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This section shows how to interface with COIN's Cut Generator Library (CGL) to find violated cuts. One way to store cuts generated by CGL is to use OsiCuts, which is a list of cuts. Currently, all CGLs are derived from the base class CglCutGenerator. Therefore, each CGL has a base method called generateCuts() which takes the solver interface as an argument and returns cuts to an OsiCuts cut list.

  OsiCuts cutlist;

  //create CGL gomory cuts
  CglGomory * gomory = new CglGomory;
  gomory->generateCuts(*si, cutlist);

  //create CGL knapsack cuts
  CglKnapsackCover * knapsack = new CglKnapsackCover;
  knapsack->generateCuts(*si, cutlist);

  //create CGL simple rounding cuts
  CglSimpleRounding * rounding = new CglSimpleRounding;
  rounding->generateCuts(*si, cutlist);

  //create CGL odd hole cuts
  CglOddHole * oddhole = new CglOddHole;
  oddhole->generateCuts(*si, cutlist);

  //create CGL probing cuts
  CglProbing * probe = new CglProbing;
  probe->generateCuts(*si, cutlist);

  //apply the cuts to the interface

IP Seminar Series 2004-01-11