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00001 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00004 // Turn off compiler warning about long names
00005 #  pragma warning(disable:4786)
00006 #endif
00008 #include "CoinMessage.hpp"
00010 typedef struct {
00011   COIN_Message internalNumber;
00012   int externalNumber; // or continuation
00013   char detail;
00014   const char * message;
00015 } Coin_message;
00016 static Coin_message us_english[]=
00017 {
00018   {COIN_MPS_LINE,1,1,"At line %d %s"},
00019   {COIN_MPS_STATS,2,1,"Problem %s has %d rows, %d columns and %d elements"},
00020   {COIN_MPS_ILLEGAL,3001,0,"Illegal value for %s of %g"},
00021   {COIN_MPS_BADIMAGE,3002,0,"Bad image at line %d < %s >"},
00022   {COIN_MPS_DUPOBJ,3003,0,"Duplicate objective at line %d < %s >"},
00023   {COIN_MPS_DUPROW,3004,0,"Duplicate row %s at line %d < %s >"},
00024   {COIN_MPS_NOMATCHROW,3005,0,"No match for row %s at line %d < %s >"},
00025   {COIN_MPS_NOMATCHCOL,3006,0,"No match for column %s at line %d < %s >"},
00026   {COIN_MPS_FILE,6001,0,"Unable to open mps input file %s"},
00027   {COIN_MPS_BADFILE1,6002,0,"Unknown image %s at line %d of file %s"},
00028   {COIN_MPS_BADFILE2,6003,0,"Consider the possibility of a compressed file\
00029  which zlib is unable to read"},
00030   {COIN_MPS_EOF,6004,0,"EOF on file %s"},
00031   {COIN_MPS_RETURNING,6005,0,"Returning as too many errors"},
00032   {COIN_SOLVER_MPS,8,1,"%s read with %d errors"},
00033   {COIN_PRESOLVE_COLINFEAS,501,2,"Problem is infeasible due to column %d, %g %g"},
00034   {COIN_PRESOLVE_ROWINFEAS,502,2,"Problem is infeasible due to row %d, %g %g"},
00035   {COIN_PRESOLVE_COLUMNBOUNDA,503,2,"Problem looks unbounded above due to column %d, %g %g"},
00036   {COIN_PRESOLVE_COLUMNBOUNDB,504,2,"Problem looks unbounded below due to column %d, %g %g"},
00037   {COIN_PRESOLVE_NONOPTIMAL,505,1,"Presolved problem not optimal, resolve after postsolve"},
00038   {COIN_PRESOLVE_STATS,506,1,"Presolve %d (%d) rows, %d (%d) columns and %d (%d) elements"},
00039   {COIN_PRESOLVE_INFEAS,507,0,"Presolve determined that the problem was infeasible with tolerance of %g"},
00040   {COIN_PRESOLVE_UNBOUND,508,0,"Presolve thinks problem is unbounded"},
00041   {COIN_PRESOLVE_INFEASUNBOUND,509,0,"Presolve thinks problem is infeasible AND unbounded???"},
00042   {COIN_PRESOLVE_INTEGERMODS,510,1,"Presolve is modifying %d integer bounds and re-presolving"},
00043   {COIN_PRESOLVE_POSTSOLVE,511,1,"After Postsolve, objective %g, infeasibilities - dual %g (%d), primal %g (%d)"},
00044   {COIN_PRESOLVE_NEEDS_CLEANING,512,1,"Presolved model was optimal, full model needs cleaning up"},
00045   {COIN_PRESOLVE_PASS,513,3,"%d rows dropped after presolve pass %d"},
00046   {COIN_DUMMY_END,999999,0,""}
00047 };
00048 // **** aiutami!
00049 static Coin_message italian[]=
00050 {
00051   {COIN_MPS_LINE,1,1,"al numero %d %s"},
00052   {COIN_MPS_STATS,2,1,"matrice %s ha %d file, %d colonne and %d elementi (diverso da zero)"},
00053   {COIN_DUMMY_END,999999,0,""}
00054 };
00055 /* Constructor */
00056 CoinMessage::CoinMessage(Language language) :
00057   CoinMessages(sizeof(us_english)/sizeof(Coin_message))
00058 {
00059   language_=language;
00060   strcpy(source_,"Coin");
00061   Coin_message * message = us_english;
00063   while (message->internalNumber!=COIN_DUMMY_END) {
00064     CoinOneMessage oneMessage(message->externalNumber,message->detail,
00065                 message->message);
00066     addMessage(message->internalNumber,oneMessage);
00067     message ++;
00068   }
00070   // now override any language ones
00072   switch (language) {
00073   case it:
00074     message = italian;
00075     break;
00077   default:
00078     message=NULL;
00079     break;
00080   }
00082   // replace if any found
00083   if (message) {
00084     while (message->internalNumber!=COIN_DUMMY_END) {
00085       replaceMessage(message->internalNumber,message->message);
00086       message ++;
00087     }
00088   }
00089 }

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:19 2003 for Coin by doxygen 1.3.5