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tutorial:vpn [2014/08/28 16:13]
sertalpbilal created
tutorial:vpn [2024/09/05 16:51] (current)
mjm519 [Lehigh SSH Jumphost]
Line 6: Line 6:
 Lehigh LTS provides [[|Cisco VPN software]] with easy installation steps. Software can be downloaded from Lehigh Software web page and you can follow the [[|instructions here]]. Lehigh LTS provides [[|Cisco VPN software]] with easy installation steps. Software can be downloaded from Lehigh Software web page and you can follow the [[|instructions here]].
 +====== Lehigh SSH Jumphost ======
 +Lehigh University offers ssh access to system via a Jumphost. The jumphost - **** - requires dual authentication via Duo. The link below provides instructions and links to help you set up SSH access to the jumphost. 
 +**We are recommending that a password protected key be used when accessing from off campus to protect the integrity of internal IT resources.**
 +__Please review the best practices from the website:__
 +**Best Security Practices**
 +  * **Always protect your key pair with a passphrase.**
 +  * Use a strong passphrase just as you would for your password.
 +  * **Do not use your password as your passphrase.**
 +  * Do not write your password/passphrase and store at a place that anyone can access for e.g. post-it note on your monitor.
 +  * Verify only your account has access to ssh keys by running chmod 700 ~/.ssh.
 +  * Never share your private key and/or your passphrase/password.
 +  * Always store your credentials in ssh-agent with a definite lifetime.
 +  * Change your passphrase as regularly as you change your password.
 +  * Do not use reuse your password and passphrase.
 +  * Limit the number of systems that you log in from.
 +[[|For more information please review this link.]]
tutorial/vpn.1409256828.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/08/28 16:13 by sertalpbilal