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00001 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #ifndef CoinPresolveMatrix_H
00004 #define CoinPresolveMatrix_H
00006 #include "CoinPragma.hpp"
00007 #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
00008 #include "CoinMessage.hpp"
00010 #include <cmath>
00011 #include <cassert>
00012 #include <cfloat>
00013 #include <cassert>
00015 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00016 // Avoid MS Compiler problem in recognizing type to delete
00017 // by casting to type.
00018 #define deleteAction(array,type) delete [] ((type) array)
00019 #else
00020 #define deleteAction(array,type) delete [] array
00021 #endif
00023 // We define two classes which may use presolve
00024 class ClpSimplex;
00025 class OsiSolverInterface;
00027 // OSL had a fixed zero tolerance; we still use that here.
00028 const double ZTOLDP      = 1e-12;
00030 double *presolve_duparray(const double *d, int n, int n2);
00031 double *presolve_duparray(const double *d, int n);
00032 int *presolve_duparray(const int *d, int n, int n2);
00033 int *presolve_duparray(const int *d, int n);
00034 char *presolve_duparray(const char *d, int n, int n2);
00035 char *presolve_duparray(const char *d, int n);
00036 // This one saves in one go to save [] memory
00037 double * presolve_duparray(const double * element, const int * index,
00038                            int length, int offset);
00040 void presolve_delete_from_row(int row, int col /* thing to delete */,
00041                      const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt,
00042                      int *hinrow, int *hcol, double *dels);
00044 int presolve_find_row(int row, CoinBigIndex kcs, CoinBigIndex kce, const int *hrow);
00045 int presolve_find_row1(int row, CoinBigIndex kcs, CoinBigIndex kce, const int *hrow);
00047 //#define       DEBUG_PRESOLVE  1
00049 #ifdef  DEBUG_PRESOLVE
00050 inline void     DIE(const char *s)      { std::cout<<s; abort(); }
00051 #else
00052   inline void   DIE(const char *s)      {}
00053 #endif
00055 #if     DEBUG_PRESOLVE
00056 #define PRESOLVE_STMT(s)        s
00057 #define PRESOLVEASSERT(x)       ((x) ? 1 : ((std::cerr<< "FAILED ASSERTION at line "<< __LINE__ << ":  " #x "\n"), abort(), 0))
00058 #else
00059 #define PRESOLVEASSERT(x) assert(x)
00060 #define PRESOLVE_STMT(s)
00061 #endif
00063 struct dropped_zero {
00064   int row;
00065   int col;
00066 };
00068 inline int ALIGN(int n, int m)  { return (((n + m - 1) / m) * m); }
00069 inline int ALIGN_DOUBLE(int n)  { return ALIGN(n,sizeof(double)); }
00071 class CoinPostsolveMatrix;
00073 // Note 77
00074 // "Members and bases are constructed in ordre of declation
00075 //  in the class and destroyed in the reverse order."  C++PL 3d Ed. p. 307
00076 //
00077 // That's why I put integer members (such as ncols) before the array members;
00078 // I like to use those integer values during initialization.
00079 // NOT ANYMORE
00081 //
00082 // This is the abstract base class of all presolve routines.
00083 // The object just stores the information needed to postsolve;
00084 // this information is not expected to be changed, so the fields are
00085 // all const.
00086 // It is expected that subclasses will declare static functions that
00087 // attempt to perform the presolve; if it succeeds, the function creates a
00088 // new presolve object and returns it, otherwise it returns 0.
00089 // It is expected that these static functions will be the only things
00090 // that can create new presolve_action objects;
00091 // this is expressed by making the constructor(s) private.
00092 // Every subclass must define a postsolve routine.  This gets two records,
00093 // one that contains information that is also used in presolving (prob)
00094 // and one with information that is only used in postsolving (prob2).
00095 // (suggestions for better names welcome).
00096 // Finally, there is a single postsolve driver (the friend function)
00097 // that just calls the postsolve member function of all the postsolve objects
00098 // in order.
00100 // note that since the only field in a presolve_action is const,
00101 // anything one can do with a variable declared:
00102 //      CoinPresolveAction*
00103 // can also be done with a variable declared:
00104 //      const CoinPresolveAction*
00105 //
00106 // It is expected that all derived subclasses of CoinPresolveAction also
00107 // have this property.
00108 class CoinPresolveAction {
00109  public:
00110   // Exceptions are inefficient, particularly with g++.
00111   // Even with xlC, the use of exceptions adds a long prologue to a routine.
00112   // Therefore, rather than use throw directly in the routine,
00113   // I use it in a stub routine.
00114   static void throwCoinError(const char *error, const char *ps_routine);
00116   // The only thing the base class does is point to the next
00117   // presolve transform in the list.
00118   const CoinPresolveAction *next;
00120   CoinPresolveAction(const CoinPresolveAction *next) : next(next) {}
00122   // A name for debug printing.
00123   // It is expected that the name is not stored in the transform itself.
00124   virtual const char *name() const = 0;
00126   // postsolve this particular presolve action
00127   virtual void postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const = 0;
00129   virtual ~CoinPresolveAction() {}
00130 };
00132 // This collects all the information about the problem that is needed
00133 // both in presolve and postsolve.
00134 class CoinPrePostsolveMatrix {
00135  public:
00136   CoinPrePostsolveMatrix(const ClpSimplex * si,
00137                         int ncols_,
00138                         int nrows_,
00139                         CoinBigIndex nelems_);
00140   CoinPrePostsolveMatrix(const OsiSolverInterface * si,
00141                         int ncols_,
00142                         int nrows_,
00143                         CoinBigIndex nelems_);
00146   ~CoinPrePostsolveMatrix();
00148   enum Status {
00149     isFree = 0x00,
00150     basic = 0x01,
00151     atUpperBound = 0x02,
00152     atLowerBound = 0x03,
00153     superBasic = 0x04
00154   };
00155   double *sol_;
00156   double *rowduals_;
00157   double *acts_;
00159   double *rcosts_;
00160   unsigned char *colstat_;
00161   unsigned char *rowstat_;
00164   // Original objective offset
00165   double originalOffset_;
00166   // Message handler
00167    CoinMessageHandler *  handler_; 
00169    CoinMessages messages_; 
00171    inline CoinMessageHandler * messageHandler() const 
00172   { return handler_; }
00174    inline CoinMessages messages() const 
00175   { return messages_; }
00176   // colrep
00177   int ncols_;
00178   const int ncols0_;
00180   CoinBigIndex nelems_;
00182   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt_;
00183   int *hincol_;
00184   int *hrow_;
00185   double *colels_;
00187   double *cost_;
00189   double *clo_;
00190   double *cup_;
00191   double *rlo_;
00192   double *rup_;
00194   // Original column numbers
00195   int * originalColumn_;
00196   // Original row numbers
00197   int * originalRow_;
00199   const double ztolzb_;
00200   const double ztoldj_;
00202   double maxmin_;
00204   // Status stuff
00206   inline void setRowStatus(int sequence, Status status)
00207   {
00208     unsigned char & st_byte = rowstat_[sequence];
00209     st_byte &= ~7;
00210     st_byte |= status;
00211   };
00212   inline Status getRowStatus(int sequence) const
00213   {return static_cast<Status> (rowstat_[sequence]&7);};
00214   inline bool rowIsBasic(int sequence) const
00215   {return (static_cast<Status> (rowstat_[sequence]&7)==basic);};
00216   inline void setColumnStatus(int sequence, Status status)
00217   {
00218     unsigned char & st_byte = colstat_[sequence];
00219     st_byte &= ~7;
00220     st_byte |= status;
00221   };
00222   inline Status getColumnStatus(int sequence) const
00223   {return static_cast<Status> (colstat_[sequence]&7);};
00224   inline bool columnIsBasic(int sequence) const
00225   {return (static_cast<Status> (colstat_[sequence]&7)==basic);};
00227   void setRowStatusUsingValue(int iRow);
00228   void setColumnStatusUsingValue(int iColumn);
00230 };
00236 /*
00237  * Currently, the matrix is represented the same way an CoinPackedMatrix is.
00238  * Occasionally columns increase in size.
00239  * In order to check whether there is enough room for the column
00240  * where it sits, I wanted to know what the next column (in memory order)
00241  * in the representation was.
00242  * To do that, I maintain a linked list of columns; the "pre" and "suc"
00243  * fields give the previous and next columns, in memory order (that is,
00244  * the column whose mcstrt entry is next smaller or larger).
00245  * The same thing for the row representation.
00246  *
00247  * This is all likely to change, but I'm leaving it as it is for now.
00248  */
00249 //  static const int    NO_LINK = -66666666;
00250 #define NO_LINK -66666666
00251 // Plus infinity
00252 #ifndef COIN_DBL_MAX
00253 #define COIN_DBL_MAX DBL_MAX
00254 #endif
00257 class presolvehlink {
00258 public:
00259   int pre, suc;
00260 };
00262 static inline void PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(presolvehlink *link, int i)
00263 { 
00264   int ipre = link[i].pre;
00265   int isuc = link[i].suc;
00266   if (ipre >= 0) {
00267     link[ipre].suc = isuc;
00268   }
00269   if (isuc >= 0) {
00270     link[isuc].pre = ipre;
00271   }
00272   link[i].pre = NO_LINK, link[i].suc = NO_LINK;
00273 }
00275 // inserts i after pos
00276 static inline void PRESOLVE_INSERT_LINK(presolvehlink *link, int i, int pos)
00277 {
00278   int isuc = link[pos].suc;
00279   link[pos].suc = i;
00280   link[i].pre = pos;
00281   if (isuc >= 0) {
00282     link[isuc].pre = i;
00283   }
00284   link[i].suc = isuc;
00285 }
00287 // rename i to j
00288 // that is, position j should be unused, and i will take its place
00289 // should be equivalent to:
00290 //   int pre = link[i].pre;
00291 //   PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(link, i);
00292 //   PRESOLVE_INSERT_LINK(link, j, pre);
00293 // if pre is not NO_LINK (otherwise -- ??)
00294 static inline void PRESOLVE_MOVE_LINK(presolvehlink *link, int i, int j)
00295 { 
00296   int ipre = link[i].pre;
00297   int isuc = link[i].suc;
00298   if (ipre >= 0) {
00299     link[ipre].suc = j;
00300   }
00301   if (isuc >= 0) {
00302     link[isuc].pre = j;
00303   }
00304   link[i].pre = NO_LINK, link[i].suc = NO_LINK;
00305 }
00309 // this really should never happen.
00310 // it will if there isn't enough space to postsolve the matrix.
00311 // see the note below.
00312 static inline void check_free_list(int free_list)
00313 {
00314   assert (free_list>=0);
00315   //if (free_list < 0) {
00316   //printf("RAN OUT OF LINKS!!\n");
00317   //abort();
00318   //}
00319 }
00322   // This collects all the information about the problem that is only
00323   // needed during presolve.
00324 class CoinPresolveMatrix : public CoinPrePostsolveMatrix {
00325  public:
00327   CoinPresolveMatrix(int ncols0,
00328                     double maxmin,
00329                     // end prepost members
00331                     ClpSimplex * si,
00333                     // rowrep
00334                     int nrows,
00335                     CoinBigIndex nelems,
00336                  bool doStatus,
00337                  double nonLinearVariable);
00340   void update_model(ClpSimplex * si,
00341                             int nrows0,
00342                             int ncols0,
00343                             CoinBigIndex nelems0);
00344   CoinPresolveMatrix(int ncols0,
00345                     double maxmin,
00346                     // end prepost members
00348                     OsiSolverInterface * si,
00350                     // rowrep
00351                     int nrows,
00352                     CoinBigIndex nelems,
00353                  bool doStatus,
00354                  double nonLinearVariable);
00357   void update_model(OsiSolverInterface * si,
00358                             int nrows0,
00359                             int ncols0,
00360                             CoinBigIndex nelems0);
00362   ~CoinPresolveMatrix();
00363   // Crude linked lists, modelled after the linked lists used in OSL factorization.
00364   presolvehlink *clink_;
00365   presolvehlink *rlink_;
00367   double dobias_;
00369   // rowrep
00370   int nrows_;   // note 77
00371   CoinBigIndex *mrstrt_;
00372   int *hinrow_;
00373   double *rowels_;
00374   int *hcol_;
00376   char *integerType_;
00377   // bounds can be moved by this to stay feasible
00378   double feasibilityTolerance_;
00379   // Output status 0=feasible, 1 infeasible, 2 unbounded
00380   int status_;
00381   // Should use templates ?
00382   // Rows
00383   // Bits to say if row changed
00384   // Now char so can use to find duplicates
00385   unsigned char * rowChanged_;
00386   // Input list
00387   int * rowsToDo_;
00388   int numberRowsToDo_;
00389   // Output list
00390   int * nextRowsToDo_;
00391   int numberNextRowsToDo_;
00392   // Flag to say if prohibited bits active
00393   bool anyProhibited_;
00395   inline bool rowChanged(int i) const {
00396     return (rowChanged_[i]&1)!=0;
00397   }
00398   inline void setRowChanged(int i) {
00399     rowChanged_[i] |= 1;
00400   }
00401   inline void addRow(int i) {
00402     if ((rowChanged_[i]&1)==0) {
00403       rowChanged_[i] |= 1;
00404       nextRowsToDo_[numberNextRowsToDo_++] = i;
00405     }
00406   }
00407   inline void unsetRowChanged(int i) {
00408     rowChanged_[i]  &= ~1;;
00409   }
00410   // Bits to say if row can not be touched
00411   inline bool anyProhibited() const
00412   { return anyProhibited_;};
00414   inline bool rowProhibited(int i) const {
00415     return (rowChanged_[i]&2)!=0;
00416   }
00417   // This one for lazy testing
00418   inline bool rowProhibited2(int i) const {
00419     if (!anyProhibited_)
00420       return false;
00421     else
00422       return (rowChanged_[i]&2)!=0;
00423   }
00424   inline void setRowProhibited(int i) {
00425     rowChanged_[i] |= 2;
00426   }
00427   // This is for doing faster lookups to see where two rows have entries in common
00428   inline bool rowUsed(int i) const {
00429     return (rowChanged_[i]&4)!=0;
00430   }
00431   inline void setRowUsed(int i) {
00432     rowChanged_[i] |= 4;
00433   }
00434   inline void unsetRowUsed(int i) {
00435     rowChanged_[i]  &= ~4;;
00436   }
00438   // Columns
00439   // Bits to say if column changed
00440   unsigned char * colChanged_;
00441   // Input list
00442   int * colsToDo_;
00443   int numberColsToDo_;
00444   // Output list
00445   int * nextColsToDo_;
00446   int numberNextColsToDo_;
00448   inline bool colChanged(int i) const {
00449     return (colChanged_[i]&1)!=0;
00450   }
00451   inline void setColChanged(int i) {
00452     colChanged_[i] |= 1;
00453   }
00454   inline void addCol(int i) {
00455     if ((colChanged_[i]&1)==0) {
00456       colChanged_[i] |= 1;
00457       nextColsToDo_[numberNextColsToDo_++] = i;
00458     }
00459   }
00460   inline void unsetColChanged(int i) {
00461     colChanged_[i]  &= ~1;;
00462   }
00464   inline bool colProhibited(int i) const {
00465     return (colChanged_[i]&2)!=0;
00466   }
00467   // This one for lazy testing
00468   inline bool colProhibited2(int i) const {
00469     if (!anyProhibited_)
00470       return false;
00471     else
00472       return (colChanged_[i]&2)!=0;
00473   }
00474   inline void setColProhibited(int i) {
00475     colChanged_[i] |= 2;
00476   }
00477   // This is for doing faster lookups to see where two cols have entries in common
00478   inline bool colUsed(int i) const {
00479     return (colChanged_[i]&4)!=0;
00480   }
00481   inline void setColUsed(int i) {
00482     colChanged_[i] |= 4;
00483   }
00484   inline void unsetColUsed(int i) {
00485     colChanged_[i]  &= ~4;;
00486   }
00487   void consistent(bool testvals = true);
00489   inline void change_bias(double change_amount);
00491   // Pass number
00492   int pass_;
00494 };
00497   // This collects all the information about the problem that is needed
00498   // only in postsolve.
00499 class CoinPostsolveMatrix : public CoinPrePostsolveMatrix {
00500  public:
00502   CoinPostsolveMatrix(ClpSimplex * si,
00504                    int ncols0,
00505                    int nrows0,
00506                    CoinBigIndex nelems0,
00508                    double maxmin_,
00509                    // end prepost members
00511                    double *sol,
00512                    double *acts,
00514                    unsigned char *colstat,
00515                    unsigned char *rowstat);
00517   CoinPostsolveMatrix(OsiSolverInterface * si,
00519                    int ncols0,
00520                    int nrows0,
00521                    CoinBigIndex nelems0,
00523                    double maxmin_,
00524                    // end prepost members
00526                    double *sol,
00527                    double *acts,
00529                    unsigned char *colstat,
00530                    unsigned char *rowstat);
00533   ~CoinPostsolveMatrix();
00535   CoinBigIndex free_list_;
00536   int maxlink_;
00537   int *link_;
00539   // debug
00540   char *cdone_;
00541   char *rdone_;
00542   int nrows_;
00544   // needed for presolve_empty
00545   int nrows0_;
00548   // debugging
00549   void check_nbasic();
00552 };
00554 void CoinPresolveMatrix::change_bias(double change_amount)
00555 {
00556   dobias_ += change_amount;
00558   assert(fabs(change_amount)<1.0e50);
00559 #endif
00560   if (change_amount)
00561     PRESOLVE_STMT(printf("changing bias by %g to %g\n",
00562                     change_amount, dobias_));  
00563 }
00565 // useful functions
00566 inline void swap(int &x, int &y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
00567 inline void swap(double &x, double &y) { double temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
00568 inline void swap(long &x, long &y) { long temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
00570 inline void swap(int *&x, int *&y) { int *temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
00571 inline void swap(double *&x, double *&y) { double *temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
00572 // This returns a non const array filled with input from scalar
00573 // or actual array
00574 template <class T> inline T*
00575 copyOfArray( const T * array, const int size, T value)
00576 {
00577   T * arrayNew = new T[size];
00578   if (array) {
00579     memcpy(arrayNew,array,size*sizeof(T));
00580   } else {
00581     int i;
00582     for (i=0;i<size;i++) 
00583       arrayNew[i] = value;
00584   }
00585   return arrayNew;
00586 }
00588 // This returns a non const array filled with actual array (or NULL)
00589 template <class T> inline T*
00590 copyOfArray( const T * array, const int size)
00591 {
00592   if (array) {
00593     T * arrayNew = new T[size];
00594     memcpy(arrayNew,array,size*sizeof(T));
00595     return arrayNew;
00596   } else {
00597     return NULL;
00598   }
00599 }
00600 #define PRESOLVEFINITE(n)       (-PRESOLVE_INF < (n) && (n) < PRESOLVE_INF)
00601 int presolve_find_row2(int irow, CoinBigIndex ks, int nc, const int *hrow, const int *link);
00602 void presolve_make_memlists(CoinBigIndex *starts, int *lengths,
00603                        presolvehlink *link,
00604                        int n);
00605 int presolve_find_row3(int irow, CoinBigIndex ks, int nc, const int *hrow, const int *link);
00606 void presolve_delete_from_row(int row, int col /* thing to delete */,
00607                      const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt,
00608                               int *hinrow, int *hcol, double *dels);
00609 void presolve_delete_from_row2(int row, int col /* thing to delete */,
00610                       CoinBigIndex *mrstrt,
00611                                int *hinrow, int *hcol, double *dels, int *link, CoinBigIndex *free_listp);
00612 #endif

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:23 2003 for Coin by doxygen 1.3.5