Aida Khajavirad

I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Lehigh University. Prior to joining Lehigh, I worked as a visiting Assistant Professor at the department of Management Science & Information Systems at the Rutgers Business School. From August 2014 to August 2016, I worked as an Assistant Professor in the Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Program at the University of Texas at Austin.  Before that, I was a Research Scientist at the Department of Business Analytics and Mathematical Sciences at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. I received my PhD in 2012 from Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Professor Nick Sahinidis.

My research goal is to advance the state-of-the-art in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization (MINLP) at theoretical, algorithmic, and software levels. Recently, I have become interested in developing efficient optimization algorithms with performance guarantees for data science applications. My research builds upon ideas from convex analysis and optimization, integer programming and combinatorial optimization, and high dimensional probability.

My work has been recognized by the 2017 Young Researchers Prize by INFORMS Optimization Society and 2023 INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) prize by INFORMS Computing Society. My research has been funded by NSF, DOE, and AFOSR. Since 2020, I am an associate editor for Journal of Global Optimization.