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00001 // Copyright (C) 2000, International Business Machines
00002 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
00003 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00004 // Turn off compiler warning about long names
00005 #  pragma warning(disable:4786)
00006 #endif
00008 #include <cstdio>
00010 #ifdef NDEBUG
00011 #undef NDEBUG
00012 #endif
00013 #include <cassert>
00015 #include "CglKnapsackCover.hpp"
00016 #include "CoinPackedMatrix.hpp"
00018 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 void
00020 CglKnapsackCoverUnitTest(
00021   const OsiSolverInterface * baseSiP,
00022   const std::string mpsDir )
00023 {
00024   int i;
00025   CoinRelFltEq eq(0.000001);
00027   // Test default constructor
00028   {
00029     CglKnapsackCover kccGenerator;
00030   }
00032   // Test copy & assignment
00033   {
00034     CglKnapsackCover rhs;
00035     {
00036       CglKnapsackCover kccGenerator;
00037       CglKnapsackCover cgC(kccGenerator);
00038       rhs=kccGenerator;
00039     }
00040   }
00043   // test exactSolveKnapsack
00044   {  
00045     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00046     const int n=7;
00047     double c=50;
00048     double p[n] = {70,20,39,37,7,5,10};
00049     double w[n] = {31, 10, 20, 19, 4, 3, 6};
00050     double z;
00051     int x[n];
00052     int exactsol = kccg.exactSolveKnapsack(n, c, p, w, z, x);
00053     assert(exactsol==1);
00054     assert (z == 107);
00055     assert (x[0]==1);
00056     assert (x[1]==0);
00057     assert (x[2]==0);
00058     assert (x[3]==1);
00059     assert (x[4]==0);
00060     assert (x[5]==0);
00061     assert (x[6]==0);
00062   }
00064   /*
00065   // Testcase /u/rlh/osl2/mps/scOneInt.mps
00066   // Model has 3 continous, 2 binary, and 1 general
00067   // integer variable.
00068   {
00069     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00070     int * complement=NULL;
00071     double * xstar=NULL;
00073     siP->readMps("../Mps/scOneInt","mps");
00074     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00075     int nCols=siP->getNumCols();
00077     // Test the siP methods for detecting
00078     // variable type
00079     int numCont=0, numBinary=0, numIntNonBinary=0, numInt=0;
00080     for (int thisCol=0; thisCol<nCols; thisCol++) {
00081       if ( siP->isContinuous(thisCol) ) numCont++;
00082       if ( siP->isBinary(thisCol) ) numBinary++;
00083       if ( siP->isIntegerNonBinary(thisCol) ) numIntNonBinary++;
00084       if ( siP->isInteger(thisCol) ) numInt++;
00085     }
00086     assert(numCont==3);
00087     assert(numBinary==2);
00088     assert(numIntNonBinary==1);
00089     assert(numInt==3);
00092     // Test initializeCutGenerator
00093     siP->initialSolve();
00094     assert(xstar !=NULL);
00095     for (i=0; i<nCols; i++){
00096       assert(complement[i]==0);
00097     }
00098     int nRows=siP->getNumRows();
00099     for (i=0; i<nRows; i++){
00100     int vectorsize = siP->getMatrixByRow()->vectorSize(i);
00101     assert(vectorsize==2);
00102     }
00104     kccg.cleanUpCutGenerator(complement,xstar);
00105     delete siP;
00106   }
00107   */  
00109   // Testcase /u/rlh/osl2/mps/tp3.mps
00110   // Models has 3 cols, 3 rows
00111   // Row 0 yields a knapsack, others do not.
00112   {
00113     // setup
00114     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00115     std::string fn(mpsDir+"tp3");
00116     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");     
00117     // All integer variables should be binary.
00118     // Assert that this is true.
00119     for ( i = 0;  i < siP->getNumCols();  i++ )
00120       if ( siP->isInteger(i) ) 
00121         assert(siP->getColUpper()[i]==1.0 && siP->isBinary(i));  
00122     OsiCuts cs;
00123     CoinPackedVector krow;
00124     double b=0;
00125     int nCols=siP->getNumCols();
00126     int * complement=new int [nCols];
00127     double * xstar=new double [nCols];
00129     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00131     // solve LP relaxation
00132     // a "must" before calling initialization
00133     siP->initialSolve();
00134     assert( eq(siP->getObjValue(), 97.185) );
00135     double mycs[] = {.627, .667558333333, .038};
00136     siP->setColSolution(mycs);
00137     const double *colsol = siP->getColSolution(); 
00138     int k;
00139     for (k=0; k<nCols; k++){
00140       xstar[k]=colsol[k];
00141       complement[k]=0;
00142     }
00144     // test deriveAKnapsack
00145     int rind = ( siP->getRowSense()[0] == 'N' ) ? 1 : 0;
00146     int deriveaknap = kccg.deriveAKnapsack(*siP, cs, krow,b,complement,xstar,rind,siP->getMatrixByRow()->getVector(rind));
00147     assert(deriveaknap ==1);
00148     assert(complement[0]==0);
00149     assert(complement[1]==1);
00150     assert(complement[2]==1);
00151     int inx[3] = {0,1,2};
00152     double el[3] = {161, 120, 68};
00153     CoinPackedVector r;
00154     r.setVector(3,inx,el);
00155     assert (krow == r);
00156     assert (b == 183.0);
00159     // test findGreedyCover 
00160     CoinPackedVector cover,remainder;
00161 #if 0
00162     int findgreedy =  kccg.findGreedyCover( 0, krow, b, xstar, cover, remainder );
00163     assert( findgreedy == 1 );
00164     int coveri = cover.getNumElements();
00165     assert( cover.getNumElements() == 2);
00166     coveri = cover.getIndices()[0];
00167     assert( cover.getIndices()[0] == 0);
00168     assert( cover.getIndices()[1] == 1);
00169     assert( cover.getElements()[0] == 161.0);
00170     assert( cover.getElements()[1] == 120.0);
00171     assert( remainder.getNumElements() == 1);
00172     assert( remainder.getIndices()[0] == 2);
00173     assert( remainder.getElements()[0] == 68.0);
00175     // test liftCoverCut
00176     CoinPackedVector cut;
00177     double * rowupper = ekk_rowupper(model);
00178     double cutRhs = cover.getNumElements() - 1.0;
00179     kccg.liftCoverCut(b, krow.getNumElements(),
00180       cover, remainder,
00181       cut);
00182     assert ( cut.getNumElements() == 3 );
00183     assert ( cut.getIndices()[0] == 0 );
00184     assert ( cut.getIndices()[1] == 1 );
00185     assert ( cut.getIndices()[2] == 2 );
00186     assert( cut.getElements()[0] == 1 );
00187     assert( cut.getElements()[1] == 1 );
00188     assert( eq(cut.getElements()[2], 0.087719) );
00190     // test liftAndUncomplementAndAdd
00191     OsiCuts cuts;    
00192     kccg.liftAndUncomplementAndAdd(*siP.getRowUpper()[0],krow,b,complement,0,
00193       cover,remainder,cuts);   
00194     int sizerowcuts = cuts.sizeRowCuts();
00195     assert ( sizerowcuts== 1 );
00196     OsiRowCut testRowCut = cuts.rowCut(0);
00197     CoinPackedVector testRowPV = testRowCut.row(); 
00198     OsiRowCut sampleRowCut;
00199     const int sampleSize = 3;
00200     int sampleCols[sampleSize]={0,1,2};
00201     double sampleElems[sampleSize]={1.0,-1.0,-0.087719};
00202     sampleRowCut.setRow(sampleSize,sampleCols,sampleElems);
00203     sampleRowCut.setLb(-DBL_MAX);
00204     sampleRowCut.setUb(-0.087719);
00205     bool equiv =  testRowPV.equivalent(sampleRowCut.row(),CoinRelFltEq(1.0e-05) );
00206     assert ( equiv );
00207 #endif
00209     // test find PseudoJohnAndEllisCover
00210     cover.setVector(0,NULL, NULL);
00211     remainder.setVector(0,NULL,NULL);
00213     rind = ( siP->getRowSense()[0] == 'N' ) ? 1 : 0;
00214     int findPJE =  kccg.findPseudoJohnAndEllisCover( rind, krow, 
00215                                                      b, xstar, cover, remainder );
00216     assert( findPJE == 1 );
00217     assert ( cover.getIndices()[0] == 0 );
00218     assert ( cover.getIndices()[1] == 2 );
00219     assert ( cover.getElements()[0] == 161 );    
00220     assert ( cover.getElements()[1] == 68 );    
00221     assert ( remainder.getIndices()[0] == 1 );
00222     assert ( remainder.getElements()[0] == 120 );    
00223     OsiCuts cuts;    
00224     kccg.liftAndUncomplementAndAdd((*siP).getRowUpper()[rind],krow,b, complement, rind,
00225       cover,remainder,cuts);   
00226     assert (cuts.sizeRowCuts() == 1 );
00228     OsiRowCut testRowCut = cuts.rowCut(0);
00229     CoinPackedVector testRowPV = testRowCut.row();
00232     const int sampleSize = 3;
00233     int sampleCols[sampleSize]={0,1,2};
00234     double sampleElems[sampleSize]={1.0, -1.0, -1.0};
00235     OsiRowCut sampleRowCut;
00236     sampleRowCut.setRow(sampleSize,sampleCols,sampleElems);
00237     sampleRowCut.setLb(-DBL_MAX);
00238     sampleRowCut.setUb(-1.0);
00240     // test for 'close enough'
00241     assert( testRowPV.isEquivalent(sampleRowCut.row(),CoinRelFltEq(1.0e-05) ) );
00242     // Reset complement & test next row
00243     for (i=0; i<nCols; i++){
00244       complement[i]=0;
00245     }
00247     rind++;
00248     deriveaknap = kccg.deriveAKnapsack(*siP,cuts,krow,b,complement,xstar,rind,siP->getMatrixByRow()->getVector(rind));
00249     assert(deriveaknap==0);
00251     // Reset complement & test next row
00252     for (i=0; i<nCols; i++){
00253       complement[i]=0;
00254     }
00255     deriveaknap = kccg.deriveAKnapsack(*siP,cuts,krow,b,complement,xstar,2,
00256                                        siP->getMatrixByRow()->getVector(2));
00257     assert(deriveaknap == 0);
00259     // Clean up
00260     delete [] complement;
00261     delete [] xstar;
00263     delete siP;
00264   }
00266 #if 0
00267   // Testcase /u/rlh/osl2/mps/tp4.mps
00268   // Models has 6 cols, 1 knapsack row and 
00269   // 3 rows explicily bounding variables
00270   // Row 0 yields a knapsack cover cut 
00271   // using findGreedyCover which moves the 
00272   // LP objective function value.
00273   {
00274     // Setup
00275     EKKContext * env=ekk_initializeContext();
00276     EKKModel * model = ekk_newModel(env,"");
00277     OsiSolverInterface si(model);
00278     ekk_importModel(model, "tp4.mps");
00279     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00280     kccg.ekk_validateIntType(si);     
00282     // Solve the LP relaxation of the model and
00283     // print out ofv for sake of comparison 
00284     ekk_allSlackBasis(model);
00285     ekk_crash(model,1); 
00286     ekk_primalSimplex(model,1);
00287     double lpRelaxBefore=ekk_getRobjvalue(model);
00288 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00289     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00290 #endif
00292     // Determine if lp sol is ip optimal
00293     // Note: no ekk_function to do this
00294     int nCols=ekk_getInumcols(model);
00295     double * optLpSol = ekk_colsol(model);
00296     int ipOpt = 1;
00297     i=0;
00298     while (i++<nCols && ipOpt){
00299       if(optLpSol[i] < 1.0-1.0e-08 && optLpSol[i]> 1.0e-08) ipOpt = 0;
00300     }
00302     if (ipOpt){
00303 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00304       printf("Lp solution is within ip optimality tolerance\n");
00305 #endif
00306     }    
00307     else {
00308       OsiSolverInterface iModel(model);
00309       OsiCuts cuts;    
00311       // Test generateCuts method
00312       kccg.generateCuts(iModel,cuts);
00313       OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = iModel.applyCuts(cuts);
00315       ekk_mergeBlocks(model,1);         
00316       ekk_dualSimplex(model);
00317       double lpRelaxAfter=ekk_getRobjvalue(model); 
00318 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00319       printf("\n\nFinal LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxAfter);
00320 #endif
00321       assert( lpRelaxBefore < lpRelaxAfter );
00323       // This may need to be updated as other 
00324       // minimal cover finders are added
00325       assert( cuts.sizeRowCuts() == 1 );
00326       OsiRowCut testRowCut = cuts.rowCut(0);
00327       CoinPackedVector testRowPV = testRowCut.row();
00329       OsiRowCut sampleRowCut;
00330       const int sampleSize = 6;
00331       int sampleCols[sampleSize]={0,1,2,3,4,5};
00332       double sampleElems[sampleSize]={1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5, 2.0};
00333       sampleRowCut.setRow(sampleSize,sampleCols,sampleElems);
00334       sampleRowCut.setLb(-DBL_MAX);
00335       sampleRowCut.setUb(3.0);
00336       bool equiv = testRowPV.equivalent(sampleRowCut.row(),CoinRelFltEq(1.0e-05) );
00337       assert( testRowPV.equivalent(sampleRowCut.row(),CoinRelFltEq(1.0e-05) ) );
00338     }
00340     // Exit out of OSL
00341     ekk_deleteModel(model);
00342     ekk_endContext(env);
00344   }
00345 #endif
00348   // Testcase /u/rlh/osl2/mps/tp5.mps
00349   // Models has 6 cols, 1 knapsack row and 
00350   // 3 rows explicily bounding variables
00351   // Row 0 yields a knapsack cover cut 
00352   // using findGreedyCover which moves the 
00353   // LP objective function value.
00354   {
00355     // Setup
00356     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00357     std::string fn(mpsDir+"tp5");
00358     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00359     // All integer variables should be binary.
00360     // Assert that this is true.
00361     for ( i = 0;  i < siP->getNumCols();  i++ )
00362       if ( siP->isInteger(i) ) 
00363         assert(siP->getColUpper()[i]==1.0 && siP->isBinary(i));  
00364     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00366     // Solve the LP relaxation of the model and
00367     // print out ofv for sake of comparison 
00368     siP->initialSolve();
00369     double lpRelaxBefore=siP->getObjValue();
00370     assert( eq(lpRelaxBefore, -51.66666666667) );
00371     double mycs[] = {.8999999999, .899999999999, .89999999999, 1.110223e-16, .5166666666667, 0};
00372     siP->setColSolution(mycs);
00373 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00374     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00375 #endif
00377     // Determine if lp sol is 0/1 optimal
00378     int nCols=siP->getNumCols();
00379     const double * optLpSol = siP->getColSolution();
00380     bool ipOpt = true;
00381     i=0;
00382     while (i++<nCols && ipOpt){
00383       if(optLpSol[i] > kccg.epsilon_ && optLpSol[i] < kccg.onetol_) ipOpt = false;
00384     }
00386     if (ipOpt){
00387 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00388       printf("Lp solution is within ip optimality tolerance\n");
00389 #endif
00390     }    
00391     else {
00392       // set up
00393       OsiCuts cuts;    
00394       CoinPackedVector krow;
00395       double b=0.0;
00396       int * complement=new int[nCols];
00397       double * xstar=new double[nCols];
00398       // initialize cut generator
00399       const double *colsol = siP->getColSolution(); 
00400       for (i=0; i<nCols; i++){
00401         xstar[i]=colsol[i];
00402         complement[i]=0;
00403       }
00404       int row = ( siP->getRowSense()[0] == 'N' ) ? 1 : 0;
00405       // transform row into canonical knapsack form
00406       if (kccg.deriveAKnapsack(*siP, cuts, krow, b, complement, xstar, row,siP->getMatrixByRow()->getVector(row))){
00407         CoinPackedVector cover, remainder;  
00408         // apply greedy logic to detect violated minimal cover inequalities
00409         if (kccg.findGreedyCover(row, krow, b, xstar, cover, remainder) == 1){
00410           // lift, uncomplements, and add cut to cut set
00411           kccg.liftAndUncomplementAndAdd((*siP).getRowUpper()[row],krow, b, complement, row, cover, remainder, cuts);   
00412         }  
00413         // reset optimal column solution (xstar) information in OSL     
00414         const double * rowupper = siP->getRowUpper();
00415         int k;
00416         if (fabs(b-rowupper[row]) > 1.0e-05) {
00417           for(k=0; k<krow.getNumElements(); k++) {
00418             if (complement[krow.getIndices()[k]]){
00419               xstar[krow.getIndices()[k]]= 1.0-xstar[krow.getIndices()[k]];
00420               complement[krow.getIndices()[k]]=0;
00421             }
00422           }
00423         }  
00424         // clean up
00425         delete [] complement;
00426         delete [] xstar;
00427       }
00428       // apply the cuts
00429       OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = siP->applyCuts(cuts);
00431       siP->resolve();
00432       double lpRelaxAfter=siP->getObjValue();
00433       assert( eq(lpRelaxAfter, -30.0) );
00434 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00435       printf("\n\nFinal LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxAfter);
00436 #endif
00437       // test that expected cut was detected
00438       assert( lpRelaxBefore < lpRelaxAfter );
00439       assert( cuts.sizeRowCuts() == 1 );
00440       OsiRowCut testRowCut = cuts.rowCut(0);
00441       CoinPackedVector testRowPV = testRowCut.row();
00442       OsiRowCut sampleRowCut;
00443       const int sampleSize = 6;
00444       int sampleCols[sampleSize]={0,1,2,3,4,5};
00445       double sampleElems[sampleSize]={1.0,1.0,1.0,0.25,1.0,2.0};
00446       sampleRowCut.setRow(sampleSize,sampleCols,sampleElems);
00447       sampleRowCut.setLb(-DBL_MAX);
00448       sampleRowCut.setUb(3.0);
00449       assert(testRowPV.isEquivalent(sampleRowCut.row(),CoinRelFltEq(1.0e-05)));
00450     }
00452     delete siP;
00453   }
00456   // Testcase /u/rlh/osl2/mps/p0033
00457   // Miplib3 problem p0033
00458   // Test that no cuts chop off the optimal solution
00459   {
00460     // Setup
00461     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00462     std::string fn(mpsDir+"p0033");
00463     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00464     // All integer variables should be binary.
00465     // Assert that this is true.
00466     for ( i = 0;  i < siP->getNumCols();  i++ )
00467       if ( siP->isInteger(i) ) 
00468         assert(siP->getColUpper()[i]==1.0 && siP->isBinary(i));  
00469     int nCols=siP->getNumCols();
00470     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00472     // Solve the LP relaxation of the model and
00473     // print out ofv for sake of comparison 
00474     siP->initialSolve();
00475     double lpRelaxBefore=siP->getObjValue();
00476     assert( eq(lpRelaxBefore, 2520.5717391304347) );
00477     double mycs[] = {0, 1, 0, 0, -2.0837010502455788e-19, 1, 0, 0, 1,
00478                        0.021739130434782594, 0.35652173913043478, 
00479                        -6.7220534694101275e-18, 5.3125906451789717e-18, 
00480                        1, 0, 1.9298798670241979e-17, 0, 0, 0,
00481                        7.8875708048320448e-18, 0.5, 0, 
00482                        0.85999999999999999, 1, 1, 0.57999999999999996,
00483                        1, 0, 1, 0, 0.25, 0, 0.67500000000000004};
00484     siP->setColSolution(mycs);
00485 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00486     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00487 #endif
00489     OsiCuts cuts;    
00491     // Test generateCuts method
00492     kccg.generateCuts(*siP,cuts);
00493     OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = siP->applyCuts(cuts);
00495     siP->resolve();
00496     double lpRelaxAfter=siP->getObjValue(); 
00497     assert( eq(lpRelaxAfter, 2829.0597826086955) );
00498 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00499     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00500     printf("\n\nFinal LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxAfter);
00501 #endif
00502     assert( lpRelaxBefore < lpRelaxAfter );
00504     // the CoinPackedVector p0033 is the optimal
00505     // IP solution to the miplib problem p0033
00506     int objIndices[14] = { 
00507        0,  6,  7,  9, 13, 17, 18,
00508       22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 };
00509     CoinPackedVector p0033(14,objIndices,1.0);
00511     // Sanity check
00512     const double *  objective=siP->getObjCoefficients();
00513     double ofv =0 ;
00514     int r;
00515     for (r=0; r<nCols; r++){
00516       ofv=ofv + p0033[r]*objective[r];
00517     }
00518     CoinRelFltEq eq;
00519     assert( eq(ofv,3089.0) );
00521     int nRowCuts = cuts.sizeRowCuts();
00522     OsiRowCut rcut;
00523     CoinPackedVector rpv;
00524     for (i=0; i<nRowCuts; i++){
00525       rcut = cuts.rowCut(i);
00526       rpv = rcut.row();
00527       double p0033Sum = (rpv*p0033).sum();
00528       assert (p0033Sum <= rcut.ub() );
00529     }
00531     delete siP;
00532   } 
00534   // if a debug file is there then look at it
00535   {
00536     FILE * fp = fopen("knapsack.debug","r");
00537     if (fp) {
00538       int ncol,nel;
00539       double up;
00540       fscanf(fp,"%d %d %lg",&ncol,&nel,&up);
00541       printf("%d columns, %d elements, upper %g\n",ncol,nel,up);
00542       double * sol1 = new double[nel];
00543       double * el1 = new double[nel];
00544       int * col1 = new int[nel];
00545       int * start = new int[ncol+1];
00546       memset(start,0,ncol*sizeof(int));
00547       int * row = new int[nel];
00548       int i;
00549       for (i=0;i<nel;i++) {
00550         fscanf(fp,"%d %lg %lg",col1+i,el1+i,sol1+i);
00551         printf("[%d, e=%g, v=%g] ",col1[i],el1[i],sol1[i]);
00552         start[col1[i]]=1;
00553         row[i]=0;
00554       }
00555       printf("\n");
00556       // Setup
00557       OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00559       double lo=-1.0e30;
00560       double * upper = new double[ncol];
00561       start[ncol]=nel;
00562       int last=0;
00563       for (i=0;i<ncol;i++) {
00564         upper[i]=1.0;
00565         int marked=start[i];
00566         start[i]=last;
00567         if (marked)
00568           last++;
00569       }
00570       siP->loadProblem(ncol,1,start,row,el1,NULL,upper,NULL,&lo,&up);
00571       // use upper for solution
00572       memset(upper,0,ncol*sizeof(double));
00573       for (i=0;i<nel;i++) {
00574         int icol=col1[i];
00575         upper[icol]=sol1[i];
00576         siP->setInteger(icol);
00577       }
00578       siP->setColSolution(upper);
00579       delete [] sol1;
00580       delete [] el1;
00581       delete [] col1;
00582       delete [] start;
00583       delete [] row;
00584       delete [] upper;
00585       CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00587       OsiCuts cuts;    
00589       // Test generateCuts method
00590       kccg.generateCuts(*siP,cuts);
00591       // print out and compare to known cuts
00592       int numberCuts = cuts.sizeRowCuts();
00593       if (numberCuts) {
00594         for (i=0;i<numberCuts;i++) {
00595           OsiRowCut * thisCut = cuts.rowCutPtr(i);
00596           int n=thisCut->row().getNumElements();
00597           printf("Cut %d has %d entries, rhs %g %g =>",i,n,thisCut->lb(),
00598                  thisCut->ub());
00599           int j;
00600           const int * index = thisCut->row().getIndices();
00601           const double * element = thisCut->row().getElements();
00602           for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
00603             printf(" (%d,%g)",index[j],element[j]);
00604           }
00605           printf("\n");
00606         }
00607       }
00608       fclose(fp);
00609     }
00610   }
00612   // Testcase /u/rlh/osl2/mps/p0201
00613   // Miplib3 problem p0282
00614   // Test that no cuts chop off the optimal ip solution
00615   {
00616     // Setup
00617     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00618     std::string fn(mpsDir+"p0201");
00619     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");
00620     // All integer variables should be binary.
00621     // Assert that this is true.
00622     for ( i = 0;  i < siP->getNumCols();  i++ )
00623       if ( siP->isInteger(i) ) 
00624         assert(siP->getColUpper()[i]==1.0 && siP->isBinary(i));    
00626     const int nCols=siP->getNumCols();
00627     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00629     // Solve the LP relaxation of the model and
00630     // print out ofv for sake of comparisn 
00631     siP->initialSolve();
00632     double lpRelaxBefore=siP->getObjValue();
00633     assert( eq(lpRelaxBefore, 6875.) );
00634     double mycs[] =
00635       {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
00636        0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 
00637        0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 
00638        0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 
00639        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 
00640        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
00641        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
00642        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
00643        0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
00644        0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
00645        1};
00646     siP->setColSolution(mycs);
00647 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00648     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00649 #endif
00651     OsiCuts cuts;    
00653     // Test generateCuts method
00654     kccg.generateCuts(*siP,cuts);
00655     OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = siP->applyCuts(cuts);
00657     siP->resolve();
00658     double lpRelaxAfter=siP->getObjValue(); 
00659     assert( eq(lpRelaxAfter, 7125) );
00660 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00661     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00662     printf("\n\nFinal LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxAfter);
00663 #endif
00664     assert( lpRelaxBefore < lpRelaxAfter );
00666     // Optimal IP solution to p0201    
00667     int objIndices[22] = { 8, 10,  21,  38,  39,  56,
00668       60,   74, 79,  92, 94, 110, 111, 128, 132, 146, 
00669       151,164, 166, 182,183, 200 };
00670     CoinPackedVector p0201(22,objIndices,1.0);
00672     // Sanity check
00673     const double *  objective=siP->getObjCoefficients();
00674     double ofv =0 ;
00675     int r;
00676     for (r=0; r<nCols; r++){
00677       ofv=ofv + p0201[r]*objective[r];
00678     }
00679     CoinRelFltEq eq;
00680     assert( eq(ofv,7615.0) );
00681     //printf("p0201 optimal ofv = %g\n",ofv); 
00683     int nRowCuts = cuts.sizeRowCuts();
00684     OsiRowCut rcut;
00685     CoinPackedVector rpv;
00686     for (i=0; i<nRowCuts; i++){
00687       rcut = cuts.rowCut(i);
00688       rpv = rcut.row();
00689       double p0201Sum = (rpv*p0201).sum();
00690       assert (p0201Sum <= rcut.ub() );
00691     }
00693     delete siP;
00694   } 
00697   // see if I get the same covers that N&W get
00698   {
00699     OsiSolverInterface * siP=baseSiP->clone();
00700     std::string fn(mpsDir+"nw460");
00701     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");   
00702     // All integer variables should be binary.
00703     // Assert that this is true.
00704     for ( i = 0;  i < siP->getNumCols();  i++ )
00705       if ( siP->isInteger(i) ) 
00706         assert(siP->getColUpper()[i]==1.0 && siP->isBinary(i));  
00707     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00709     // Solve the LP relaxation of the model and
00710     // print out ofv for sake of comparison 
00711     siP->initialSolve();
00712     double lpRelaxBefore=siP->getObjValue();
00713     assert( eq(lpRelaxBefore, -225.68951787852194) );
00714     double mycs[] = {0.7099213482046447, 0, 0.34185802225477174, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0};
00715     siP->setColSolution(mycs);
00717     OsiCuts cuts;    
00719     // Test generateCuts method
00720     kccg.generateCuts(*siP,cuts);
00721     OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = siP->applyCuts(cuts);
00723     siP->resolve();
00724     double lpRelaxAfter=siP->getObjValue(); 
00725     assert( eq(lpRelaxAfter, -176) );
00726 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00727     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00728     printf("\n\nFinal LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxAfter);
00729 #endif
00730 #ifdef MJS
00731     assert( lpRelaxBefore < lpRelaxAfter );
00732 #endif    
00734     int nRowCuts = cuts.sizeRowCuts();
00735     OsiRowCut rcut;
00736     CoinPackedVector rpv;
00737     for (i=0; i<nRowCuts; i++){
00738       rcut = cuts.rowCut(i);
00739       rpv = rcut.row();
00740       int j;
00741       printf("Row cut number %i has rhs = %g\n",i,rcut.ub());
00742       for (j=0; j<rpv.getNumElements(); j++){
00743         printf("index %i, element %g\n", rpv.getIndices()[j], rpv.getElements()[j]);
00744       }
00745       printf("\n");
00746     }
00747     delete siP; 
00748   }
00750   // Debugging: try "exmip1.mps"
00751   {
00752     // Setup
00753     OsiSolverInterface  * siP = baseSiP->clone();
00754     std::string fn(mpsDir+"exmip1");
00755     siP->readMps(fn.c_str(),"mps");   
00756     // All integer variables should be binary.
00757     // Assert that this is true.
00758     for ( i = 0;  i < siP->getNumCols();  i++ )
00759       if ( siP->isInteger(i) ) 
00760         assert(siP->getColUpper()[i]==1.0 && siP->isBinary(i));  
00761     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00763     // Solve the LP relaxation of the model and
00764     // print out ofv for sake of comparison 
00765     siP->initialSolve();
00766     double lpRelaxBefore=siP->getObjValue();
00767     assert( eq(lpRelaxBefore, 3.2368421052631575) );
00768     double mycs[] = {2.5, 0, 0, 0.6428571428571429, 0.5, 4, 0, 0.26315789473684253};
00769     siP->setColSolution(mycs);
00770     // Test generateCuts method
00771     OsiCuts cuts;    
00772     kccg.generateCuts(*siP,cuts);
00773     OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode rc = siP->applyCuts(cuts);
00775     siP->resolve();
00776     double lpRelaxAfter=siP->getObjValue();
00777     assert( eq(lpRelaxAfter, 3.2368421052631575) );
00778 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00779     printf("\n\nOrig LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxBefore);
00780     printf("\n\nFinal LP min=%f\n",lpRelaxAfter);
00781 #endif
00782     assert( lpRelaxBefore <= lpRelaxAfter );
00784     delete siP;
00785   } 
00787 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00788   // See what findLPMostViolatedMinCover for knapsack with 2 elements does
00789   {
00790     int nCols = 2;
00791     int row = 1;
00792     CoinPackedVector krow;
00793     double e[2] = {5,10};
00794     int ii[2] = {0,1};
00795     krow.setVector(nCols,ii,e);
00796     double b=11;
00797     double xstar[2] = {.2,.9};
00798     CoinPackedVector cover;
00799     CoinPackedVector remainder;
00800     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00801     kccg.findLPMostViolatedMinCover(nCols, row, krow, b, xstar, cover, remainder);
00802     printf("num in cover = %i\n",cover.getNumElements());
00803     int j;
00804     for (j=0; j<cover.getNumElements(); j++){
00805       printf(" index %i element % g\n", cover.getIndices()[j], cover.getElements()[j]);
00806     }
00807   }
00808 #endif 
00810 #ifdef CGL_DEBUG
00811   // see what findLPMostViolatedMinCover does
00812   {
00813     int nCols = 5;
00814     int row = 1;
00815     CoinPackedVector krow;
00816     double e[5] = {1,1,1,1,10};
00817     int ii[5] = {0,1,2,3,4};
00818     krow.setVector(nCols,ii,e);
00819     double b=11;
00820     double xstar[5] = {.9,.9,1,1,.1};
00821     CoinPackedVector cover;
00822     CoinPackedVector remainder;
00823     CglKnapsackCover kccg;
00824     kccg.findLPMostViolatedMinCover(nCols, row, krow, b, xstar, cover, remainder);
00825     printf("num in cover = %i\n",cover.getNumElements());
00826     int j;
00827     for (j=0; j<cover.getNumElements(); j++){
00828       printf(" index %i element % g\n", cover.getIndices()[j], cover.getElements()[j]);
00829     }
00830   }
00831 #endif
00833 }

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:34:55 2003 for Cgl by doxygen 1.3.5