Welcome to Lehigh University INFORMS Student Chapter (LISC)!
LISC is the student chapter of Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) at Lehigh. Our purposes, as defined in bylaw, are
1. Encourage interest in the field of operations research (OR) and the management sciences (MS).
2. Create synergy and interaction between other disciplines and OR/MS.
3. Provide networking opportunities for OR/MS students.
4. Provide an informal means of sharing information about the methods and techniques of OR/MS.
5. Present a forum of speakers who address OR/MS topics.
6. Provide a means of communication among people having interest in OR/MS.
7. Provide an informal means of exchange about OR/MS educational programs and opportunities
Any person interested in operations research and the management sciences may become a chapter member by completing a membership application and submitting it with the proper chapter dues. Membership in the national INFORMS organization (the Institute) is not required. The regular membership shall be open to undergraduate and graduate students.