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00001 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00004 // Turn off compiler warning about long names
00005 #  pragma warning(disable:4786)
00006 #endif
00008 #include <cstdio>
00010 #ifdef NDEBUG
00011 #undef NDEBUG
00012 #endif
00014 #include <cassert>
00015 #include <iostream>
00017 #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
00018 #include "CglProbing.hpp"
00021 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00022 // test EKKsolution methods.
00023 void
00024 CglProbingUnitTest(
00025   const OsiSolverInterface * baseSiP,
00026   const std::string mpsDir )
00027 {
00028   CoinRelFltEq eq(0.000001);
00030   // Test default constructor
00031   {
00032     CglProbing aGenerator;
00033   }
00035   // Test copy & assignment
00036   {
00037     CglProbing rhs;
00038     {
00039       CglProbing bGenerator;
00040       CglProbing cGenerator(bGenerator);
00041       rhs=bGenerator;
00042     }
00043   }
00045   {
00046     OsiCuts osicuts;
00047     CglProbing test1;
00048     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00049     int i;
00050     int nColCuts;
00051     int nRowCuts;
00053     std::string fn = mpsDir+"p0033";
00054     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00055     siP->initialSolve();
00056     // just unsatisfied variables
00057     test1.generateCuts(*siP,osicuts);
00058     nColCuts = osicuts.sizeColCuts();
00059     nRowCuts = osicuts.sizeRowCuts();
00060     std::cout<<"There are "<<nRowCuts<<" probing cuts"<<std::endl;
00061     {
00062       std::cout<<"there are "<<nColCuts<<" probing column cuts"<<std::endl;
00063       const double * lo = siP->getColLower();
00064       const double * up = siP->getColUpper();
00065       for (i=0; i<nColCuts; i++){
00066         OsiColCut ccut;
00067         CoinPackedVector cpv;
00068         ccut = osicuts.colCut(i);
00069         cpv = ccut.lbs();
00070         int n = cpv.getNumElements();
00071         int j;
00072         const int * indices = cpv.getIndices();
00073         double* elements = cpv.getElements();
00074         for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
00075           int icol=indices[j];
00076           if (elements[j]>lo[icol])
00077             std::cout<<"Can increase lb on "<<icol<<" from "<<lo[icol]<<
00078               " to "<<elements[j]<<std::endl;
00079         }
00080         cpv =;
00081         n = cpv.getNumElements();
00082         indices = cpv.getIndices();
00083         elements = cpv.getElements();
00084         for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
00085           int icol=indices[j];
00086           if (elements[j]<up[icol])
00087             std::cout<<"Can decrease ub on "<<icol<<" from "<<up[icol]<<
00088               " to "<<elements[j]<<std::endl;
00089         }
00090       }
00091     }
00092     for (i=0; i<nRowCuts; i++){
00093       OsiRowCut rcut;
00094       CoinPackedVector rpv;
00095       const double * colsol = siP->getColSolution();
00096       rcut = osicuts.rowCut(i);
00097       rpv = rcut.row();
00098       const int n = rpv.getNumElements();
00099       const int * indices = rpv.getIndices();
00100       double* elements = rpv.getElements();
00101       double sum2=0.0;
00102       int k=0;
00103       double;
00104       double ub=rcut.ub();
00105       for (k=0; k<n; k++){
00106         int column=indices[k];
00107         sum2 += colsol[column]*elements[k];
00108       }
00109       if (sum2 >ub + 1.0e-7 ||sum2 < lb - 1.0e-7) {
00110         std::cout<<"Cut "<<i<<" lb "<<lb<<" solution "<<sum2<<" ub "<<ub<<std::endl;
00111         for (k=0; k<n; k++){
00112           int column=indices[k];
00113           std::cout<<"(col="<<column<<",el="<<elements[k]<<",sol="<<
00114             colsol[column]<<") ";
00115         }
00116         std::cout <<std::endl;
00117       }
00118     }
00119     CoinPackedVector check;
00120     int index[] = {6,32};
00121     double el[] = {1,1};
00122     check.setVector(2,index,el);
00123     assert (osicuts.sizeRowCuts()==2);
00124     // sort Elements in increasing order
00125     CoinPackedVector rpv=osicuts.rowCut(1).row();
00126     rpv.sortIncrIndex();
00127     assert (check==rpv);
00128     assert (osicuts.rowCut(1).lb()==1.0);
00129     // now all variables
00130     osicuts=OsiCuts();
00131     test1.setMode(2);
00132     test1.generateCuts(*siP,osicuts);
00133     nColCuts = osicuts.sizeColCuts();
00134     nRowCuts = osicuts.sizeRowCuts();
00135     std::cout<<"There are "<<nRowCuts<<" probing cuts"<<std::endl;
00136     {
00137       std::cout<<"there are "<<nColCuts<<" probing column cuts"<<std::endl;
00138       const double * lo = siP->getColLower();
00139       const double * up = siP->getColUpper();
00140       for (i=0; i<nColCuts; i++){
00141         OsiColCut ccut;
00142         CoinPackedVector cpv;
00143         ccut = osicuts.colCut(i);
00144         cpv = ccut.lbs();
00145         int n = cpv.getNumElements();
00146         int j;
00147         const int * indices = cpv.getIndices();
00148         double* elements = cpv.getElements();
00149         for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
00150           int icol=indices[j];
00151           if (elements[j]>lo[icol])
00152             std::cout<<"Can increase lb on "<<icol<<" from "<<lo[icol]<<
00153               " to "<<elements[j]<<std::endl;
00154         }
00155         cpv =;
00156         n = cpv.getNumElements();
00157         indices = cpv.getIndices();
00158         elements = cpv.getElements();
00159         for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
00160           int icol=indices[j];
00161           if (elements[j]<up[icol])
00162             std::cout<<"Can decrease ub on "<<icol<<" from "<<up[icol]<<
00163               " to "<<elements[j]<<std::endl;
00164         }
00165       }
00166     }
00167     for (i=0; i<nRowCuts; i++){
00168       OsiRowCut rcut;
00169       CoinPackedVector rpv;
00170       const double * colsol = siP->getColSolution();
00171       rcut = osicuts.rowCut(i);
00172       rpv = rcut.row();
00173       const int n = rpv.getNumElements();
00174       const int * indices = rpv.getIndices();
00175       double* elements = rpv.getElements();
00176       double sum2=0.0;
00177       int k=0;
00178       double;
00179       double ub=rcut.ub();
00180       for (k=0; k<n; k++){
00181         int column=indices[k];
00182         sum2 += colsol[column]*elements[k];
00183       }
00184       if (sum2 >ub + 1.0e-7 ||sum2 < lb - 1.0e-7) {
00185         std::cout<<"Cut "<<i<<" lb "<<lb<<" solution "<<sum2<<" ub "<<ub<<std::endl;
00186         for (k=0; k<n; k++){
00187           int column=indices[k];
00188           std::cout<<"(col="<<column<<",el="<<elements[k]<<",sol="<<
00189             colsol[column]<<") ";
00190         }
00191         std::cout <<std::endl;
00192       }
00193     }
00194     assert (osicuts.sizeRowCuts()==10);
00195     delete siP;
00196   }
00198 }

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:55 2003 for Cgl by doxygen 1.3.5