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00001 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00004 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00005 // Turn off compiler warning about long names
00006 #  pragma warning(disable:4786)
00007 #endif
00009 #include <cassert>
00010 #include <stdio.h>
00011 #include "CoinFactorization.hpp"
00012 #include "CoinIndexedVector.hpp"
00013 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
00014 #if DENSE_CODE==1
00015 // using simple clapack interface
00016 extern "C" int dgetrf_(int *m, int *n, double *a, int * lda, 
00017                        int *ipiv, int *info);
00018 #endif
00019 //  factorSparse.  Does sparse phase of factorization
00020 //return code is <0 error, 0= finished
00021 int
00022 CoinFactorization::factorSparse (  )
00023 {
00024   int *indexRow = indexRowU_;
00025   int *indexColumn = indexColumnU_;
00026   double *element = elementU_;
00027   int count = 1;
00028   double *workArea = new double [ numberRows_ ];
00030   // when to go dense
00031   int denseThreshold=denseThreshold_;
00033   CoinZeroN ( workArea, numberRows_ );
00034   //get space for bit work area
00035   CoinBigIndex workSize = 1000;
00036   unsigned int *workArea2 = ( unsigned int * ) new int [ workSize ];
00038   int larger;
00040   if ( numberRows_ < numberColumns_ ) {
00041     larger = numberColumns_;
00042   } else {
00043     larger = numberRows_;
00044   }
00045   int status = 0;
00046   //do slacks first
00047   if (biasLU_<3) {
00048     int pivotColumn;
00049     for ( pivotColumn = 0; pivotColumn < numberColumns_;
00050           pivotColumn++ ) {
00051       if ( numberInColumn_[pivotColumn] == 1 ) {
00052         CoinBigIndex start = startColumnU_[pivotColumn];
00053         double value = element[start];
00054         if ( value == slackValue_ && numberInColumnPlus_[pivotColumn] == 0 ) {
00055           //treat as slack
00056           int iRow = indexRowU_[start];
00059           totalElements_ -= numberInRow_[iRow];
00060           if ( !pivotColumnSingleton ( iRow, pivotColumn ) ) {
00061             status = -99;
00062             count=biggerDimension_+1;
00063             break;
00064           }
00065           pivotColumn_[numberGoodU_] = pivotColumn;
00066           numberGoodU_++;
00067         }
00068       }
00069     }
00070   }
00071   numberSlacks_ = numberGoodU_;
00072   int *nextCount = nextCount_;
00073   int *numberInRow = numberInRow_;
00074   int *numberInColumn = numberInColumn_;
00075   CoinBigIndex *startRow = startRowU_;
00076   CoinBigIndex *startColumn = startColumnU_;
00077   double pivotTolerance = pivotTolerance_;
00078   int numberTrials = numberTrials_;
00079   int numberRows = numberRows_;
00080   // Put column singletons first - (if false)
00081   separateLinks(1,(biasLU_>1));
00082   while ( count <= biggerDimension_ ) {
00083     CoinBigIndex minimumCount = INT_MAX;
00084     CoinBigIndex minimumCost = INT_MAX;
00086     count = 1;
00087     bool stopping = false;
00088     int pivotRow = -1;
00089     int pivotColumn = -1;
00090     int pivotRowPosition = -1;
00091     int pivotColumnPosition = -1;
00092     int look = firstCount_[count];
00093     int trials = 0;
00095     while ( !stopping ) {
00096       if ( count == 1 && firstCount_[1] >= 0 &&!biasLU_) {
00097         //do column singletons first to put more in U
00098         while ( look >= 0 ) {
00099           if ( look < numberRows_ ) {
00100             look = nextCount_[look];
00101           } else {
00102             int iColumn = look - numberRows_;
00104 #if COIN_DEBUG
00105             if ( numberInColumn_[iColumn] != count ) {
00106               abort (  );
00107             }
00108 #endif
00109             CoinBigIndex start = startColumnU_[iColumn];
00110             int iRow = indexRow[start];
00112             pivotRow = iRow;
00113             pivotRowPosition = start;
00114             pivotColumn = iColumn;
00115             pivotColumnPosition = -1;
00116             stopping = true;
00117             look = -1;
00118             break;
00119           }
00120         }                       /* endwhile */
00121         if ( !stopping ) {
00122           //back to singletons
00123           look = firstCount_[1];
00124         }
00125       }
00126       while ( look >= 0 ) {
00127         if ( look < numberRows_ ) {
00128           int iRow = look;
00130 #if COIN_DEBUG
00131           if ( numberInRow[iRow] != count ) {
00132             abort (  );
00133           }
00134 #endif
00135           look = nextCount[look];
00136           bool rejected = false;
00137           CoinBigIndex start = startRow[iRow];
00138           CoinBigIndex end = start + count;
00140           CoinBigIndex i;
00141           for ( i = start; i < end; i++ ) {
00142             int iColumn = indexColumn[i];
00143             CoinBigIndex cost = ( count - 1 ) * numberInColumn[iColumn];
00145             if ( cost < minimumCost ) {
00146               CoinBigIndex where = startColumn[iColumn];
00147               double minimumValue = element[where];
00149               minimumValue = fabs ( minimumValue ) * pivotTolerance;
00150               while ( indexRow[where] != iRow ) {
00151                 where++;
00152               }                 /* endwhile */
00153 #if COIN_DEBUG
00154               {
00155                 CoinBigIndex end_debug = startColumn[iColumn] +
00156                   numberInColumn[iColumn];
00158                 if ( where >= end_debug ) {
00159                   abort (  );
00160                 }
00161               }
00162 #endif
00163               double value = element[where];
00165               value = fabs ( value );
00166               if ( value >= minimumValue ) {
00167                 minimumCost = cost;
00168                 minimumCount = numberInColumn[iColumn];
00169                 pivotRow = iRow;
00170                 pivotRowPosition = -1;
00171                 pivotColumn = iColumn;
00172                 pivotColumnPosition = i;
00173                 if ( minimumCount < count ) {
00174                   stopping = true;
00175                   look = -1;
00176                   break;
00177                 }
00178               } else if ( pivotRow == -1 ) {
00179                 rejected = true;
00180               }
00181             }
00182           }
00183           trials++;
00184           if ( trials >= numberTrials && pivotRow >= 0 ) {
00185             stopping = true;
00186             look = -1;
00187             break;
00188           }
00189           if ( rejected ) {
00190             //take out for moment
00191             //eligible when row changes
00192             deleteLink ( iRow );
00193             addLink ( iRow, biggerDimension_ + 1 );
00194           }
00195         } else {
00196           int iColumn = look - numberRows;
00198 #if COIN_DEBUG
00199           if ( numberInColumn[iColumn] != count ) {
00200             abort (  );
00201           }
00202 #endif
00203           look = nextCount[look];
00204           CoinBigIndex start = startColumn[iColumn];
00205           CoinBigIndex end = start + numberInColumn[iColumn];
00206           double minimumValue = element[start];
00208           minimumValue = fabs ( minimumValue ) * pivotTolerance;
00209           CoinBigIndex i;
00210           for ( i = start; i < end; i++ ) {
00211             double value = element[i];
00213             value = fabs ( value );
00214             if ( value >= minimumValue ) {
00215               int iRow = indexRow[i];
00216               CoinBigIndex cost = ( count - 1 ) * numberInRow[iRow];
00218               if ( cost < minimumCost ) {
00219                 minimumCost = cost;
00220                 minimumCount = numberInRow[iRow];
00221                 pivotRow = iRow;
00222                 pivotRowPosition = i;
00223                 pivotColumn = iColumn;
00224                 pivotColumnPosition = -1;
00225                 if ( minimumCount <= count + 1 ) {
00226                   stopping = true;
00227                   look = -1;
00228                   break;
00229                 }
00230               }
00231             }
00232           }
00233           trials++;
00234           if ( trials >= numberTrials && pivotRow >= 0 ) {
00235             stopping = true;
00236             look = -1;
00237             break;
00238           }
00239         }
00240       }                         /* endwhile */
00241       //end of this - onto next
00242       if ( !stopping ) {
00243         count++;
00244         if ( count <= biggerDimension_ ) {
00245           look = firstCount_[count];
00246         } else {
00247           stopping = true;
00248         }
00249       } else {
00250         if ( pivotRow >= 0 ) {
00251           int numberDoRow = numberInRow_[pivotRow] - 1;
00252           int numberDoColumn = numberInColumn_[pivotColumn] - 1;
00254           totalElements_ -= ( numberDoRow + numberDoColumn + 1 );
00255           if ( numberDoColumn > 0 ) {
00256             if ( numberDoRow > 0 ) {
00257               if ( numberDoColumn > 1 ) {
00258                 //  if (1) {
00259                 //need to adjust more for cache and SMP
00260                 //allow at least 4 extra
00261                 int increment = numberDoColumn + 1 + 4;
00263                 if ( increment & 15 ) {
00264                   increment = increment & ( ~15 );
00265                   increment += 16;
00266                 }
00267                 int increment2 =
00269                   ( increment + COINFACTORIZATION_BITS_PER_INT - 1 ) >> COINFACTORIZATION_SHIFT_PER_INT;
00270                 CoinBigIndex size = increment2 * numberDoRow;
00272                 if ( size > workSize ) {
00273                   workSize = size;
00274                   delete []  workArea2 ;
00275                   workArea2 = ( unsigned int * ) new int [ workSize ];
00276                 }
00277                 bool goodPivot;
00279                 if ( larger < 32766 ) {
00280                   //branch out to best pivot routine 
00281                   goodPivot = pivot ( pivotRow, pivotColumn,
00282                                       pivotRowPosition, pivotColumnPosition,
00283                                       workArea, workArea2, increment,
00284                                       increment2, ( short * ) markRow_ ,
00285                                       32767);
00286                 } else {
00287                   //might be able to do better by permuting
00288                   goodPivot = pivot ( pivotRow, pivotColumn,
00289                                       pivotRowPosition, pivotColumnPosition,
00290                                       workArea, workArea2, increment,
00291                                       increment2, ( int * ) markRow_ ,
00292                                       INT_MAX);
00293                 }
00294                 if ( !goodPivot ) {
00295                   status = -99;
00296                   count=biggerDimension_+1;
00297                   break;
00298                 }
00299               } else {
00300                 if ( !pivotOneOtherRow ( pivotRow, pivotColumn ) ) {
00301                   status = -99;
00302                   count=biggerDimension_+1;
00303                   break;
00304                 }
00305               }
00306             } else {
00307               if ( !pivotRowSingleton ( pivotRow, pivotColumn ) ) {
00308                 status = -99;
00309                 count=biggerDimension_+1;
00310                 break;
00311               }
00312             }
00313           } else {
00314             if ( !pivotColumnSingleton ( pivotRow, pivotColumn ) ) {
00315               status = -99;
00316               count=biggerDimension_+1;
00317               break;
00318             }
00319           }
00320           pivotColumn_[numberGoodU_] = pivotColumn;
00321           numberGoodU_++;
00322         }
00323       }
00324     }                           /* endwhile */
00325 #if COIN_DEBUG==2
00326     checkConsistency (  );
00327 #endif
00328     if (denseThreshold) {
00329       // see whether to go dense 
00330       int leftRows=numberRows_-numberGoodU_;
00331       double full = leftRows;
00332       full *= full;
00333       assert (full>=0.0);
00334       double leftElements = totalElements_;
00335       //if (leftRows==100)
00336       //printf("at 100 %d elements\n",totalElements_);
00337       if ((1.5*leftElements>full&&leftRows>denseThreshold_)) {
00338         //return to do dense
00339         if (status!=0)
00340           break;
00341 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
00342         int check=0;
00343         for (int iColumn=0;iColumn<numberColumns_;iColumn++) {
00344           if (numberInColumn_[iColumn]) 
00345             check++;
00346         }
00347         if (check!=leftRows) {
00348           printf("** mismatch %d columns left, %d rows\n",check,leftRows);
00349           denseThreshold=0;
00350         } else {
00351           status=2;
00352           if ((messageLevel_&4)!=0) 
00353             std::cout<<"      Went dense at "<<leftRows<<" rows "<<
00354               totalElements_<<" "<<full<<" "<<leftElements<<std::endl;
00355           break;
00356         }
00357 #endif
00358       }
00359     }
00360   }                             /* endwhile */
00361   delete []  workArea ;
00362   delete [] workArea2 ;
00363   return status;
00364 }
00365 //:method factorDense.  Does dense phase of factorization
00366 //return code is <0 error, 0= finished
00367 int CoinFactorization::factorDense()
00368 {
00369   int status=0;
00370 #ifdef DENSE_CODE
00371   numberDense_=numberRows_-numberGoodU_;
00372   if (sizeof(CoinBigIndex)==4&&numberDense_>=2<<15) {
00373     abort();
00374   } 
00375   CoinBigIndex full = numberDense_*numberDense_;
00376   totalElements_=full;
00377   denseArea_= new double [full];
00378   memset(denseArea_,0,full*sizeof(double));
00379   densePermute_= new int [numberDense_];
00380   //mark row lookup using lastRow
00381   int i;
00382   for (i=0;i<numberRows_;i++)
00383     lastRow_[i]=0;
00384   int * indexRow = indexRowU_;
00385   double * element = elementU_;
00386   for (int i=0;i<numberGoodU_;i++) {
00387     int iRow=pivotRowL_[i];
00388     lastRow_[iRow]=-1;
00389   } 
00390   int which=0;
00391   for (i=0;i<numberRows_;i++) {
00392     if (!lastRow_[i]) {
00393       lastRow_[i]=which;
00394       nextRow_[i]=numberGoodU_+which;
00395       densePermute_[which]=i;
00396       which++;
00397     }
00398   } 
00399   //for L part
00400   CoinBigIndex endL=startColumnL_[numberGoodL_];
00401   //take out of U
00402   double * column = denseArea_;
00403   int rowsDone=0;
00404   //#define NEWSTYLE
00405   for (int iColumn=0;iColumn<numberColumns_;iColumn++) {
00406     if (numberInColumn_[iColumn]) {
00407       //move
00408       CoinBigIndex start = startColumnU_[iColumn];
00409       int number = numberInColumn_[iColumn];
00410       CoinBigIndex end = start+number;
00411       for (CoinBigIndex i=start;i<end;i++) {
00412         int iRow=indexRow[i];
00413         iRow=lastRow_[iRow];
00414         column[iRow]=element[i];
00415       } /* endfor */
00416       column+=numberDense_;
00417       while (lastRow_[rowsDone]<0) {
00418         rowsDone++;
00419       } /* endwhile */
00420       pivotRowL_[numberGoodU_]=rowsDone;
00421       startColumnL_[numberGoodU_+1]=endL;
00422       numberInColumn_[iColumn]=0;
00423       pivotColumn_[numberGoodU_]=iColumn;
00424       pivotRegion_[numberGoodU_]=1.0;
00425       numberGoodU_++;
00426     } 
00427   } 
00428   assert(numberGoodU_==numberRows_);
00429 #ifndef NEWSTYLE
00430   numberGoodL_=numberRows_;
00431   //now factorize
00432   //dgef(denseArea_,&numberDense_,&numberDense_,densePermute_);
00433   int info;
00434   dgetrf_(&numberDense_,&numberDense_,denseArea_,&numberDense_,densePermute_,
00435          &info);
00436   // need to check size of pivots
00437   if(info)
00438     status = -1;
00439 #else
00440   numberGoodU_ = numberRows_-numberDense_;
00441   int base = numberGoodU_;
00442   int iDense;
00443   double tolerance = zeroTolerance_;
00444   tolerance = 1.0e-30;
00445   // make sure we have enough space in L and U
00446   for (iDense=0;iDense<numberDense_;iDense++) {
00447     //how much space have we got
00448     int iColumn = pivotColumn_[base+iDense];
00449     int next = nextColumn_[iColumn];
00450     int numberInPivotColumn = iDense;
00451     CoinBigIndex space = startColumnU_[next] 
00452       - startColumnU_[iColumn]
00453       - numberInColumnPlus_[next];
00454     //assume no zero elements
00455     if ( numberInPivotColumn > space ) {
00456       //getColumnSpace also moves fixed part
00457       if ( !getColumnSpace ( iColumn, numberInPivotColumn ) ) {
00458         return -99;
00459       }
00460     }
00461     // set so further moves will work
00462     numberInColumn_[iColumn]=numberInPivotColumn;
00463   }
00464   if ( lengthL_ + full*0.5 > lengthAreaL_ ) {
00465     //need more memory
00466     std::cout << "more memory needed in middle of invert" << std::endl;
00467     return -99;
00468   }
00469   for (iDense=0;iDense<numberDense_;iDense++) {
00470     int iRow;
00471     int jDense;
00472     int pivotRow=-1;
00473     double * element = denseArea_+iDense*numberDense_;
00474     double largest = 1.0e-12;
00475     for (iRow=iDense;iRow<numberDense_;iRow++) {
00476       if (fabs(element[iRow])>largest) {
00477         largest = fabs(element[iRow]);
00478         pivotRow = iRow;
00479       }
00480     }
00481     if ( pivotRow >= 0 ) {
00482       int iColumn = pivotColumn_[base+iDense];
00483       double pivotElement=element[pivotRow];
00484       // get original row
00485       int originalRow = densePermute_[pivotRow];
00486       // do nextRow
00487       nextRow_[originalRow] = numberGoodU_;
00488       // swap
00489       densePermute_[pivotRow]=densePermute_[iDense];
00490       densePermute_[iDense] = originalRow;
00491       for (jDense=iDense;jDense<numberDense_;jDense++) {
00492         double value = element[iDense];
00493         element[iDense] = element[pivotRow];
00494         element[pivotRow] = value;
00495         element += numberDense_;
00496       }
00497       double pivotMultiplier = 1.0 / pivotElement;
00498       //printf("pivotMultiplier %g\n",pivotMultiplier);
00499       pivotRegion_[numberGoodU_] = pivotMultiplier;
00500       // Do L
00501       element = denseArea_+iDense*numberDense_;
00502       CoinBigIndex l = lengthL_;
00503       startColumnL_[numberGoodL_] = l;  //for luck and first time
00504       for (iRow=iDense+1;iRow<numberDense_;iRow++) {
00505         double value = element[iRow]*pivotMultiplier;
00506         element[iRow] = value;
00507         if (fabs(value)>tolerance) {
00508           indexRowL_[l] = densePermute_[iRow];
00509           elementL_[l++] = value;
00510         }
00511       }
00512       pivotRowL_[numberGoodL_++] = originalRow;
00513       lengthL_ = l;
00514       startColumnL_[numberGoodL_] = l;
00515       // update U column
00516       CoinBigIndex start = startColumnU_[iColumn];
00517       for (iRow=0;iRow<iDense;iRow++) {
00518         if (fabs(element[iRow])>tolerance) {
00519           indexRowU_[start] = densePermute_[iRow];
00520           elementU_[start++] = element[iRow];
00521         }
00522       }
00523       numberInColumn_[iColumn]=0;
00524       numberInColumnPlus_[iColumn] += start-startColumnU_[iColumn];
00525       startColumnU_[iColumn]=start;
00526       // update other columns
00527       double * element2 = element+numberDense_;
00528       for (jDense=iDense+1;jDense<numberDense_;jDense++) {
00529         double value = element2[iDense];
00530         for (iRow=iDense+1;iRow<numberDense_;iRow++) {
00531           double oldValue=element2[iRow];
00532           element2[iRow] -= value*element[iRow];
00533           if (oldValue&&!element2[iRow]) {
00534             printf("Updated element for column %d, row %d old %g",
00535                    pivotColumn_[base+jDense],densePermute_[iRow],oldValue);
00536             printf(" new %g\n",element2[iRow]);
00537           }
00538         }
00539         element2 += numberDense_;
00540       }
00541       numberGoodU_++;
00542     } else {
00543       return -1;
00544     }
00545   }
00546   // free area (could use L?)
00547   delete [] denseArea_;
00548   denseArea_ = NULL;
00549   // check if can use another array for densePermute_
00550   delete [] densePermute_;
00551   densePermute_ = NULL;
00552   numberDense_=0;
00553 #endif
00554 #endif
00555   return status;
00556 }
00557 // Separate out links with same row/column count
00558 void 
00559 CoinFactorization::separateLinks(int count,bool rowsFirst)
00560 {
00561   int next = firstCount_[count];
00562   int firstRow=-1;
00563   int firstColumn=-1;
00564   int lastRow=-1;
00565   int lastColumn=-1;
00566   while(next>=0) {
00567     int next2=nextCount_[next];
00568     if (next>=numberRows_) {
00569       nextCount_[next]=-1;
00570       // Column
00571       if (firstColumn>=0) {
00572         lastCount_[next]=lastColumn;
00573         nextCount_[lastColumn]=next;
00574       } else {
00575         lastCount_[next]= -2 - count;
00576         firstColumn=next;
00577       }
00578       lastColumn=next;
00579     } else {
00580       // Row
00581       if (firstRow>=0) {
00582         lastCount_[next]=lastRow;
00583         nextCount_[lastRow]=next;
00584       } else {
00585         lastCount_[next]= -2 - count;
00586         firstRow=next;
00587       }
00588       lastRow=next;
00589     }
00590     next=next2;
00591   }
00592   if (rowsFirst&&firstRow>=0) {
00593     firstCount_[count]=firstRow;
00594     nextCount_[lastRow]=firstColumn;
00595     if (firstColumn>=0)
00596       lastCount_[firstColumn]=lastRow;
00597   } else if (firstRow<0) {
00598     firstCount_[count]=firstColumn;
00599   } else if (firstColumn>=0) {
00600     firstCount_[count]=firstColumn;
00601     nextCount_[lastColumn]=firstRow;
00602     if (firstRow>=0)
00603       lastCount_[firstRow]=lastColumn;
00604   } 
00605 }

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:17 2003 for Coin by doxygen 1.3.5