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CglGomory Member List

This is the complete list of members for CglGomory, including all inherited members.
away_CglGomory [private]
CglCutGenerator(const CglCutGenerator &)CglCutGenerator
CglGomory(const CglGomory &)CglGomory
CglGomoryUnitTest(const OsiSolverInterface *siP, const std::string mpdDir)CglGomory [friend]
generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface &si, OsiCuts &cs) const CglGomory [virtual]
generateCuts(const OsiRowCutDebugger *debugger, OsiCuts &cs, const CoinPackedMatrix &columnCopy, const double *objective, const double *colsol, const double *colLower, const double *colUpper, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const char *intVar, const CoinWarmStartBasis *warm) const CglGomory
getAway() const CglGomory
getLimit() const CglGomory
limit_CglGomory [private]
operator=(const CglGomory &rhs)CglGomory
CglCutGenerator::operator=(const CglCutGenerator &rhs)CglCutGenerator
refreshSolver(OsiSolverInterface *solver)CglCutGenerator [inline, virtual]
setAway(double value)CglGomory
setLimit(int limit)CglGomory
~CglCutGenerator()CglCutGenerator [virtual]
~CglGomory()CglGomory [virtual]

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:57 2003 for Cgl by doxygen 1.3.5