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00001 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00004 // Turn off compiler warning about long names
00005 #  pragma warning(disable:4786)
00006 #endif
00008 #include <cassert>
00010 #include "CoinWarmStartBasis.hpp"
00011 #include <cmath>
00012 #include <iostream>
00014 //#############################################################################
00016 void 
00017 CoinWarmStartBasis::setSize(int ns, int na) {
00018   delete[] structuralStatus_;
00019   delete[] artificialStatus_;
00020   // Round all so arrays multiple of 4
00021   int nint = (ns+15) >> 4;
00022   structuralStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00023   // CoinFillN was used here - I am sure memset will be cleaner for char
00024   memset (structuralStatus_, 0, (4*nint) * sizeof(char));
00025   nint = (na+15) >> 4;
00026   artificialStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00027   memset (artificialStatus_, 0, (4*nint) * sizeof(char));
00028   numArtificial_ = na;
00029   numStructural_ = ns;
00030 }
00032 void 
00033 CoinWarmStartBasis::assignBasisStatus(int ns, int na, char*& sStat, 
00034                                      char*& aStat) {
00035   delete[] structuralStatus_;
00036   delete[] artificialStatus_;
00037   numStructural_ = ns;
00038   numArtificial_ = na;
00039   structuralStatus_ = sStat;
00040   artificialStatus_ = aStat;
00041   sStat = NULL;
00042   aStat = NULL;
00043 }
00044 CoinWarmStartBasis::CoinWarmStartBasis(int ns, int na, 
00045                                      const char* sStat, const char* aStat) :
00046   numStructural_(ns), numArtificial_(na),
00047   structuralStatus_(NULL), artificialStatus_(NULL) {
00048   // Round all so arrays multiple of 4
00049   int nint = (ns+15) >> 4;
00050   structuralStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00051   structuralStatus_[4*nint-3]=0;
00052   structuralStatus_[4*nint-2]=0;
00053   structuralStatus_[4*nint-1]=0;
00054   memcpy (structuralStatus_, sStat, ((ns + 3) / 4) * sizeof(char));
00055   nint = (na+15) >> 4;
00056   artificialStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00057   artificialStatus_[4*nint-3]=0;
00058   artificialStatus_[4*nint-2]=0;
00059   artificialStatus_[4*nint-1]=0;
00060   memcpy (artificialStatus_, aStat, ((na + 3) / 4) * sizeof(char));
00061 }
00063 CoinWarmStartBasis::CoinWarmStartBasis(const CoinWarmStartBasis& ws) :
00064   numStructural_(ws.numStructural_), numArtificial_(ws.numArtificial_),
00065   structuralStatus_(NULL), artificialStatus_(NULL) {
00066   // Round all so arrays multiple of 4
00067   int nint = (numStructural_+15) >> 4;
00068   structuralStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00069   memcpy (structuralStatus_, ws.structuralStatus_, 
00070           (4*nint) * sizeof(char));
00071   nint = (numArtificial_+15) >> 4;
00072   artificialStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00073   memcpy (artificialStatus_, ws.artificialStatus_, 
00074           (4*nint) * sizeof(char));
00075 }
00077 CoinWarmStartBasis& 
00078 CoinWarmStartBasis::operator=(const CoinWarmStartBasis& rhs)
00079 {
00080   if (this != &rhs) {
00081     numStructural_=rhs.numStructural_;
00082     numArtificial_=rhs.numArtificial_;
00083     delete [] structuralStatus_;
00084     delete [] artificialStatus_;
00085     // Round all so arrays multiple of 4
00086     int nint = (numStructural_+15) >> 4;
00087     structuralStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00088     memcpy (structuralStatus_, rhs.structuralStatus_, 
00089             (4*nint) * sizeof(char));
00090     nint = (numArtificial_+15) >> 4;
00091     artificialStatus_ = new char[4*nint];
00092     memcpy (artificialStatus_, rhs.artificialStatus_, 
00093           (4*nint) * sizeof(char));
00094   }
00095   return *this;
00096 }
00098 // Resizes 
00099 void 
00100 CoinWarmStartBasis::resize (int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns)
00101 {
00102   char * array;
00103   int i , nCharNew, nCharOld;
00104   if (newNumberRows!=numArtificial_) {
00105     nCharOld  = 4*((numArtificial_+15)>>4);
00106     nCharNew  = 4*((newNumberRows+15)>>4);
00107     array = new char[nCharNew];
00108     // zap all for clarity and zerofault etc
00109     memset(array,0,nCharNew*sizeof(char));
00110     memcpy(array,artificialStatus_,(nCharOld>nCharNew)?nCharNew:nCharOld);
00111     delete [] artificialStatus_;
00112     artificialStatus_ = array;
00113     for (i=numArtificial_;i<newNumberRows;i++) 
00114       setArtifStatus(i, basic);
00115     numArtificial_ = newNumberRows;
00116   }
00117   if (newNumberColumns!=numStructural_) {
00118     nCharOld  = 4*((numStructural_+15)>>4);
00119     nCharNew  = 4*((newNumberColumns+15)>>4);
00120     array = new char[nCharNew];
00121     // zap all for clarity and zerofault etc
00122     memset(array,0,nCharNew*sizeof(char));
00123     memcpy(array,structuralStatus_,(nCharOld>nCharNew)?nCharNew:nCharOld);
00124     delete [] structuralStatus_;
00125     structuralStatus_ = array;
00126     for (i=numStructural_;i<newNumberColumns;i++) 
00127       setStructStatus(i, atLowerBound);
00128     numStructural_ = newNumberColumns;
00129   }
00130 }
00131 // Deletes rows
00132 void 
00133 CoinWarmStartBasis::deleteRows(int number, const int * which)
00134 {
00135   int i ;
00136   char * deleted = new char[numArtificial_];
00137   int numberDeleted=0;
00138   memset(deleted,0,numArtificial_*sizeof(char));
00139   for (i=0;i<number;i++) {
00140     int j = which[i];
00141     if (j>=0&&j<numArtificial_&&!deleted[j]) {
00142       numberDeleted++;
00143       deleted[j]=1;
00144     }
00145   }
00146   int nCharNew  = 4*((numArtificial_-numberDeleted+15)>>4);
00147   char * array = new char[nCharNew];
00148   // Make sure okay for zerofault etc
00149   array[nCharNew-3]=0;
00150   array[nCharNew-2]=0;
00151   array[nCharNew-1]=0;
00152   int put=0;
00153 # ifdef COIN_DEBUG
00154   int numberNotBasic=0;
00155 # endif
00156   for (i=0;i<numArtificial_;i++) {
00157     Status status = getArtifStatus(i);
00158     if (!deleted[i]) {
00159       setStatus(array,put,status) ;
00160       put++; }
00161 #   ifdef COIN_DEBUG
00162     else
00163     if (status!=CoinWarmStartBasis::basic)
00164     { numberNotBasic++ ; }
00165 #   endif
00166   }
00167   delete [] artificialStatus_;
00168   artificialStatus_ = array;
00169   delete [] deleted;
00170   numArtificial_ -= numberDeleted;
00171 # ifdef COIN_DEBUG
00172   if (numberNotBasic)
00173     std::cout<<numberNotBasic<<" non basic artificials deleted"<<std::endl;
00174 # endif
00175 }
00177 // Deletes columns
00178 void 
00179 CoinWarmStartBasis::deleteColumns(int number, const int * which)
00180 {
00181   int i ;
00182   char * deleted = new char[numStructural_];
00183   int numberDeleted=0;
00184   memset(deleted,0,numStructural_*sizeof(char));
00185   for (i=0;i<number;i++) {
00186     int j = which[i];
00187     if (j>=0&&j<numStructural_&&!deleted[j]) {
00188       numberDeleted++;
00189       deleted[j]=1;
00190     }
00191   }
00192   int nCharNew  = 4*((numStructural_-numberDeleted+15)>>4);
00193   char * array = new char[nCharNew];
00194   // Make sure okay for zerofault etc
00195   array[nCharNew-3]=0;
00196   array[nCharNew-2]=0;
00197   array[nCharNew-1]=0;
00198   int put=0;
00199 # ifdef COIN_DEBUG
00200   int numberBasic=0;
00201 # endif
00202   for (i=0;i<numStructural_;i++) {
00203     Status status = getStructStatus(i);
00204     if (!deleted[i]) {
00205       setStatus(array,put,status) ;
00206       put++; }
00207 #   ifdef COIN_DEBUG
00208     else
00209     if (status==CoinWarmStartBasis::basic)
00210     { numberBasic++ ; }
00211 #   endif
00212   }
00213   delete [] structuralStatus_;
00214   structuralStatus_ = array;
00215   delete [] deleted;
00216   numStructural_ -= numberDeleted;
00217 #ifdef COIN_DEBUG
00218   if (numberBasic)
00219     std::cout<<numberBasic<<" basic structurals deleted"<<std::endl;
00220 #endif
00221 }
00222 // Prints in readable format (for debug)
00223 void 
00224 CoinWarmStartBasis::print() const
00225 {
00226   std::cout<<"Basis "<<this<<" has "<<numArtificial_<<" rows and "
00227            <<numStructural_<<" columns"<<std::endl;
00228   std::cout<<"Rows:"<<std::endl;
00229   int i;
00230   char type[]={'F','B','U','L'};
00232   for (i=0;i<numArtificial_;i++) 
00233     std::cout<<type[getArtifStatus(i)];
00234   std::cout<<std::endl;
00235   std::cout<<"Columns:"<<std::endl;
00237   for (i=0;i<numStructural_;i++) 
00238     std::cout<<type[getStructStatus(i)];
00239   std::cout<<std::endl;
00240 }
00241 CoinWarmStartBasis::CoinWarmStartBasis()
00242 {
00244   numStructural_ = 0;
00245   numArtificial_ = 0;
00246   structuralStatus_ = NULL;
00247   artificialStatus_ = NULL;
00248 }
00249 CoinWarmStartBasis::~CoinWarmStartBasis()
00250 {
00251   delete[] structuralStatus_;
00252   delete[] artificialStatus_;
00253 }
00254 // Returns number of basic structurals
00255 int
00256 CoinWarmStartBasis::numberBasicStructurals()
00257 {
00258   int i ;
00259   int numberBasic=0;
00260   for (i=0;i<numStructural_;i++) {
00261     Status status = getStructStatus(i);
00262     if (status==CoinWarmStartBasis::basic) 
00263       numberBasic++;
00264   }
00265   return numberBasic;
00266 }
00269 /*
00270   Generate a diff that'll convert oldCWS into the basis pointed to by this.
00272   This routine is a bit of a hack, for efficiency's sake. Rather than work
00273   with individual status vector entries, we're going to treat the vectors as
00274   int's --- in effect, we create one diff entry for each block of 16 status
00275   entries. Diffs for logicals are tagged with 0x80000000.
00276 */
00278 CoinWarmStartDiff*
00279 CoinWarmStartBasis::generateDiff (const CoinWarmStart *const oldCWS) const
00280 { 
00281 /*
00282   Make sure the parameter is CoinWarmStartBasis or derived class.
00283 */
00284   const CoinWarmStartBasis *oldBasis =
00285       dynamic_cast<const CoinWarmStartBasis *>(oldCWS) ;
00286   if (!oldBasis)
00287   { throw CoinError("Old basis not derived from CoinWarmStartBasis.",
00288                     "generateDiff","CoinWarmStartBasis") ; }
00289   const CoinWarmStartBasis *newBasis = this ;
00290 /*
00291   Make sure newBasis is equal or bigger than oldBasis. Calculate the worst case
00292   number of diffs and allocate vectors to hold them.
00293 */
00294   const int oldArtifCnt = oldBasis->getNumArtificial() ;
00295   const int oldStructCnt = oldBasis->getNumStructural() ;
00296   const int newArtifCnt = newBasis->getNumArtificial() ;
00297   const int newStructCnt = newBasis->getNumStructural() ;
00299   assert(newArtifCnt >= oldArtifCnt) ;
00300   assert(newStructCnt >= oldStructCnt) ;
00302   int sizeOldArtif = (oldArtifCnt+15)>>4 ;
00303   int sizeNewArtif = (newArtifCnt+15)>>4 ;
00304   int sizeOldStruct = (oldStructCnt+15)>>4 ;
00305   int sizeNewStruct = (newStructCnt+15)>>4 ;
00306   int maxBasisLength = sizeNewArtif+sizeNewStruct ;
00308   unsigned int *diffNdx = new unsigned int [maxBasisLength]; 
00309   unsigned int *diffVal = new unsigned int [maxBasisLength]; 
00310 /*
00311   Ok, setup's over. Now scan the logicals (aka artificials, standing in for
00312   constraints). For the portion of the status arrays which overlap, create
00313   diffs. Then add any additional status from newBasis.
00315   I removed the following bit of code & comment:
00317     if (sizeNew == sizeOld) sizeOld--; // make sure all taken
00319   I assume this is meant to trap cases where oldBasis does not occupy all of
00320   the final int, but I can't see where it's necessary.
00321 */
00322   const unsigned int *oldStatus =
00323       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int *>(oldBasis->getArtificialStatus()) ;
00324   const unsigned int *newStatus = 
00325       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int *>(newBasis->getArtificialStatus()) ;
00326   int numberChanged = 0 ;
00327   int i ;
00328   for (i = 0 ; i < sizeOldArtif ; i++)
00329   { if (oldStatus[i] != newStatus[i])
00330     { diffNdx[numberChanged] = i|0x80000000 ;
00331       diffVal[numberChanged++] = newStatus[i] ; } }
00332   for ( ; i < sizeNewArtif ; i++)
00333   { diffNdx[numberChanged] = i|0x80000000 ;
00334     diffVal[numberChanged++] = newStatus[i] ; }
00335 /*
00336   Repeat for structural variables.
00337 */
00338   oldStatus =
00339       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int *>(oldBasis->getStructuralStatus()) ;
00340   newStatus =
00341       reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int *>(newBasis->getStructuralStatus()) ;
00342   for (i = 0 ; i < sizeOldStruct ; i++)
00343   { if (oldStatus[i] != newStatus[i])
00344     { diffNdx[numberChanged] = i ;
00345       diffVal[numberChanged++] = newStatus[i] ; } }
00346   for ( ; i < sizeNewStruct ; i++)
00347   { diffNdx[numberChanged] = i ;
00348     diffVal[numberChanged++] = newStatus[i] ; }
00349 /*
00350   Create the object of our desire.
00351 */
00352   CoinWarmStartBasisDiff *diff =
00353     new CoinWarmStartBasisDiff(numberChanged,diffNdx,diffVal) ;
00354 /*
00355   Clean up and return.
00356 */
00357   delete[] diffNdx ;
00358   delete[] diffVal ;
00360   return (dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartDiff *>(diff)) ; }
00363 /*
00364   Apply a diff to the basis pointed to by this.  It's assumed that the
00365   allocated capacity of the basis is sufficiently large.
00366 */
00367 void CoinWarmStartBasis::applyDiff (const CoinWarmStartDiff *const cwsdDiff)
00368 {
00369 /*
00370   Make sure we have a CoinWarmStartBasisDiff
00371 */
00372   const CoinWarmStartBasisDiff *diff =
00373     dynamic_cast<const CoinWarmStartBasisDiff *>(cwsdDiff) ;
00374   if (!diff)
00375   { throw CoinError("Diff not derived from CoinWarmStartBasisDiff.",
00376                     "applyDiff","CoinWarmStartBasis") ; }
00377 /*
00378   Application is by straighforward replacement of words in the status arrays.
00379   Index entries for logicals (aka artificials) are tagged with 0x80000000.
00380 */
00381   const int numberChanges = diff->sze_ ;
00382   const unsigned int *diffNdxs = diff->diffNdxs_ ;
00383   const unsigned int *diffVals = diff->diffVals_ ;
00384   unsigned int *structStatus =
00385       reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(this->getStructuralStatus()) ;
00386   unsigned int *artifStatus =
00387       reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(this->getArtificialStatus()) ;
00389   for (int i = 0 ; i < numberChanges ; i++)
00390   { unsigned int diffNdx = diffNdxs[i] ;
00391     unsigned int diffVal = diffVals[i] ;
00392     if ((diffNdx&0x80000000) == 0)
00393     { structStatus[diffNdx] = diffVal ; }
00394     else
00395     { artifStatus[diffNdx&0x7fffffff] = diffVal ; } }
00397   return ; }
00401 /* Routines for CoinWarmStartBasisDiff */
00403 /*
00404   Constructor given diff data.
00405 */
00406 CoinWarmStartBasisDiff::CoinWarmStartBasisDiff (int sze,
00407   const unsigned int *const diffNdxs, const unsigned int *const diffVals)
00408   : sze_(sze),
00409     diffNdxs_(0),
00410     diffVals_(0)
00412 { if (sze > 0)
00413   { diffNdxs_ = new unsigned int[sze] ;
00414     memcpy(diffNdxs_,diffNdxs,sze*sizeof(unsigned int)) ;
00415     diffVals_ = new unsigned int[sze] ;
00416     memcpy(diffVals_,diffVals,sze*sizeof(unsigned int)) ; }
00418   return ; }
00420 /*
00421   Copy constructor.
00422 */
00424 CoinWarmStartBasisDiff::CoinWarmStartBasisDiff
00425   (const CoinWarmStartBasisDiff &rhs)
00426   : sze_(rhs.sze_),
00427     diffNdxs_(0),
00428     diffVals_(0)
00429 { if (sze_ > 0)
00430   { diffNdxs_ = new unsigned int[sze_] ;
00431     memcpy(diffNdxs_,rhs.diffNdxs_,sze_*sizeof(unsigned int)) ;
00432     diffVals_ = new unsigned int[sze_] ;
00433     memcpy(diffVals_,rhs.diffVals_,sze_*sizeof(unsigned int)) ; }
00435   return ; }
00437 /*
00438   Assignment --- for convenience when assigning objects containing
00439   CoinWarmStartBasisDiff objects.
00440 */
00441 CoinWarmStartBasisDiff&
00442 CoinWarmStartBasisDiff::operator= (const CoinWarmStartBasisDiff &rhs)
00444 { if (this != &rhs)
00445   { if (sze_ > 0)
00446     { delete[] diffNdxs_ ;
00447       delete[] diffVals_ ; }
00448     sze_ = rhs.sze_ ;
00449     if (sze_ > 0)
00450     { diffNdxs_ = new unsigned int[sze_] ;
00451       memcpy(diffNdxs_,rhs.diffNdxs_,sze_*sizeof(unsigned int)) ;
00452       diffVals_ = new unsigned int[sze_] ;
00453       memcpy(diffVals_,rhs.diffVals_,sze_*sizeof(unsigned int)) ; }
00454     else
00455     { diffNdxs_ = 0 ;
00456       diffVals_ = 0 ; } }
00458   return (*this) ; }

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:24 2003 for Coin by doxygen 1.3.5