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Build Process and Execution

On most systems, the default Makefile should be sufficient. The COIN makefiles can be found in COIN/Makefiles. The AAP_BP makefile is Makefile.aap. In order to select which LP solver to use, simply set the SOLVER flag. The current setup uses COIN/CLP as the LP solver.

The typical steps to build AAP_BP are as follows:

  1. Download the COIN source from here,
  2. Download the AAP_BP source from here,
  3. Edit COIN/Makefiles/Makefile.location, if necessary,
  4. Edit Makefile.aap, if necessary,
  5. Run make.

This should build BCP and AAP_BP, creating an executable bcps in the directory $(uname)-$(USER_OPT), e.g., Linux-g. Then, in order to run the example (from the Run subdir), type ../Linux-g/bcps ParamFile par.par. Any of the parameters can also be overridden on the command line as well. For example, if you want to run with the settings in the parameter file par.par, but you want to use 10 branching candidates, instead of 5, type ../Linux-g/bcps ParamFile par.par AAP_StrongBranch_Can 10.

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IP Seminar Series 2003-12-01