
* [[sol|Sol]]