Recent reports:
T. Giovannelli, M. M. Raimundo, and L. N. Vicente,
Pareto sensitivity, most-changing sub-fronts,
and knee solutions,
ISE Technical Report 25T-001, Lehigh University
T. Giovannelli, G. Kent, and L. N. Vicente,
Inexact bilevel stochastic gradient methods for constrained and
unconstrained lower-level problems,
ISE Technical Report 21T-025, Lehigh University
Papers published: (the pdf files do not necessarily correspond to the versions published)
L. N. Vicente, T. N. Alleck, T. Giovannelli, R. Mitchell, and O. Remen,
Why is soccer so popular: Understanding underdog achievement and randomness
in team ball sports,
to appear in Journal of Sports Analytics
T. Giovannelli, O. Sohab, and L. N. Vicente,
The limitation of neural nets for approximation and optimization,
to appear in Journal of Global Optimization
T. Giovannelli, G. Kent, and L. N. Vicente,
Bilevel optimization with a multi-objective lower-level problem:
Risk-neutral and risk-averse formulations,
to appear in Optimization Methods and Software
T. Giovannelli and L. N. Vicente,
An integrated assignment, routing, and speed model
for roadway mobility and transportation
with environmental, efficiency, and service goals,
to appear in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
F. Rinaldi, L. N. Vicente, and D. Zeffiro,
Stochastic trust-region and direct-search methods: A
weak tail bound condition and reduced sample sizing,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34 (2024) 2067-2092
C. W. Royer, O. Sohab, and L. N. Vicente,
Full-low evaluation methods for bound and linearly
constrained derivative-free optimization,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 89 (2024) 279-315
T. N. Alleck, L. N. Vicente, T. Giovannelli, R. Mitchell, and O. Remen,
Match score dataset for team ball sports,
Data in Brief, 55 (2024) 110625
S. Liu and L. N. Vicente,
The stochastic multi-gradient algorithm for multi-objective optimization and its application to supervised machine learning,
Annals of Operations Research, 339 (2024) 1119-1148
Please note that the global rate in the iterates in the strongly convex case is only valid for points x* in the interior of X.
S. Liu and L. N. Vicente,
Convergence rates of the stochastic alternating algorithm for
bi-objective optimization,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 198 (2023) 165-186
Please note that the global rate in the iterates in the strongly convex case is only valid for points x* in the interior of X.
A. S. Berahas, O. Sohab, and L. N. Vicente,
Full-low evaluation methods for derivative-free optimization,
Optimization Methods and Software, 38 (2023) 386-411
S. Liu and L. N. Vicente,
A stochastic alternating balance k-means algorithm for fair clustering,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Learning and Intelligent Optimization,
ed. by D. E. Simos et al., vol. 13691, pp. 77-92, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2022
S. Liu and L. N. Vicente,
Accuracy and fairness trade-offs in machine learning: A stochastic multi-objective approach,
Computational Management Science, 19 (2022) 513-537
B. Ramos, D. Pinho, D. Martins, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Optimal 3D printing of complex objects in a 5-axis printer,
Optimization and Engineering, 23 (2022) 1085-1116
L. Song and L. N. Vicente,
Modeling Hessian-vector products in nonlinear optimization: New Hessian-free methods,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 42 (2022) 1766-1788
S. Gratton, C. W. Royer, and L. N. Vicente,
A decoupled first/second-order steps technique for nonconvex nonlinear unconstrained
optimization with improved complexity bounds,
Mathematical Programming, 179 (2020) 195-222
G. Liuzzi, S. Lucidi, F. Rinaldi, and L. N. Vicente,
Trust-region methods for the derivative-free optimization of nonsmooth black-box functions,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29 (2019) 3012-3035
J. Fliege, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Complexity of gradient descent for multiobjective optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, 34 (2019) 949-959
S. Gratton, C. W. Royer, L. N. Vicente, and Z. Zhang,
Direct search based on probabilistic feasible descent for bound and linearly constrained problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, 72 (2019) 525-559
S. Pereira, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
On the optimal object orientation in additive manufacturing,
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 98 (2018) 1685-1694
S. Gratton, C. W. Royer, L. N. Vicente, and Z. Zhang,
Complexity and global rates of trust-region methods based on probabilistic models,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38 (2018) 1579-1597
S. Gratton, N. Soualmi, and L. N. Vicente,
An indicator for the switch from derivative-free to derivative-based optimization,
Operations Research Letters, 45 (2017) 353-361
F. Ceccarelli, M. Sciandrone, C. Perricone, G. Galvan, F. Morelli,
L. N. Vicente, I. Leccese, L. Massaro, E. Cipriano, F. R. Spinelli,
C. Alessandri, G. Valesini, and F. Conti,
Prediction of chronic damage in systemic lupus erythematosus by using machine learning models,
PLoS ONE 12(3), March 2017
A. L. Custódio, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
Methodologies and software for derivative-free optimization,
Chapter 37 of Advances and Trends in Optimization with Engineering Applications,
T. Terlaky, M. F. Anjos, and S. Ahmed (editors), MOS-SIAM Book Series on Optimization,
SIAM, Philadelphia, 2017
R. Garmanjani, D. Júdice, and L. N. Vicente,
Trust-region methods without using derivatives: Worst case complexity and the
non-smooth case, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26 (2016) 1987-2011
E. Bergou, S. Gratton, and L. N. Vicente,
Levenberg-Marquardt methods
based on probabilistic gradient models and inexact subproblem solution,
with application to data assimilation,
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 4 (2016) 924-951
M. Dodangeh, L. N. Vicente, and Z. Zhang,
On the optimal order of worst case complexity of direct search,
Optimization Letters, 10 (2016) 699-708
S. Gratton, C. W. Royer, and L. N. Vicente,
A second-order globally convergent direct-search method and its worst-case complexity,
Optimization, 65 (2016) 1105-1128
Y. Diouane, S. Gratton, X. Vasseur, L. N. Vicente, and H. Calandra,
A parallel evolution strategy for an earth imaging problem in geophysics,
Optimization and Engineering, 17 (2016), 3-26
M. Dodangeh and L. N. Vicente,
Worst case complexity of direct search under convexity,
Mathematical Programming, 155 (2016) 307-332
S. Gratton, C. W. Royer, L. N. Vicente, and Z. Zhang,
Direct search based on probabilistic descent,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25 (2015) 1515-1541
Y. Diouane, S. Gratton, and L. N. Vicente,
Globally convergent evolution strategies for constrained optimization,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 62 (2015) 323-346
Y. Diouane, S. Gratton, and L. N. Vicente,
Globally convergent evolution strategies,
Mathematical Programming, 152 (2015) 467-490
S. Gratton and L. N. Vicente,
A merit function approach for direct search,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24 (2014) 1980-1998
A. S. Bandeira, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
Convergence of trust-region methods based on probabilistic models,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24 (2014) 1238-1264
R. P. Brito and L. N. Vicente,
Efficient cardinality/mean-variance portfolios,
in System Modeling and Optimization,
Springer series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,
edited by C. Pötzsche, C. Heuberger, B. Kaltenbacher, and F. Rendl, 2014
Le Thi Hoai An, Huynh Van Ngai, Pham Dinh Tao, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Globally convergent DC trust-region methods,
Journal of Global Optimization, 59 (2014) 209-225
S. Gratton and L. N. Vicente,
A surrogate management framework using rigorous trust-region steps,
Optimization Methods and Software, 29 (2014) 10-23
R. Garmanjani and L. N. Vicente,
Smoothing and worst-case complexity
for direct-search methods in nonsmooth optimization,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 33 (2013) 1008-1028
L. N. Vicente,
Worst case complexity of direct search,
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 1 (2013) 143-153
M. Li and L. N. Vicente,
Inexact solution of NLP subproblems in MINLP,
Journal of Global Optimization, 55 (2013) 877-899
J. M. Fernandes, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Modeling binary stars: age, helium abundance, and convection parameters,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425 (2012) 3104-3111
A. S. Bandeira, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
Computation of sparse low degree interpolating polynomials
and their application to derivative-free optimization,
Mathematical Programming, 134 (2012) 223-257
L. N. Vicente and A. L. Custódio,
Analysis of direct searches for discontinuous functions,
Mathematical Programming, 133 (2012) 299-325
Le Thi Hoai An, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Optimizing radial basis functions by D.C. programming and
its use in direct search for global derivative-free optimization,
TOP, 20 (2012) 190-214
A. R. Conn and L. N. Vicente,
Bilevel derivative-free optimization and its application to
robust optimization,
Optimization Methods and Software, 27 (2012) 561-577
A. L. Custódio, J. F. A. Madeira, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Direct multisearch for multiobjective optimization,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21 (2011) 1109-1140
There is an errata for the published version.
- A. M. Monteiro, R. H. Tütüncü, and L. N. Vicente,
Estimation of risk-neutral density surfaces,
Computational Management Science, 8 (2011) 387-414
- J. M. Fernandes, A. I. F. Vaz, and L. N. Vicente,
Modelling nearby FGK Population I stars:
A new form of estimating stellar parameters using an
optimization approach,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 532 (2011) A20-A29
- A. L. Custódio, H. Rocha, and L. N. Vicente,
Incorporating minimum Frobenius norm models in direct search,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 46 (2010) 265-278
The data profiles for the solvers NMSMAX and SID-PSM
on the stochastic noisy test problems are slightly different
from the true ones. Those corrected profiles can be found
here (tau=10^-3
and do not affect any of the conclusions of the paper.
- A. I. F. Vaz and L. N. Vicente,
PSwarm: A hybrid solver for linearly constrained global
derivative-free optimization,
Optimization Methods and Software, 24 (2009) 669-685
- L. N. Vicente,
Implicitly and densely discrete black-box optimization problems,
Optimization Letters, 3 (2009) 475-482
- A. R. Conn, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
Global convergence of general
derivative-free trust-region algorithms to first and second order
critical points, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20 (2009) 387-415
- A. R. Conn, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
Geometry of sample sets in derivative-free optimization:
Polynomial regression and underdetermined interpolation,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 28 (2008) 721-748
- A. L. Custódio, J. E. Dennis Jr., and L. N. Vicente,
Using simplex gradients of nonsmooth functions in direct search methods,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 28 (2008) 770-784
- R. Silva, J. Soares, and L. N. Vicente,
Local analysis of the feasible primal-dual
interior-point method,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 40 (2008) 41-57.
- A. M. Monteiro, R. H. Tütüncü, and L. N. Vicente,
Recovering risk-neutral probability density functions from
options prices using cubic splines and ensuring nonnegativity,
European Journal of Operational Research, 187 (2008) 525-542.
- A. R. Conn, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
Geometry of interpolation sets in derivative free optimization,
Mathematical Programming, 111 (2008) 141-172
- A. I. F. Vaz and L. N. Vicente,
A particle swarm pattern search method for bound
constrained global optimization,
Journal of Global Optimization, 39 (2007) 197-219
- A. L. Custódio and L. N. Vicente,
Using sampling and simplex derivatives in pattern search methods,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 18 (2007) 537-555
- J. Fliege and L. N. Vicente,
Multicriteria approach to bilevel optimization,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 131 (2006) 209-225
- M. Hintermüller and L. N. Vicente,
Space mapping for optimal control of partial differential equations,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 15 (2005) 1002-1025
- P. Alberto, F. Nogueira, H. Rocha, and L. N. Vicente,
Pattern search methods for user-provided points:
Application to molecular geometry problems,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 14 (2004) 1216-1236
- M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich, and L. N. Vicente,
A globally convergent primal-dual interior-point filter method
for nonlinear programming, Mathematical
Programming, 100 (2004) 379-410
- C. Audet, J. E. Dennis, and L. N. Vicente,
Special Issue on Optimization and Engineering,
Optimization and Engineering, 5 (2004) 99-100
- L. N. Vicente,
Space mapping: models, sensitivities, and trust-regions methods,
Optimization and Engineering, 4 (2003) 159-175
- C. P. Avelino and L. N. Vicente,
Updating the multipliers associated with inequality constraints
in an augmented Lagrangian multiplier method,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 119 (2003) 215-233
- E. M. E. Mostafa, L. N. Vicente, and S. J. Wright,
Numerical behavior of a stabilized SQP method for degenerate NLP
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction,
ed. by C. Bliek, C. Jermann, and A. Neumaier,
vol. 2861, pp. 123-141,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003
- L. N. Vicente and S. J. Wright,
Local convergence of a primal-dual method for degenerate nonlinear programming,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 22 (2002) 311-328
- L. N. Vicente,
Local analysis of a new multipliers method,
European Journal of Operational Research, 143 (2002) 432-451
(Feature Issue: Interior Point Methods)
- M. Heinkenschloss and L. N. Vicente,
Analysis of inexact trust-region SQP algorithms,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 12 (2001) 283-302
- P. Alberto, F. Nogueira, H. Rocha, and L. N. Vicente,
Pattern search methods for user-provided points,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Computacional Science – ICCS 2001,
ed. by V. N. Alexandrov et al,
vol. 2074, pp. 95-98, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001
- L. N. Vicente,
Bilevel programming: Introduction, history and overview,
Encyclopedia of Optimization, ed. by C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos,
vol. 1, pp. 178-180, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001
- L. N. Vicente,
Local convergence of the affine-scaling interior-point algorithm for
nonlinear programming,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 17 (2000) 23-35
- A. R. Conn, L. N. Vicente, and C. Visweswariah,
Two-step algorithms for nonlinear optimization with
structured applications,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 9 (1999) 924-947
- M. Heinkenschloss and L. N. Vicente,
An interface between optimization and application
for the numerical solution of optimal control problems,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 25 (1999) 157-190
- D. A. Andrews and L. N. Vicente,
Characterization of the smoothness and curvature of a marginal function for
a trust-region problem,
Mathematical Programming, 84 (1999) 123-135
- L. N. Vicente,
An analysis of Newton’s method for equivalent
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems,
Investigación Operativa, 7 (1999) 17-28
- J. E. Dennis, M. Heinkenschloss, and L. N. Vicente,
Trust-region interior-point SQP algorithms for a class of
nonlinear programming problems,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 36 (1998) 1750-1794
- L. N. Vicente, On interior-point Newton algorithms for discretized optimal
control problems with state constraints,
Optimization Methods & Software, 8 (1998) 249-275
- L. N. Vicente,
Derivative computations for a class of optimal control problems,
School of Finite Elements and Applications, Centro Internacional de Matemática,
n. 6, Coimbra, September 1998
Mário M. Freire, L. N. Vicente, and Henrique J. A. da Silva,
Nonlinear least squares estimation of MQW laser parameters from IM response
Proceedings of the Meeting on Applied Mathematics to Telecommunications,
ed. by J.J. Júdice and M. C. Gouveia,
pp. 30-35,
Telecommunications Institute, September 28-29, 1998
L. N. Vicente, A. L. Topa, C. R. Paiva, and A. M. Barbosa,
Application of the least squares boundary residual
method to the study of step
discontinuities in dielectric planar waveguides,
Proceedings of the Meeting on Applied Mathematics to Telecommunications,
ed. by J.J. Júdice and M. C. Gouveia,
pp. 99-108,
Telecommunications Institute, September 28-29, 1998
- J. E. Dennis and L. N. Vicente,
On the convergence theory of trust-region-based algorithms for
equality-constrained optimization,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 7 (1997) 527-550
- L. N. Vicente, Métodos de optimização para controlo óptimo e
projecto de engenharia,
Actas da I Conferência Nacional de
pp. 437-440, 1997
- L. N. Vicente, G. Savard, and J. J. Júdice,
Discrete linear bilevel programming problem,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 89 (1996) 597-614
- J. E. Dennis and L. N. Vicente,
Trust-region interior-point algorithms for minimization problems with
simple bounds,
Applied Mathematics and Parallel
Computing, Festschrift for Klaus Ritter,
ed. by H. Fisher, B. Riedmüller, and S. Schäffler, pp. 97-107,
Physica-Verlag, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996
- L. N. Vicente, A comparison between line searches and trust regions for nonlinear
Investigação Operacional, 16 (1996) 173-179
- L. N. Vicente and P. H. Calamai,
Geometry and local optimality conditions for bilevel
programs with quadratic strictly convex lower levels,
Bookseries Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications,
Minimax and Applications,
ed. by D.-Z. Du and P. M. Pardalos,
vol. 4, pp. 141-151,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995
P. H. Calamai and
L. N. Vicente,
Generating quadratic bilevel programming test problems,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 20 (1994) 103-119
P. H. Calamai and
L. N. Vicente,
Algorithm 728: FORTRAN subroutines for generating quadratic bilevel
programming test problems,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 20 (1994) 120-123 and
Collected Algorithms from ACM, Supplement 129, (1994) 1870 lines of code
- J. J. Júdice and L. N. Vicente,
On the solution and complexity of a generalized linear complementarity problem,
Journal of Global Optimization, 4 (1994) 415-424
L. N. Vicente and
P. H. Calamai,
Bilevel and multilevel programming: a bibliography review,
Journal of Global Optimization, 5 (1994) 291-306
- L. N. Vicente, G. Savard, and J. J. Júdice,
Descent approaches for quadratic bilevel programming,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 81 (1994) 379-399
- L. F. Portugal, J. J. Júdice, and L. N. Vicente,
A comparison of block pivoting and interior-point algorithms
for linear least squares problems with nonnegative variables,
Mathematics of Computation, 63 (1994) 625-643
P. H. Calamai and
L. N. Vicente,
Generating linear and linear-quadratic bilevel programming problems,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 14 (1993) 770-782
P. H. Calamai, L. N. Vicente, and J. J. Júdice,
A new technique for generating quadratic programming test problems,
Mathematical Programming, 61 (1993) 215-231
L. N. Vicente, J. J. Júdice, and P.M. Pardalos,
Parametric linear programming techniques for the indefinite quadratic programming problem,
IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry, 4 (1993) 343-349
- L. N. Vicente, P. H. Calamai, and J. J. Júdice,
Generation of disjointly constrained bilinear programming test problems,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 1 (1992) 299-306
- L. N. Vicente, Efficient vehicle routing algorithms for municipal waste collection (written in portuguese), Investigação Operacional, 10 (1991) 47-58
Other reports:
S. Liu and L. N. Vicente,
The Sharpe predictor for fairness in machine learning,
ISE Technical Report 21T-019, Lehigh University
A. S. Bandeira, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente,
On partially sparse recovery,
preprint 11-13, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Coimbra
- R. Silva, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich, and L. N. Vicente, A globally convergent primal-dual interior-point filter method for nonlinear programming: new filter optimality measures and computational results, preprint 08-49, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Coimbra PDF